Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Thank goodness for dogs!

You’re doing good, Al. Consider for a moment just how much skill and knowledge you’ve acquired in your efforts to make the lives of those you love better.
Right, now stop considering that and go pat a dog. ;)
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Thank goodness for dogs!

You’re doing good, Al. Consider for a moment just how much skill and knowledge you’ve acquired in your efforts to make the lives of those you love better.
Right, now stop considering that and go pat a dog. ;)

Don't even have to move. The "tiger-pig-dog" is lying pretty much on top of me. Talk about good therapy.
So let's get this evening update kicked off.

Outside Temp 71 Vulcan degrees

Outside Humidity 41% (what?! that's high for here)

Tent Temp 79 Vulcan degrees

Tent Humidity 45% (prior to a/c kicking on and before it could recover from my activities)

More to come...
Westley is coming along quite nicely actually! The rest have already proven themselves. And I've finally caught up on this journal between chasing my new puppy around the house removing from her mouth various things from my kids' rooms that shouldn't have been on the floor to begin with. :)

First, congratulation on your progression from never-in-a-million-years to this-is what-I-need-to-grow! Your commitment is the embodiment of love.

I think I have a few multi-quotes to pull, if you will indulge me:
My sons have autism.
I'm guessing you already have, but have you put together a special needs type trust for them as part of estate planning? I ask because my friends just went through that with their two special needs sons (one physical, one psychological).
set the inkbird thermostat heat to +/- 6 degrees instead of ten at 78 degrees instead of 80.
From what I've read, a 10º spread between lights off and on is best.
RH today was in the single digits today
I definitely recommend a humidifier!
photogenic brain
I'd like to see pics then :).
When is a good time to first begin spraying the plants as a preventative?
I'd say for neem it's 4 or 5 nodes, but in a tent I would wait until I see something worth spraying for. I also use iso/water mix and home made soap spray. Both gentler on plants.
I’ll echo what some others have said about the RH. Stability in environment is importnat too.
I'll echo Amy!
He's lost 15 lbs in the 3 months he's been on the regimen with THC
My 17-year-old son has probably gained 10 pounds since he's been on his own regimen with THC, aka getting high and getting the munchies.

Since the seedling stage is the most unpredictable, I suggest, since you only have one pure CBD strain to go with all the high THC strains, that you learn the art of cloning, at least for the Master Hemp. That's what I'm doing with my Candidas so I will always have a stockpile and will never again wonder if a seed will come up, or what phenotype I'll end up with.

I clone using a modified version of beez0404's method detailed here. If it's something you're interested in, let me know and I can post my mods to it. After sucking at cloning for many many months, I now have close to a 100% success rate.

Carry on with what you were doing!
Flippin' awesome, @InTheShed !

Until very recently I've not had much to worry about entrusting. That's something I have to do soon.

Thanks, I can go back to 10 degrees.

I've been checking out humidifiers. I'm like molasses on purchases, but I get what I want most times. I've returned something to an online store exactly once.

I hope no one sees pics of my brain until it's sitting next to perhaps the most famous Al's brain in the history of Al's brains.

Less is more - I like it.

Coming down off zyprexa was probably the biggest catalyst to weight loss. He's eating more but lost some weight, and both are good.

Thanks for the link. I'm going to wait until I get a second tent, then try cloning. I'll gladly take your modifications, but no hurry.

Thanks, Shed. I truly appreciate it.
Morning update

Outside temp 54

Humidity 72%

Tent temp 75

Humidity 56%

I am thankful for the good days. I usually knock on wood if they are yet to end.

This gardening is becoming somewhat therapeutic - the peace and solitude.

Tonight with the only sounds the hum of the overhead light, the tent fan, the rumble of a truck on the road nearby, and my own breathing I thought about days gone by and days to come. I've reached that point in life where there are more than likely fewer days before me than past. Before he passed my Dad got to see that I was good - I could sustain. Parents of special needs often don't have that assurance. Will I succeed in seeing that they can be independent? Will they be able to work together for each other, at the least (they each have different strengths/weaknesses)? When my time comes - hopefully still a long way off - will I be at peace knowing they will be OK? I had a near panic attack thinking about the what ifs. The thought that we all get what's coming to us and there's nothing we can do about it was almost too much for the moment. Then the dogs wanted in from outside and the moment was over. Still, what a good day it was. No use mourning yesterday or living in fear of tomorrow with so much to do today. This moment is mine and by god I'm going to soak it in.

Beautiful words @Alafornia

Like I always say-
Remember the past... Plan for the future. But live in the moment. Memories are forever.
Ok just came to after passing out from Westley's picture! Amazing Awesome Beautiful...C...D. I could go through the alphabet of compliments.
Gardening is your future! That's what you have just proven.
Doing your best each day is proven in that picture and the results your family has.
Blessing from East to West
Whew! Long, tiring day.

I've checked on the ladies a few times and kept the towel wet/damp.

I took the dome off of Westley. Her leaves were just about touching it so away it went. She seems strong enough now to handle it.

Just ate some ribs from the same place that left them off my order Friday night. My youngest wanted steak from there, so steak he got. The ribs were decent enough.

I have to get up and go do my evening rounds. Maybe I can get some work done later if I have the energy.
Beautiful words @Alafornia

Like I always say-
Remember the past... Plan for the future. But live in the moment. Memories are forever.

Thank you! Live for today.

Ok just came to after passing out from Westley's picture! Amazing Awesome Beautiful...C...D. I could go through the alphabet of compliments.
Gardening is your future! That's what you have just proven.
Doing your best each day is proven in that picture and the results your family has.
Blessing from East to West

Thank you! Many blessings to you and yours.
We’ll get it kicked off with a group pic tonight then MH1, Northern Lights, Orange Sherbet, and Blueberry.


Next come White Russian #2, OG Kush CBD #2, and Westley (White Russian #1).

Just ate some ribs from the same place that left them off my order Friday night. My youngest wanted steak from there, so steak he got. The ribs were decent enough.
Just say the word Al, and I'll overnight some Dreamland ribs to your door. Or whatever your favorite ribs are from this part of the mainland. You're good people and I'm glad you found your way onto this site. I'm loving the updates, my friend. And just think about it, if "little Westley" makes it, she'll be more well known (at least on this site) than "baby Jessica" that fell in that well 30 years ago.
Thanks, @FishEyedFool . Dreamland is good eatin', no doubt; but Archibald's in Northport (back when the old man was there)....:drool:

I have a connection and get zeigler hot dogs sent here. Until recently it was the only meat he'd eat. It is the only hot dog.
Woke up late so just a quick group pic.

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