Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

i was going to use syrup myself until i searched the net and found out that molasses is not refined as much as syrup, its not the sugar content we are after its all the other stuff thats in it that benefits the plant, ill try and find the info i was reading and copy n paste it for you, but your right about the sugar been pretty similar but someone posted in my journal a while back that molasses contains what the plants need where as syrup is refined more so it has much less in it that benefits the plants,

basically in a soil grow molasses feeds the soil which then feeds the plants, the microbes in the soil provide what the plants need, when the plants is growing the roots are releasing sugar into the soil which is what keeps the microbes happy, indoors the soil starts to die if you like so we use teas to introduce new microbes and this is what benefits the plants, the high brix method and super soil method is all about feeding the soil and not the plants, if you keep the soil happy and healthy then they keep the plants happy and growing like crazy, molasses can also be used in hydro and dwc but the downside is that the bad microbes can then grow as it dont have enough of the good microbes to kill off the bad microbes so you can end up with problems in dwc and hydro grows if used often and if you dont clean the res out, if the bad microbes grow quicker than the good microbes then you have root rot and slime in dwc/hydro

but in soil all your doing is giving the soil food which then keeps the good microbes very happy and these then keep the plant happy, you can do this with regular syrup or even un-bleached sugar, but molasses also provides nutrients that the plant can use which syrup or treacle dont have as its refined at higher temperatures so it removes all the good stuff, its why h&b sell molasses as your suppose to take a tea spoon a day to keep yourself healthy, they dont sell syrup or treacle for people to take so clear molasses has more to it,

@Spimp it depends who you see, i dont buy bud anymore but an 8th was always £20 not now they sell 8ths as 2g per 8th so your still paying £20 and not even getting an 8th, so your really paying £20 for 2g of bud, if you did want an 8th then your looking at £30 an 8th, so if i was selling id be well off, i just dont want to go down that road though, but with cheese your looking at 1.7g for £20, its why i walked off and didnt pay £20 as the bag was tiny and when i weighed it it was 1.7g.

put it this way you can pay £140 for 14g on the streets, if i was selling then id be doing 3.5g for £20 like it always was, it dont cost anymore to grow so not sure why prices have shot up over the last 5 years, i agree cheese is 4 or 5 times as strong as skunk or any other bud but it dont cost more to grow so should not cost anymore to buy, my sisters friend pays £140 for half oz and makes money from that, if i was selling id be doing halfs for around £60 no matter what strain it was,

ive got big buddha cheese growing at the minute and its stinking the place out even in veg so clearly its should be the true cheese, i know big buddha was lucky enough to get the uk clone only version and get it back to where he grows and produced his own fem seeds, but the only 2 strains i can vouch for that came from the uk clone only version is exodus cheese and big buddha cheese, but if this big buddha cheese dont turn out to be the same as the uk clone only version then ill take a trip down south to a friend who has got a mother plant of the original cheese from the early 80s, so i got that option if i need it, he also has mother plants of jack flash from the 70s which is his best seller down south, i love jack flash because its such a tangy smoke, its the best bud ive ever had, not the strongest but tastes so damn nice, so hopefully the flash i got growing is the true flash, if not again ill get some clones from down south but means ill need to take a weekend away as its 260 mile each way then i got to drive back with clones and get on a ferry with them, so bit risky but possible if i need to,

so yep 14g is around £140 and you probably end up with more stems than bud, 8ths now weigh 1.7g for £20 where it was always 3.5g or 3.0g depending on who you bought from,
hash is £10 for 7g and has been for years, it used to be £10 for 3.5g but ive always got 7g for £10 or 2x 8ths,
when i was selling years ago i used to do 3.5g 8ths and 3.0g 8ths if i paid a bit more for the bud, but it was around £100 to £130 for an oz and nows its nearly £300 quid, so big money to be made if anyone wanted to sell, but its not something i want to get into, i have the odd smoke with my sister and sort her out with a bit of bud but i dont sell to her and i dont want people knowing im growing, but you could get rich very quick with prices like that, imagine if i hit the streets with 3.5g 8ths for £20, id have people queing up around the block to buy some,

i would not pay £20 for 1.7g its why i gave him £10 as i honestly thought he had give me a teenth, then he said its an 8th, so their was no way i was paying anymore and when i weighed it i was glad i never,

