Alex801's New Scrog - Pepper Jack + Super Lemon Haze - 600 Watt HPS

Good weed fine sirs :)
Il be around a little more often soon enough. My working hours reduce to 2pm-8pm next week so iv got a few more hours in the mornings to 420ittt :)
Thanks jaga. And ur girl looks super mate :)
So iv got a couple days off now with the boy and my girls. Planning tomorrows day out at the moment but we have no idea were to go or what to do. Saturday morning will probably arrive.... Still I decision.... Then weel be sat in car twiddling our thumbs thing hmmmmm were to go. And weel end up at the beech spending a fortune

Bet you,ll have a great day out though
JUST DONT FORGET THE WEED:surf::grinjoint:
looking very nice :thumb:
Hey j yea had a good day dude nothing special tho... No weed on days out with family :( it's one of her rules lol
We've been to the cinema this morning watched "epic" with the kids and what a good film it was

Good weed hodog.... It is tricky sometimes to juggle life + 420 lol iv just popped by ur grow and reped u for ur good work

Chop bruvaaaaa thankyou sir I try my best

So been looking at these girls. Thinking I may of dropped a bolloc with the "v" iv found plants grow a lot quicker when there bent downwards. Now the pepper jack can start training tomoro tied down but the slh on the sides growing up will have a lot lighter training as there screen leans upwards. I think il be vegging forever lol 30 days last time. 22 days now and I estimate il flip in 14 days time so these will of had 5 weeks
Happy Skunkday Alex:circle-of-love:
Fishcake :)
good weed sir and the other sirs

A little insight into my latest diy mission
My hps below is a unit is a all in one built in unit.
My job is to make it into a ballast a wire and a bulb hanger to suit my "v Scrog"


As u can see in pik the bulb holder is visible. I'm expecting to open it up and there be the internal ballast with two wires leading to the bulb holder.... These are the wires il be extending by I think 3-4 meters

Reason 1... If the ballasts outside room temps be lower
Reason 2... I want the bulb hanging in middle of the "v" for best all around coverage
Reason 3... I don't want to spend $100 dollars+ on another setup

It will hang like this lol

the only thing I can see wrong with this and I am sure you wont understand my analogy is picture trying to sink a ship. If its bow is pointed straight at you there is less to aim at. now if the ship is broad side the chances are much greater of hitting the boat.
so if Prince didn't change his name like Snoop did would the bagels still have cream cheese? Or would this question be considered by folks less depressed than I?:scratchinghead::scratchinghead::scratchinghead::ciao::passitleft::popcorn:
what Fish is saying..Good Skunkday Alex..while i stumble thru here...what Fish mean is..more light comes from the side of the bulb than the end..and my .02 is with no reflector on your got escaping light...light going to the walls instead of your plants..just something to ponder on this beautiful day...focus
Hey Alex, if I get ur design right id just be a little concerned with the heat from ur bulb is going straight up to ur starter. This might over heat your wiring Etc. Is there no way you could bracket against back of wardrobe? Have the bulb pointing out at you giving the broard side of the bulb to your girls more evenly. Just a thought hope you dont mind.

Oops just read previous 2 posts (great minds and all that)
Amazing mind you have fish

But I'm not trying to sink the 400watt hps
Infact with electric the idea is to keep it well away from water or torpedoes lol
What miwa said
Ahhh I see fish n miwa I see what y'all saying hmmmmmmm

Light addict booooom now ur talking sir.... I don't want anything touching though so that rules out mounting on the back wall.
Maybe I should do what I said..... Extend the wires to light holder and mount the bulb in a cheap barn reflector that would fit front to back of the cupboard instead of hanging vertically
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