Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Happy Weednesday Alex:circle-of-love:
To far behind so I will try and catch up soon. I know everything you have is doing well though:)
see i dont need but 3-5 hits on my pipe to feel good.. so i smoke about 1 hour before bed, handle my before bed routine, eat munchies and fall asleep.. with the occasional marital activities lol
Hey did I read you had to pick up some street smoke recently? Do you mind sharing a pic? Im always curious as to what is going around in other places. Ive only been out of the country twice and only scored once. In Italy it was just some regular seedy brick bud. Smoked good but Iwas kinda dissapointed because the guy was super stoked about how good it looked! :rofl:
Yea spimp that's what I'm smoking on now. The bag is empty but once tomoro comes il have another that I will photo and post for you. I will warn u.... The deals are terribles. Generally still wet or as dry as dust. But if u smoke enough of it it gets u were u need. I'm finding myself needing twice as much of street as I needed of super Lemmon.
@AleX, its possible to get mollases even on sirius, you need to pot into that well known health store my friend, you know the one with H&B as its name, well thats just its initials as i cant post info to none sponsor shops, if you cant work it out drop me a pm and ill give you the name, they sell all the protein shakes and cod liver oil tablets, its a well known high street health store, they sell big jars of it for about the same price as a small tin of syrup, the syrup your using is more refined and dont contain much at all that benefits the plants, its had all the beneficial stuff taken out of it so mollases will be much better, i had to look around but someone pointed me towards that health store, they do a capsule version which is no good for us or they do a big jar, its meridian natural mollases pure cane, its exactly what we need and not expensive to buy, its easily twice the size of them round syrup tins you get,

so pot in H and B and ask them for it, they have it on the shelf in big jars, it contains a lot more then the syrup and the plants will benefit much more from it,
the street smoke by me is pretty damn potent, its all cheese where i am and has been for a few years now, its a very light green looking bud thats so fluffy, buds are really dense but covered in trichs, the trichs stick out that much that it makes the whole bud look fluffy, its to strong for a lot of smokers and some prefer to buy elsewhere, once you get used to it its ok but its pretty potent stuff, i could easily smoke bud all day but cheese just puts me on my backside each and every time i smoke it,

hopefully the big buddha cheese is the same product, ill know more as its starts flowering, people only really smoke cheese round here as an 8th of cheese lasts a whole lot longer than an 8th of regular bud or skunk, the cheese we got is pretty potent stuff, i cant finish a full spliff to myself, with regular weed i can smoke spliff after spliff, but this cheese has me done after just half a spliff, certainly not a daytime smoke, the last time i smoked cheese in the daytime i had people asking why my eyes where so damn red, i went the shop i regularly go into and the girl on the till asked if i was all right, i wondered what she was on about then she said i looked pretty wasted, luckily she smokes bud so she knew what i had been doing, she just gave me a nice smile and said "youve been smoking that cheese", i smiled back and nodded my head then walked away with a grin on my face,

so i only really smoke cheese on the night time but i very rarely buy it now as i grow my own, its not something you could smoke in the daytime, well you could but you wouldnt get nothing done, its to damn potent, its got a really pungent cheese smell to it, not like chedder cheese more like cheese essence, its some stinky stuff, but an 8th weights 1.7g, well thats what they call an 8th anyway, i bought some a while back and when the kid gave it to me i gave him the money for a 16th and he said it was an 8th, i just told him to do one and i aint paying for an 8th if im getting a teenth, he wasnt impressed but i didnt pay him anymore, just walked off and left him their, fair enough if he wants to rip school kids off but im twice his age and he aint ripping me off,
maybe next time ill buy off him he will think twice before he calls his deals and 8th, if im buying an 8th i want 3.5g or at least 3g not a poxy 1.7g.
Thanks don p.... And also thanks to light addict for pointing this out the other day. I probably will go to hnb now and buy molasses as u both have pointed out that treackle will not be doing my girls much good. I started a thread .... Black treackle vs molasses.... A while ago to find out a comparison... This was the best and most detailed reply I got that made me think lyles black treackle was pretty much the same as molasses...


Good morning from the other side of the pond. I've just begun incorporating a little molasses into my feeding schedule so your question intrigued me. I have no particular expertise that allow me to provide a qualified opinion on the topic, but I was able to locate some information that might prove beneficial. The below info comes from a home brewing sight where the same basic question was being evaluated.

Treacle is the British generic name for any syrup made during the refining of sugar cane. Therefore, theoretically, Treacle, Black Treacle, Molasses, Golden Syrup and Blackstrap are all treacle’s.

In practice however, there is a technical difference between “treacle” and “Molasses” in that molasses is obtained from the drainings of raw sugar during the refining process and treacle is made from the syrup obtained from the sugar

During the refining process, raw sugar cane is first crushed then boiled in stages until it has thickened sufficiently to facilitate the growing of sugar crystals which will eventually become refined sugar. There are two main types of treacle.

Light Treacle better known as Golden Syrup (equivalent = Light Molasses), is made from the syrup obtained during the first boiling of the sugar cane/beets. About 65% sucrose, it is the lightest in colour and the sweetest of all the treacles and is usually unsulphered.

Black Treacle, (equivalent = dark molasses) is made from the syrup obtained from later boilings and is about 55% sucrose.

Golden Syrup has a clear golden color and a sweet, rich, distinctive buttery flavor. It can be used just as it is, spread on bread or poured ice cream or pancakes, but in Britain has always been widely used baked goods and desserts, in particular the famous treacle tart, flapjacks and treacle pudding. It can also be used in many savoury recipes calling for sweetness, in particular sauces and glazes. It can be used as a substitute for corn syrup in most recipes.

Black Treacle has a slightly burnt caramel flavor that is a bit stronger than that of medium molasses. As the name would suggest, it is black (to all intents and purposes). It is most often used in confectionery such as toffee and baked goods such as breads, cakes and biscuits where it lends colour and flavour, but can also be used in savoury recipes such as glazes, sauces and stews or casseroles. It can be used as a substitute in most recipes calling for dark molasses.
In comparing the nutritional information of the molasses I’m using vs. the Treacle I had to first compare the serving size used in analysis. The Molasses used a 15 ml size and the Treacle used 100 g. So the data from the molasses had to be multiplied by 6.666 (repeating decimal) to allow for a direct comparison.

The molasses is slightly higher in Sodium but the difference is negligible .166 vs .1 g
Molasses is also slightly higher in sugars but again minimally so 79 g vs. 64 g for Treacle.

The Treacle appears to contain slightly higher levels of Calcium, Iron with molasses having possible edge in Magnesium. An accurate direct comparison is not possible as the molasses information only appears as a percentage of daily allowance and I have no information on what or who’s “recommended daily allowance” guidelines are being used in the two different nutritional evaluations.

Overall, I would suggest that this Treacle would be an acceptable substitute for an unsulphured molasses and the dosage you suggest would be acceptable. Less would be most certainly be safer than more until your comfortable with this as an additive.

Good Growing and Happy Friday!

I love cheese/loved cheese blue cheese to be exact... Barneys farm... The first strain I ever grew. Nice nice smoke. Not as heavy as u describe the cheese were u are but still an awsome smoke. Blueberry/uk cheese. Totally with u on deals. When did an 8th become a 16th but still called an 8th them kids have got it all wrong lol. Ok ok ok you charge more for weed these days because you rip ppl off but just say a 16th now costs £20 not ten don't tell me I'm getting a 8th when it's clearly not
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