@miwa, cheese is pretty potent mate, it started life as skunk#1 in the uk, it was cloned over many generations then it suddenly started to smell different and the strength was much stronger, im thinking maybe they had a clone that turned polyploid on them and that has changed the genetics and give it the pungent smell and the very high thc and cbd levels, neither me or my sister can finish a spliff of cheese and ive been smoking bud for 15 years and she a bit less, i can smoke skunk all day long but this cheese has me beat pretty damn quick, so if you try it go with exodus cheese or big buddha cheese, but its not the same as uk cheese then ill pick up some clones and make my own fem seeds, then i can donate a few to some friends and they can then try the uk cheese,
What is polyploid ? Dp
And about the molasses..... Thankyou for opening my eyes a little. H&b have me back as a regular.... I used to be in every weekend years ago buying shakes n bars lol
Your friend with the mothers sounds a bit of a grand master..... And with ur drivin distances I'd bet your within 50miles of me on this our planet Sirius lol
Day 18 Flower

Picture time :)
Pepper jacke, training for this girl is almost over she is well in flower now with her numerous tops :)


Left super lemon haze- hairs on every top but not finished stretch yet so training to continue


Right super lemon haze same story as left


Group shot again

Wow 2 days away and had to read loads to catch up, lovin your girls sir! May they continue to stretch nice and fat for ya my friend. The polypoid you asked about are mad plants that are genetically manipulated. By some brainiac, I think he was Japanese (not sure) Anyway these were the reason of the name for G13 seeds it was a US government exp and apparently some of these originals were stolen. then their liniage was born and used and crossed etc. A polypoid plant grows slower but is extremely strong, they have a mad make up and bud formation. Also they are stupid money, you could pay thousands for one girl. Very rare and hard to grow. Some of this might be wrong just going from memory. Donpaul knows more though and sure he will info bomb ya if wanted to know more.
Keep it green and stretchin my m8!
Arrrrrr yes I remember now briefly a conversation on fishcakes journal about this. Thanks light addict :)
Yea I do get a few comments over here and I'm gratefull to you all for stopping by whenever use can :)
@miwa, cheese is pretty potent mate, it started life as skunk#1 in the uk,it was cloned over many generations then it suddenly started to smell different and the strength was much stronger, im thinking maybe they had a clone that turned polyploid on them and that has changed the genetics and give it the pungent smell and the very high thc and cbd levels, neither me or my sister can finish a spliff of cheese and ive been smoking bud for 15 years and she a bit less, i can smoke skunk all day long but this cheese has me beat pretty damn quick, so if you try it go with exodus cheese or big buddha cheese, but its not the same as uk cheese then ill pick up some clones and make my own fem seeds, then i can donate a few to some friends and they can then try the uk cheese,

That's true, DP :)

This is from issue 65 of W*** W****magazine, by the original breeder of Cheese, Wing Commander Blue...

The true origin of UK Cheese

I recently went on holiday to the Canary Islands, a friend of mine gave me a copy of Weed World magazine to read while I was there (issue 56). To my surprise, was the article by Big Buddha Cheese? On reading this I decide to tell the story from the beginning.

Back in the late 80’s early 90’s, a friend-of-a-friend of mine came back from the Sensi Seed Bank in Amsterdam with some seeds.

Most of the plants were males but 4 of them were girls – 3 of the 4 were wankers and one was kind of OK. This plant was cloned and passed on to 3 or 4 different people who grew it alongside some Northern Lights and Silver Pearl plants in their well built grow rooms.

I am 45 years old now and have been growing my own weed for about 25 years, 10 of them outside in the wild.

My best friend and I decided that we would build ourselves our own grow rooms but didn’t see the need for getting too technical so, we made them out of anything we could lay our hands on – we called them “orange crates” coz that’s what they looked like.

As for lighting, we went on a commando raid to a local disused cement factory and helped ourselves to some Sodium and Metal Halide 400’s. We made our own shades from some aluminium sheeting from a local scrap yard.

