Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Guys guys guys hello :) sorry iv been missing in action for 2 days. Busy busy busy with work n then when iv grabbed a minute mrs alex has grabbed it back lol.
Jaga hey mate good news I hope? I would of said a prayer if I'd seen it sooner
Black cat 1 dudddde how's it hangin?
Got soooo much catching up to do on so many journals it reminds me why I'm not to mid a day on 420 :)

Btw guys day 8 of flower and the pepper jack has shown me a few tiny white hairs :)
'twas but a mistake :(
Rip little flowering top. I snapped her clean during training... She was but one of many but she will not be forgotten

How about trying to clone it you can use a solution of Honey water How to use honey to root your plants... - YouTube
Glad to have you back again I guess it is maybe to late for your accident well on the bright side she will sprout nicley from that point ??I think:grinjoint:
She is sprouting everywere :) filling out the 3 sections nicely. Yes it be to late for her she has been laid to rest but I couldn't of cloned it as iv got no were else to house anymore plants. Nice to see u jaga how did the doctors go?
Yup I thought that it may be to late but still thats one rather interesting video, My Spider Mite seem to be stopping I think Hope?? Heck I still didnt see any thing move on her but she had all the signs and them sign,s have or seem to have stopped now I hope:allgood:
I think with you coming back an the Spiders hopefully gone this calls for a good FAT SPLIFF:grinjoint:
:passitleft::theband::party::yummy::yahoo::lot-o-toke::lot-o-toke::smokin::smokin:Phew back to the work ahead making some cheese for our dinner!!
Nothing like a simple home made cheese, an after that I have the Munches:grinjoint::popcorn:
Light addict no no no u have it wrong here in Sirius we no longer have kings n queens but locally elected councils that run this star :)
Hey I'm working till 8 pm is a drag u get home have ur tea watch a film with mrs alex have a bit hey ho if I'm lucky then it's time for bed and doing it allover again :(
Jaga friend I failed to watch it originally it speared as a black box on my screen but I can now see a a ladie in the box so I'm guna watch :)
I feel for u with mites mate I never had them

Good weed to all... Here's a couple piks of the pepper jack. We are day I think 11 of flower. I'm super happy with how this pepper jack is training. Super Lemmon haze will be gettin screen 2 placed over her on Sunday. She has limbs growing from limbs of limbs lol

Here's pj


Zip ties you say? Hmmm I've always been a big fan of hemp twine or kitchen twine. But still wow, shes gonna be massive soon enough! Gj!

Thanks for the reps for reposting Alex's photo, J189RFC :thumb:

They have been duly Transferred to mr. 801 himself :)

Hey miwa I'd say 50% full now for the pepper jack and 40% for slh. If the slh had been on a flat instead of a climbing Scrog they'd be 60% i reakon. The second screen introduction will only be for the super lemon at either side as the branches are crossing allover each other and its a night mare training those. Il let the branches grow up for a couple days were I want them then train to the second screen. Got a good week to 10 days stretch left.....

Shotfire... swvoodoo...jaga thankyou guys good weed and happy sativaday :)

RICO :) thankyou kindly sir

J189 long time not much see.. I'd like twine but just to diddly in my grow space... Thanks for ur reps :)

Light addict :) hmmmm Japanese rope bondage.... U found me out I admit it jaga no but I'm guna google it lol

Thanks to everyone for being around :)
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