Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Yeah what Carl that is Crazy said:)
Happy Weednesday Alex:circle-of-love:
Thanks light addict things are indeed thriving here :)
Dank just search ona gel :) I am unbelievably impressed with this stuff. The other day when I came home from work I was greeted with a mild skunky smell. About the time when u think about odour control... So this mornin I scooped two table spoons of this stuff into a small bowl and placed it into my grow room. Tonight when I arrived home from work I'm greeted by an almost overpowering aroma of fresh linen/bleached floors u no just a very clean smell. Very impressed
Spimp is good at this :) reps for spimps helpfull nature :)

The pepper jack in the centre of my trunc Scrog is a joy to train looking very good
The super Lemmon at either side is a pain in the ass to be honest. Flat Scrog is totally easier
Il upload a few piks in the morning
Happy THCursday Alex! this could be one of your favorite days you know:circle-of-love:
Light addict hey yea il get there with it that's for sure just the side plants have mega tight short nodes and its diddly as fuk but as the stretch increases this will become easy :)

Fish cake u remembers :) it is my fave day today :)
you can make a sort of scrubber with one gel, all you need to do is get a small bucket with a lid, something like a plastic paint pot or bucket, cut a hole in the lid and mount a fan to it so its blowing the air into the bucket, then drill holes around the sides of the bucket about half way up, then place some ona gel in the bottom with a inch or 2 of water then place in grow room and switch it on, that will then force the smell into the bucket and fresh air will be coming out, you dont need much as its pretty strong stuff,
cool no worries, glad to help.
ona gel works well, if you do a search online for diy ona filter bucket or diy ona filter then you should find lots of guides that show you different methods of making them, ona gel acts like a scrubber as it dont just mask smells it neutralises them so making a bucket type scrubber works well as the smell is replaced and not just masked by the one gel. plus a little goes a very long way
Pleased to here about your seeds and flowers woop woop :) good day for u light addict :)

Don p thankyou for the info Im guna look into that too
Reps for dp you must of collected sons amount of reps with your helpful nature sir.
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