Now all we needed was some nice cuttings. I managed to get some N/L and S/P plants and also one of the Skunks. Most of the other growers concentrated on the N/L and S/P because they are good all rounders.

I think one of the Skunks went to Crewe and another to Cornwall. I quite liked the Skunk so I kept it going. Now over the next 7 or 8 years of constant cloning, the Skunk started changing – don’t know why – it just did. It started to get really smelly – I mean really stink. The smell would get everywhere and I was often creosoting the fence to try and mask the smell (a little tip there for Cheese farmers, creosote or burnt toast). Cropping was a nightmare and I wouldn’t even go out because people would often say “you stink”.

I was giving some of this weed to my close friends and they all loved it and, as the taste was changing it seemed the strength was too. This weed had become so strong and so smelly that it reminded me of something I had smelt before, but I couldn’t think what it was. Then one day the penny dropped.

When I was 17 or 18 and living at home with my parents, I would go out a lot with a friend who worked in a food essence factory. Some days I would see him and he would stink of all different kind of things: fish, beef, vanilla etc. He would bring me small test tubes of concentrated liquids home and use them in my fishing bait (the carp loved the vanilla). One day he put one under my nose and said “smell this one, its called blue cheese, and it’s a real minger”.

This was the smell I had been trying to remember. The weed smelt just like it and so she was born. I gave the weed the name “Cheese”.

The only cuttings I let out were to people who were incapable of doing their own cloning and only wanted a plant for their own garden in the summer months.

Another close friend of mine, known as “Of the Hill”, came to me one day and asked me if I would do him 21 cuttings as he was building a big lab for the Exodus people in Luton. I was a bit unsure of this as I didn’t know ay of these people but, I did it for him because he is a good egg and has dug me out of plenty of holes over the years. Anyway, off he went with his cuttings and I didn’t here too much more about it, other than a good harvest festival was had.

“Of the Hill” arranged for a cutting to make it’s way to a coffee shop in Amsterdam in 2003 (Home Grown Fantasy). It was cloned and put on the menu as ‘Cheese’ and went on to claim 3rd place in the cannabis cup in 2004.

I recently met an American at a Hawkwind gig in London who had heard of the Cheese in Washington. He had come to the UK to see Hawkwind and smoke Cheese. His face lit up when I pulled a big fat Cheese straw out of my pocket!

It’s kind of annoying really – I wish I could have put a patent on the word “Cheese” in the context of marijuana but, it’s kind of difficult when things are illegal.

All over the place now I hear people calling all sorts of weed “Cheese” and I say to them “no mate, this is Cheese”.

As for Mr Big Buddha? I have plenty of respect for him, but the Cheese is not yours no matter what you call it and, as for crossing her? She does need help –over the years she has started to show signs of stress.

Growers will notice that some plants get brown spotty leaves during growing & flowering that results In leaf drop. I don’t know what the cause is, it’s not the soil, the water, the food, or the air quality (possibly a virus of some kind), so I suppose a cross of some kind to introduce some new vigour to her would be a good thing so, like I said, respect to Big Buddha for trying.

So for nearly 14 years, the Cheese was living at only a couple of places but now it seems to be everywhere for people to enjoy.

I don’t know what she has become – some sort of mutant freak, but she sure hits the spot and everyone who smokes her loves her to pieces.

So there you have it – the truth about the origin of Cheese. You can all rejoice that I kept her going for all these years and now you all know how it came about its name.

In the grand scheme of things it’s not very much, but I wanted to set the record straight.

