Alafornia's 1st Time Multistrain Medical Grow

Only one carcass allowed here until harvest!
Westley finally has some good new green growth (say that three times fast!).
What would your sequence be? 1 gal, 3 gal, 5 gal, 10 gal?
If I'm vegging for a long time I might go solo, 1 gal, 5 gal, 10 gal. Otherwise I go solo, 1 gal, final. The only thing about going from a 1 gallon to a much larger pot is the tendency to over water. I try to water those as if they're in a smaller pot (in a ring around the stem) until they're a few weeks in and the roots have grown into the new soil.
.officially "all alive"
Westley finally has some good new green growth
(say that three times fast!)
With marbles in your mouth!
Reminds me of Weird Al, Shed.

Evening tops. The order is jumbled again. I’ll have to figure that out when I have more time.

So it's:


A few are telling me they're over the water. Time to back off a bit on those.
A closer look at Westley:


I’d say she’s looking fairly healthy now. If she grows like WR2 she’s gonna add a lot of height and then bulk quickly.
For pain: White Widow, White Russian, Northern Lights (great for sleep, too), Jack Herer, harlequin, cannatonic, etc;...
For mood: Orange Sherbet is great for a calming, uplifting without the racy effects, blueberry, NL helps with this as well, WW, WR, and others.
Blue Dream is another that helps with both problems. OGK CBD, so I've been told by @Zogs (see earlier post a few pages back), is calming/relaxing without the heaviness.
The bad news is you probably have to experiment some to find the right one for you. The good news is 1. you get to experiment some, and 2. you are likely to find more than one strain to suit your needs.
:drool:shhlllp. Shhl shorry about the mesh.

Hey Newf’. Love the neologism, but respectfully disagree with the sentiment.
We probably all do that :)
One last group pic for the night.

Hey, @Newfun here’s Westley’s latest pic. Still watching and waiting. Can’t tell if she’s greening up more or not.


Sending in the cheer leaders to cheer her on !


Wick :morenutes:
These are what I bought. Even back ups. I knew these last few days something was off, so I shot by budget to h*ll. His wellbeing is more important. I can see what/if Screenshot_2019-07-07-19-00-23.pnghelps me too.

Yep, that would shootmy budget all to hell to, but good for you !
Thanks, @John Wick . She's doing better. They don't call this plant cannabis for nothing! :D
Please place your seat back in the upright and locked position and fasten your seatbelt.

Midday update:

Looking good in the tent.


Westley, in particular.


Proud of that save.
I am thankful for the good days. I usually knock on wood if they are yet to end.

This gardening is becoming somewhat therapeutic - the peace and solitude.

Tonight with the only sounds the hum of the overhead light, the tent fan, the rumble of a truck on the road nearby, and my own breathing I thought about days gone by and days to come. I've reached that point in life where there are more than likely fewer days before me than past. Before he passed my Dad got to see that I was good - I could sustain. Parents of special needs often don't have that assurance. Will I succeed in seeing that they can be independent? Will they be able to work together for each other, at the least (they each have different strengths/weaknesses)? When my time comes - hopefully still a long way off - will I be at peace knowing they will be OK? I had a near panic attack thinking about the what ifs. The thought that we all get what's coming to us and there's nothing we can do about it was almost too much for the moment. Then the dogs wanted in from outside and the moment was over. Still, what a good day it was. No use mourning yesterday or living in fear of tomorrow with so much to do today. This moment is mine and by god I'm going to soak it in.

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