Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Hey gang hows we all today ?
My girls got there first feeding of molasses today. From now on it will be one feed of nutes followed by one molasses feed
Thinking of buying some of this bud candy I here of. Maxamillian was using it and I was tagging along for results but I dunno what happened to his grow
hi mate, hows the plants coming along, are they still in their stretch phase, you might be suprised and end up filling the screen they still got some growing to do by the sounds of it,

what mollases dose are you giving, i think thats what contributed to my cal/mag issue last time, i think i used to much to often, so not used it during veg this time, but ive just flipped 12-12 so will give 2 or 3 feeds during flower,

this time round of watered a whole lot less, normally i need to use nutrients in veg, but ive give some of my plants nothing and their big enough to go into flower and not showing any signs of needing nutrients

all ive done different this time is water a lot less, i normally water when the pots are dry a good few inches down, well this time im watering a whole lot less and i water less often, i dont have any run off and the plants seem to be growing like crazy this time round, i think their really benefiting from the lack of water, ive never had plants grow this quick,
i wasnt over watering in previous grows but i certainly wasnt letting them dry out as much as this, now just before i water i can pick the pots up and the plant is heavier than the soil and the pot, then when i water the plants grow like crazy for 3 days,
Hey dp I'm using lyles black syrup in the red can. Closest we can get on Sirius that's what I used last time they loved it.
As for watering and nutes If anything I leave watering until they need it if u no what I mean.... Il water a day after as apposed to a day before.... Nill nutes through veg here either. And no deffs to speak of for the no nutes they were happy to suck the goodness out the soil in veg. 2 weeks in flower now mate and there on 50% flower mix by Dutch pro nutes. Things seem to be good :) reacon there is a week or so stretch left n u may be right.... They shot up from no were last time so the screen may end up full :) how are u sir? Not seen so much of u of late...... Probs all the unwrapping of mom prizes u been doing lol

Lurch hello mate how's things n nice to have u here
Good weed Dutch d :)

Light addict my friend hello greetings from Sirius :)
Molasses is best. But black treacle in he red tin is also good.
Not as good but still very good. I did a lot of reaserch ing and the ingredients that make up black T are almost identical to grandmas molasses. I started a thread a few months ago about the 2.
Mine seem to like it anyway no ill affects 1 tps per 4 litres
First Outdoor Grow got all his plant slashed last night and CA215 had his slashed two weeks ago I think. Its sad to see all the hard work and time these guys put in and it gets trashed.

BTW here is an observation. Your about the 6th guy on hereto rave about a plant from a 'free bean'. And that includes me. I think they are saving the best ones for freebies so we reorder. Damn genius'...

I think your right Spimp our fav plant was a royal fruit spirit she was sooo nice to grow plus she was mainly sativa dominant
her cola was the size of my fist while on the plant, she looke royal tasted reat an the Buz well very uppie whic gave some para but
the high carried on for some good time:)
Jags hey friend.... I have not had a notification of ur journal for a few days... Either uv packed up or I hit unsubscribe by mistake- guessing the latter.. Il be over later to re sub to ur your journal I hope u and padma are as well as can be

DD... Dudeee thanks I love Scrog also. But flat Scrog is easier than trancated "v" I think il go back to flat next time
The flat grows quicker than the sides. I think because the training of the flat is more aggressive than the sides
Wassup Alex? Hope all is well sir.
Your view of truncated vs regular may be skewed by your view. :) Lets not forget about the double single screen removal incident... Im pretty sure some expletives were flying around casa de Alex that day. :rofl:
Haha no chance spimp I have no desire to tackle one of those. I think u would need to no the genetics of the strain to a "T" to pull off one of those. I think il always Scrog now..... Regular/"v" ? That depends on the outcome of this grow :)

But to your question.... Iv never followed one of those grows here but I have looked with envy at numerous on google images. Not an easy thing to pull off I'm sure.
I have been using the trellis netting and think you should give it a go alex. 6 plants would fill it better than three unless three is your limit.

I like the idea of your v-scrog but i feel your plants would produce a fair amount more if they were simply growing through the squares and not tied to the top.I am sure you would up your yield greatly. as well. The wire screens are good but if your plants grow to fast you can not really get the tip to anothe rsquare without damaging. This is the reason I use the netting. It works very good. especially with a big stretcher and two layers of netting.
Thankyou for your helpfull advice man :) iv taken it on board and may go that route next time.....
Just been to ur side and your Scrog is epic! Like it looks super cool reps on that sir
I don't have a "legal limit" just were I am less equals more if u no what I mean in regards to plant numbers.
I like to keep it too 2-3 fairly safe that way. Always keen to learn and increase yield though.
In my last grow I chose this method.... Then about this stage in the grow installed a screen above using 2"x2" trellice for all the the little bud shoots to grow up through here's a pik....

It worked for a while till I removed the second screen to defol and couldn't get it back on lol


Ended like this with just the initial chicken wire screen left
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