Wing Commander Blue
Awesome post Ricorico, I'm a fan of cheese here in UK but the problems are its so stinky its a real worry to smoke. My friend down the road smokes it all the time and you can be 50ft down the road from his house and you can smell it. The other problem is it caused quality to drop in weed here in the UK. What I mean is that as my old supplier once told me. if you ever want to sell your stuff just grow cheese, it doesn't even matter how good it is or whether its finished properly or not. It just sells no matter the quality. This has been true on many occasions since when I've had to buy some, it might stink like hell but has little effects all told.
That said when done properly its the dogs danglies! It just became so absolutely saturated with it around where I am that I went off it slightly.
Good weed Alex and everyone and Thanks for the info DP.
Here its usually $60/e or20/g. Discounts on bigger quanities. 7g's about 110, half 200 etc. Unfortunately too much money on to be made on the hard stuff so hash is really hard to find. and when you do its 25$/g for probably year old crap. You can get seedy brickbud for $25/Q but for that price it can literally smell like it was smuggled in a gas tank. Not the nice 'diesel' smell, straight petro. Disgusting.
Wow RICO super post.... Those reps I gave u earlier can be for that post :) lol
Black cat 1 there's no cheese around my parts.... The local scrotes would tell me "aw mate this smoke is lethal"
" it's blue this or blue the other- purple this or silver that" I told a couple there weed was shit.... They don't lie anymore.... Most they say is this is fairly good smoke today alex. Or this is the best I have for now il sort u tomorrow lol

Stroll on harvest time
We don't get brick weed here were I am spimp not as in how iv seen it online like whole plants compacted... Iv never seen that in my area.
We used to get a lot of "blow" (canabis block resin) the dark brown type.not so much of that here now though I think with how easy accessible cannabis is now. Years ago when I smoked blow most all the weed n blow was brought from overseas so 9oz vac packed resin bars was easy to hide and import were as these days weed is grown here a lot more n it's readily available. Think that's why I don't see blow anymore..... Although donP said its wick with the stuff were he is.... I remember being 14/15 down the woods with my two close friends Scott n Paul plus a 2litre bottle of cola plus a 12 pack of crisps n a few packs of biscuits and a home made bong! A tenna deal would last us the whole Sunday afternoon.... Giggles galore. Those were good days. Would u believe Paul went on to become a g.p and iv not seen Scott in years.... Shame but times move on
the cheese is the money my friend, my source in the uk was part of the group that grew the clones and produced the cheese, they are a small community and they used to give clones away so i can still get clones from the true uk cheese and true jack flash,

its just pretty shocking how a strain can change like that, again it could be down to some polyploid coming out caused by to much defol method early in veg,
polyploid is a superbud, the link below tells you all you need to know,
the only sure method to produce a polyploid is to use a certaint root but its pretty poisenous, then the seeds get soaked in it and only a couple will survive, if one or 2 do survive then you might get a poly,

the G13 is supposedly from the polyploid cross, its in the link, but if you look at the name, G13, whats the 13th letter of the alphabet, =M, so G13 turns into GM, genetically modified, its suppose to be a clone that was stolen from a lab, the clone was from a poly and it was crossed with another strain and it produced G13, polyploid is suppose to have double the thc levels and cbn levels, so im thinking this could of happened to the cheese strain,

but basically if you dont have cheese over here you aint making any cash, people only want cheese, its why its all you can get, its just so damn strong so your money goes a lot further and the bud last much longer, but prices did go up pretty quick once it got around, so now prices are stupid high, its just to potent though for an everyday smoke, you couldnt smoke it then go out, you just cant move its that strong, you can smell it for a good distance, its just a strong dank cheese smell, hopefully the big buddha cheese is the same as its from the same group of people. so fingers crossed its the same strain, it was clone only for many years and they used to give clones away when they had getherings, but its now in seed form and only in fem seed, anyone else selling cheese in regular form is never going to be the genuine cheese, its clone only so this means your only going to produce fem seeds. so big buddha and exodus cheese is suppose to be the real deal, if not ill be heading to the very small island just south of the uk, i lived their for many years and everyone grows down them side.

but trust me most of the cheese strains are not cheese and dont have any cheese in them, as far as i know only big buddha and exodus have the true cheese, anything else is just called cheese to bump the seed price up, fair enough it might be crosssed with the cheese or could of bought big buddha seeds and renamed it as their own cheese, if i hear of any other breeders getting hold of the clone then ill post info but i can only vouch for big buddha and exodus at the mintute, but until ive sampled the end results i wont know 100% if im right, if im wrong then ill go and get 5 or 10 clones and produce as many fem seeds as i can, so at the minute i got big buddha cheese growing and jack flash, if their nothing like the true strains then ill take a trip and get my some clones.

