Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Happy THCursday Alex:circle-of-love:
sorry no help with the fan:/
Looking good

On your filter you need a fan pulling air through the filter. My understanding is carbon you suck through not push. If I understand right your planing to push air in with the new fan ? if that is case get a lower cfm to pull out through your carbon filter.

On another note if yours is similar to mine they scrub everything. My box in my garage and you can not smell anything as son as you open my box garage is packed full of smell.
Can you imagine I have just realised that I am forgetting to like the post,s that I like so please if you dont see my name on the likes bit please dont be offended it is my memory shit life can be cruel, I just noticed it today honest everyone I like the post,s an I like to leave a like to show that I have read it but I just seem to breeze in an go without liking the post:straightface::oops::sorry::rip:
looking good alex,

im thinking that having the plant above the scrog will give better results as nothing is restricted from growing, i think it will end up very nice, this is the method i would use if and when i do a scrog, hopefully my next round of plants will be a scrog.

as my grow space is 3.5ft square then im thinking of doing a 4 sided scrog, a flat one in the middle 1.5ft square, then a raised 1ft sides so mine would end up like 2 v scrogs if you know what i mean but would look like a sort of dish shape, i could then grow a few strains under the one scrog, well thats what i came up with when i cleaned out my room last, i got plenty of chicken wire at my moms so will use that and just make some big holes in it for the stem to grow through then tie the plant onto the scrog from above,

so ill be following alex801's scrog and see how it goes then ill possibly try mine next grow round.

isnt their anyway you could mount the cfls so their side on to the plants, you would get a lot more light from them if they was side on to the plants,
looking good alex,

im thinking that having the plant above the scrog will give better results as nothing is restricted from growing, i think it will end up very nice, this is the method i would use if and when i do a scrog, hopefully my next round of plants will be a scrog.

as my grow space is 3.5ft square then im thinking of doing a 4 sided scrog, a flat one in the middle 1.5ft square, then a raised 1ft sides so mine would end up like 2 v scrogs if you know what i mean but would look like a sort of dish shape, i could then grow a few strains under the one scrog, well thats what i came up with when i cleaned out my room last, i got plenty of chicken wire at my moms so will use that and just make some big holes in it for the stem to grow through then tie the plant onto the scrog from above,

so ill be following alex801's scrog and see how it goes then ill possibly try mine next grow round.

isnt their anyway you could mount the cfls so their side on to the plants, you would get a lot more light from them if they was side on to the plants,

Get an umbrella hood and the bowl scrog and you have the best Easter Egg ever. :rofl:
Good weed Alex, Light, Donpaul.p and all. :) Hope everyone is well.
Truncated v Scrog it is :)
Good weed guys.... It's my faveriate day of the week again :)
Jaga I'm totally the same I like every post I'm subbed to but always forget to like them
Don p sir hey I'm sure that style would work super I'd like to see that. Iv been lazy In not sorting a hood this time to maximise light. But the hps is introduced soon prob Sunday / Monday on day 28 and that will be on its side :)
Hey spimpster :)

How is everyone fish RICO don spimp j crazy light addict

+ crazy Carl me extractor be inside the room pulling/pushing/sucking air out the room to the carbon filter on the outside
Sure this is the right way
And iv ordered a litre of ona gel also in fresh linen :)

Jaga sir I will send u the link to the filter :)
Happy favorite day Alex:cheer:
I think the filter is first and then the fan. If you do it the other way around you run the risk of clogging the fan up and burning it out.
Happy favorite day Alex:cheer:
I think the filter is first and then the fan. If you do it the other way around you run the risk of clogging the fan up and burning it out.

This is how I have mine and the way most are and fish is right even if you do not put carbon first make sure your filtering the input so nothing get into the fan.

Mine is in my box but I plan to build a box and put filter in there the plumb box to filter to fan. That way my carbon scrubber is out of my way but still prefan.
So I have the fan on the outside and the filter inside?
Man iv never gone that way before. You learn something everyday
Crazy Carl n fish cake thanks for enlightening me :)
Reps for u both :)

Hps is set up. Using the reflector that was inside my hps unit + thick metal wire I made a barn reflector.
I extended the wires from the built in ballast.
So now the ballast and old unit is in the store cupboard with a 6" fan on it to keep it cool and the light is obviously in the grow room :)
Happy days was a piece of cake. I set the light up horizontal as recommended by u guys and its front to back in the centre of the "e-v-Scrog"
It's 2ft high for now for a day or two till there used to the intensity of hps :)
Also reps for light addict.... I didn't get I touch as I figured it myself but the offer of help was there so thankyou kindly
Here's a pik. It's a crappy pik I was rushing as its time to get the boy :)
Better piks will come Sunday evening

Here is a Spimp paint of what I plan to do because from what I see there you are like me and really do not want to filter in your box

Here is how mine is


You can see it is just above my one light and in the way I want the lights on the roof

Here is my "Spimp paint" drawing of what I plan to do and move my carbon scrubber out to it's own box plumbed to my grow box then plumbed to my fan


I hope I did not step on you feet Spimp I know you usually do most of our paint work :)
Hey the v-scrog:goodjob:

Yep this is a great scrog an AlexPad108 made it himself
Another thing that,s great is your name it,s the same as my son,s name in Sanskrit jay mean,s all glories
So I have to say welcome Jay:thumb:
Did I say good weed to you today if not Na I did I remember `O" yea, still this journal is taking off big stylie :smokin:Page 24 and lot,s more to go:grinjoint::green_heart:
Here is a Spimp paint of what I plan to do because from what I see there you are like me and really do not want to filter in your box

Here is how mine is


You can see it is just above my one light and in the way I want the lights on the roof

Here is my "Spimp paint" drawing of what I plan to do and move my carbon scrubber out to it's own box plumbed to my grow box then plumbed to my fan


I hope I did not step on you feet Spimp I know you usually do most of our paint work :)

Beautiful. :):)
Even though I wear size 15, dont worry about my feet. Carry on sir, carry on :rofl:

Good weed alex and fellow truncated guests. :) Hope all is well in the land of pepper and spice and everything nice.
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