Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

I am thankful for the good days. I usually knock on wood if they are yet to end.

This gardening is becoming somewhat therapeutic - the peace and solitude.

Tonight with the only sounds the hum of the overhead light, the tent fan, the rumble of a truck on the road nearby, and my own breathing I thought about days gone by and days to come. I've reached that point in life where there are more than likely fewer days before me than past. Before he passed my Dad got to see that I was good - I could sustain. Parents of special needs often don't have that assurance. Will I succeed in seeing that they can be independent? Will they be able to work together for each other, at the least (they each have different strengths/weaknesses)? When my time comes - hopefully still a long way off - will I be at peace knowing they will be OK? I had a near panic attack thinking about the what ifs. The thought that we all get what's coming to us and there's nothing we can do about it was almost too much for the moment. Then the dogs wanted in from outside and the moment was over. Still, what a good day it was. No use mourning yesterday or living in fear of tomorrow with so much to do today. This moment is mine and by god I'm going to soak it in.

Looks beautiful, then EARTHQUAKE :lot-o-toke:.
Thanks, @FishEyedFool . Dreamland is good eatin', no doubt; but Archibald's in Northport (back when the old man was there)....:drool:

I have a connection and get zeigler hot dogs sent here. Until recently it was the only meat he'd eat. It is the only hot dog.
Agreed. Archibald's is still the best, as far as I'm concerned. I just chose Dreamland because they are the best known around these parts. Archibald's smoked wings are the best that I've ever put in my mouth. A fall Saturday with football on the TV and Archibald's wings and ribs on the table - that's a little slice of heaven right there...
Lunch pic

I do good right now to keep it in the 40-50% range. I re-wet the towel 2-4x/day.
Busy week. I'm pooped. Glad the weekend is here. Still some work work to catch up on and yard work, too. Still, I get to set my own schedule for the most part, so that helps.

Have to change the towel out tonight and look for a humidifier again. Gotta hang out with my best friend for a while first. He missed me today. (my first dog Mr. Sheds-a-lot - you see his hairs featured in some of my pictures, not tiger-pig-dog)
I think I was on high alert after cutting out zyprexa and was way behind with work. Had to spend extra time catching up (still not there yet) and sleep was in short supply. Hopefully I can sleep late.
Outside temp: 81 Vulcan degrees

Humidity: 20%

Tent temp: 83 Vulcan degrees

Humidity: 34%

No water tonight. Changed towels.

A couple of group pics to start it off:


Master Hemp MH1 is a little lighter on the bottom leaves. Normal?


Northern Lights looks good to me.


Orange Sherbet is just a beautiful plant. Full and symmetrical.


Blueberry has always been a little lopsided, NTTAWWT. Those bottom leaves have always been a little wavy, too. Just a little oddity.



More to come.
Putting Westley in the regular rotation. The little Russian Miracle girl keeps growing stronger every day.


White Russian #2 is tall.


OG Kush CBD #2 is a little shorter than I expected. Don’t know what I expected. :D


Overall they look healthy and happy to me.

Not seeing roots at the bottom yet. Will keep an eye out for that.

Didn’t make it to the nursery for plastic 1 and 5 gal pots yet. Too busy this week. Will have to go by tomorrow and get those.

Thanks to everyone who has stopped in to say a kind word, offered encouragement and/or advice, or join in any way. I really appreciate you and hope you enjoy watching the process (TM Nick Saban).

This has been and continues to be fascinating and I’m sure that’s only going to become more so. Still so much to learn and see for the first time. I’m glad it takes them a while to grow so I can catch my breath and get ready for things to come. But now we’re on our way no need to hurry just to get from day to day and I ooooh I know we don’t have to run that hard to get where we can go OHhhhhh
Hey Al - looking good in your garden :yahoo: They are growing at a good pace.
Good job making the magic happen,Al- you're a natural at this!
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