@AleX nice find on the molasses mate, its going to work much better than the syrups.
heres the info on the polyploid or super bud, theirs suppose to be a few strains out their now that have been crossed with a polyploid, if you use your search engine and search for polyploid cannabis you will see the images of the results, ive tried hard to stress young plants to turn into a polyploid as its suppose to be possible if you strip a plant bare a few time but ive not managed to grow a poly yet, if i do it will be used for crossing with other strains as its not very stable on its own,
actually just checked i cant pot the link as their site advertises seeds at the bottom, ill copy and past the info into my next post.
im in the midlands mate give or take a few mile,
molasses will work much better as it has more micro nutrients in it or what ever else it has, the syrup and treacle is more refined so contains mainly sugar which does benefit the soil then that benefits the plant as the plant releases sugar into the soil so the beneficial bacteria live off this and help the plant take up nutrients a bit better so growth is increased, im not sure you can give to much molasses but dont quote me on it its just something i came across a while back, i only use it in flower and only a few times.

heres that polyploid info, it lists several strains which are suppose to be from a polyploid cross, im thinking that this could of happened to the cheese strain, if it did then it would explain why its so damb potent, but i know if you buy bud on the streets you can only get cheese, if another seller dont have cheese then they bud is going for £15 an 8th instead of nearly £40, so its really screwed the market up, but if you want quality and your bud to last long then go with the cheese, but its just to potent for some, my sister has smoked for 10 years and she wont buy cheese, she says its way to strong, considering she usually smokes and 8th or 1/4 a day it says a lot about cheese, i cant finish a cheese spliff on my own, half and im done and sinking back into the sofa,

if big buddha cheese is the real deal then it will be cloned and ill produce fem seeds, so far it stinks and its only just gone 12-12 but its had a strong smell all the way through veg, but i cant just go on that as the gdp cheese strain i made is also super stinky in veg,


Origins of Pink Kush, OG Kush, Chemdawg:

During my research of polyploid cannabis. I have come up with what I believe to be the initial source of this super weed. UBC Professor David Suzuki, doing genetic research (1977), created a polyploid plant (tetraploid) by treating it with colchicine based upon the work of Menzel/Brown and Warmke. This plant was originally a hybrid of Thai (sativa) x Purple Afghani (indica) and was then treated with Colchicine (Autumn Locus bulb). There are certainly other clones that were created by other breeders, especially in Hawaii, but the initial commercial tetraploid was developed in B.C. by the Canadian Government and UBC for Cancer patients. I would estimate that the THC content of polyploids to be well over 30% and maybe up to 40% if grown correctly. Fully grown mother tetraploid plants have been known to sell for $10,000. Clones have been known to sell for $1,000 in the past compared to the standard $5-7 range for diploid clones. Tetraploids are extremely difficult to clone (10-20%) unless special care is taken. The end product is far superior to anything commercially available and even compared to excellent connosseur diploid product due to the doubling of THC.

The resulting F1 hybrid seeds were then grown out and used for cancer patients at UBC. Somebody stole one of the clones that the Canadian Government and David Suzuki had created. It became famous and was then re-created and sold out east as Diesel and as OG Kush on the west coast and as ChemDawg in Colorado. These were all colchicine treated plants based upon their work and the popularity of UBC Chemo.

My understanding is that some clones were stolen. This would make more sense. Diploid and Tetraploid crosses produce Triploids that are infertile due to chromosome mismatch. These are known as "Terminator Seeds" (e.g. Diablos Pink Kush) as customers must buy seeds for each crop due to infertility. The resulting generations of seeds will be diploid. Triploids can be treated again, with Colchicine, to create a Hexaploid. This can be then crossed with a tetraploid or diploid to produce tetraploid plants again.

How To Identify Polyploids:
You can identify a polyploid be mere physical appearance and no need to examine the chromosones. Most people have never grown or smoked these real legendary plants. The gangters rap about OG Kush because they had the money to buy this extremely rare connoisseur product. Most product out there is just "wangsta OG".

Polyploid Traits:
Four sets of leaves at the nodes
Stretched (doubled) flowers
Dark green leaves
Double bud sites
Heavy feeder
High water consumption
Thick meristem
Pistil discoloration (pink pistils under black light)
Extreme potency
Vigour and extra growth on first generation

If your plant (OG Kush or Chemo or Pink Kush or Chem Dawg or Master Kush) does not have four sets of leaves at the nodes then it is NOT a true polyploid plant and it not the real deal. UBC Chemo is a polypolid and had four leaf internodes. These tetraploid cuttings have different names but are believed to all be the famous polyploids named OG Kush, Pink Kush, Chemdawg, Diesel, Master Kush etc. These are really heavy feeders due to the double size buds and double the number of leaves and buds and THC glands. This plant is very strange and has a chemical smell to it. UBC Chemo, for example, has a Haze and Kush taste due to the Thai sativa and Afghani indica influences. Polyploid plants are almost twice as strong as diploid plants due to the doubling of THC molecules. These plants are extremely difficult to clone and grow very slowly due to the doubling of leaves unless fed correctly. Water consumption is extremely high. If it only has two leaves then it is a normal diploid and will not have the same effect as the three molecule THC of a polyploid. Three leaves does not necessarily mean it is polyploid as it could be just whorled phyllotaxis (just created by stress, removing leaves and the subsequent regeneration of leaves is deformed). Four leaves does mean polyploid. Triploids, being sterile, must be treated to create hexaploids. These hexapolid can then be used to create seeds that will be polyploids.

WARNING: Colchicine is a extremely toxic alkaloid and is highly poisonous. Long term contact can result in white blood cell anomolies. You cannot smoke a plant that has been treated, post germination, with Colchicine. You can only consume the grown out product of the seeds. You can smoke product that was treated prior to germination. Selective breeding is not genetically modified cannabis. This is genetically modified pot as it was altered at the chromosonal level. Never treat a plant with Colchicine as it will become toxic and will eventually revert to diploid with further treatment. You are changing the molecular structure dynamically and none of the product can be consumed. The correct way is to treat the seeds.

G-13 The story on this is that it was created by the University of Mississippi under the aegis of the infamous Carlton Turner. Apparently this cannot be true as U of M never did genetic engineering. If you Google G-13 you will find it is made by Suzuki. Well David Suzuki did create a GM Genetically Modified plant - Chemo. What letter is the 13th letter of the alphabet? M. So we have G-13 or GM for genetically modified and made by Suzuki. Sounds like an great code name to me. I strongly suspect that G-13 is just the Chemo clone and yet another name for it.

I was offered a cutting of the Chemo plant in Ontario back in the mid 1980's. I had been transferred from B.C. when the recession hit. Several other people from B.C. went to Ontario as well in search of work. We brought out seeds, clones and technology with us. There was a guy who ran a Hydroponics store in Toronto that had the Chemo clone for sale. I cannot remember the price but it was FAR too much money. I did not comprehend the value of this plant at that time and thought he was crazy. Now, after having seen it, I understand.

Famous Tetraploids:
UBC Chemo
OG Kush
Master Kush
Pink Kush

Tetraploid marijuana plants have a real dank smell. It is really obvious when you know what you are looking for. I do not recommend growing these plants out as they take far too long to vegetate and require more attention, food and water than normal diploid plants. They could be used in a Sea of Green method but you are really relying on the genetics and not on proper plant development of hormones for optimal THC production. The resulting product is not nearly as good as a full grown plant but it is not bad for the Sea of Green method which normally produces mediocre marijuana at best. If you want to try some triploid Diablos Pink Kush seeds then check out the Seeds

hope that info helps you understand what a poly is, ive tried for nearly 2 years to produce a polly, ive not gone down the chemical option as i dont want to be messing about with stuff like that, but i know the chemical is collected from some sort of root but ive not tried it so cant give advice or guidance on that, all ive been doing is using the heavy stress method and if you srip a plant right back using heavy defol and leaving nothing on the plant then if you do this a few times its suppose to grow ducks foot leaves and its then a polyploid, you can end up with huge monster buds as fat as your leg or you can end up with some very potent bud, thc is suppose to be doubled in polyploid plants
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