Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks. Of course you can grow buds like that. It's not rocket science, just botany.


The bloom room was 93F when I checked after midnight! I had re-routed the AC intake and exhaust both to the attic space shared with the garage to reduce the chances of super-cold air going in and causing condensation. But, it got too warm and the AC couldn't cool. I routed fresh outside air back into the AC to cool it off and thus cool the room. It's mid-70s in there now. It's always something. I need a better solution.


--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, TBD1 (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.32 @ 21.7 C

2. Feed MTO2, MTO3, OC6: 1-1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
        1/2 T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	1/2 T  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrazyme
    - Adjusted with Bioactive to 1400 ppm
    - pH adjusted to  6.24 @ 21.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion
3. Feed TBD1: 1-1/4 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrazyme
      Adjust with water to 1180 ppm
      pH adjusted to  6.25 @ 21.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion

This thread will close soon, as I intend to start a new thread every year, but I will let this one run a bit so we can get some harvest from the current run into it. Besides, I need more time to come up with a clever name. :cheesygrinsmiley: I'll start the new one in a few weeks.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> ORTW, CryLo, PS, BD, G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz.Yucca
   Nutrients adjusted to 550 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.23 @ 21.7 C 
	1/2 t  Companion

2. Fog for spider mites; in hot water:
   Per gal:
	 2  t  yucca
	 4  t  Azatrol
	 4  t  Notrazyme
	 1  T  Ful-power
   pH adjusted to 6.41 @ 37.2 C
--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, TBD1 (bloom):

1. Light Feed: 1 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Budswel (0.01 - 0.10 - 0.01)
   pH adjusted to 6.22 @ 21.3 C

Let's see how that does.


Update: Clones

After 5 days, the clones are doing OK. Better than usual. So I must have made a good change somewhere:


There are 50: if you look at the columns of 5 from left to right, the first column on the left has two strains: the top two are Crystal Locomotive, and the bottom three are the Kaia Kush. The second column from the left is all SchnazzleBerry (5). Then, still moving to the right, there are 3 columns of G13 x God Bud (15), then 2 columns of Purple Sage (10), and finally three columns of Blue Dream (15) all the way to the right.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

As long as it takes to get to 30-36" tall I guess. I'm sure I will lose a few, and I'll probably give or trade most of these away. I only bloom a max of 6 plants at a time, so this is far more than I need. I'm guessing they'll be ready to go in 45 days after roots appear, but that's a not-very-educated guess. No more bigger plants in bloom for me. The current crop is demonstrating the folly of that.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I've gotten here late. You're my new hero. Thanks for sharing with us. +reps of course.

:welcome: & :thanks: !! It's never too late to jump in. I think I have settled into a continuous style journal, so I have clones, veg and two (about to be three) distinct stages of bloom.

Despite what everyone says, I am a rank amateur, and I make the mistakes of the lazy and the oblivious. I am lucky to have a mentor who will trade plants in my best interest if needed, and otherwise provides material assistance and good guidance.

The only thing I have going for me is attention to detail. So I do that as best I can. I keep records and I try to look back and learn from them when I can. I try for consistency. I try to control everything as tightly as I can. I am apparently behind you in the automation game, but I am assembling my first 'sensor' now, and the software is almost ready for basic recording and control if I am OK with configuring via flat-file settings file. Which I am ATM.

In any case I'm easy to talk to, so feel free to ask if you have any questions, or point out my stupidity when it pops up. I have a thick skin. Go right ahead. Either way someone learns, and that's the ultimate goal for me (and more important than ego).

I'll make an effort to see what you have going on in your thread. It would be good to have someone else to talk to regarding automation too. ;)

And in a general note to all, call me out if I get too brusque or even seem rude. I tend to go from verbose to very curt sometimes. It turns out I'm just not good at small talk, but I try. So when I don't know what to say I say nothing. This sometimes makes me seem cold. It is wholly unintentional and I apologize for my lack of manners. :smokin:

Welcome WHISKEY!!

And Arb..you grow some good herb so I'm sure you'll have them under wraps.

Thanks man. We'll see if they root this time at better than 30%.

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, TBD1 (bloom):

1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   pH adjusted to 6.40 @ 20.0 C

2. Feed MTO2, MTO3, OC6: 1-1/2 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
        1/2 T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	1/2 T  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 1  t  Carbon sweet
	 3  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrazyme
    - Adjusted with Bioactive to 1425 ppm
    - pH adjusted to  6.21 @ 20.5 C
	1/2 t  Companion
3. Feed TBD1: 1-1/4 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  Soil Nute
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	 1  oz yucca
	 1  T  Notrazyme
      Adjust with water to 1200 ppm
      pH adjusted to  6.23 @ 20.0 C
	1/2 t  Companion

Next, I am transplanting BD and PS 4 gal into 10 gal pots, and KK2 and G13xGB are going from 2 gal into 4 gal pots.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> PS, BD, G13xGB, KK2:

1. Transplanted PS & BD to 10 gal pots, G13xGB & KK2 to 4 gal pots, with myco.

2. Fed to saturation
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Bioactive
	 1  t  Big Foot
	 2  t  PGE
         1 oz. Yucca
   Natural at 420 ppm
   pH adjusted to  6.26 @ 20.7 C
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i


Here are some Orange Cream bud shots, 55 (of 75) days into bloom:







Here are some shots of TBD1 as well, 24 days in:



And, as always, here are the transplant root shots. First, G13xGB had a loop of root above soil. I think it washed away from feeding. I wanted a picture before I covered it again:


First roots are the above G13xGB, which went from a 1 gallon pot to a 2 gallon pot 32 days ago. I moved her up to a 4 gallon pot tonight. She has a good root system going:


Next I transplanted KK2 from her 2 gallon pot into a new 4 gallon pot as well. She was moved to the 2 gallon from a little 4" pot on the 19th of Dec, so she's only been in there 2 weeks. Unfortunately, she doesn't seem to have had enough time, because the root ball was mostly soil and just fell away all over the floor. There wasn't much in roots in the fallen soil either. She just hadn't done much - I was too soon. I put her in the new pot, but she's going to need a while there:


PS and BD both got transplanted to their current pots from 2 gallon containers at the same time as KK2 (14 days ago). They both grew much better root systems in the same time. Of course they had a head start.

Here is BD:


And here is PS:


Both BD and PS went into 10 gallon pots this time. 5 more days and I intend to put them into bloom (2 more rounds of Azatrol first, please). I had intended to put KK2 in 2-3 weeks after that, but considering the root situation, she's back-burnered for now and G13xGB gets her slot in rotation.

I'll probably have to cut KK2 back again while she roots up as well or she'll get too tall for my table. I can really only pull off about 3' of plant height in here.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

One last thing. If you want to see anything a little closer, the source images are 12.5 mp images, so we can "zoom in" a bit digitally. These are 1024 x 680, but the originals are all 4288 x 2848, so as long as I was steady when I took the pic, we could get a bit better than 2x zoom without loss of detail. Also, if you have questions, please ask. I might not know the answer, but it's worth asking.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Yeah, except for KK2, they all had fine white roots. :cheesygrinsmiley:

--> ORTW, CryLo, PS, BD, G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Feed to saturation
   Per gal:	
	 1  t  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
        1/2 oz.Yucca
   Natural @ 560 ppm
   pH adjusted to 6.26 @ 21.4 C 
	1/2 t  Companion
	 1  t  Bt-i

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, TBD1 (bloom):

1. Light Feed: 1 gal. each
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Budswel (0.01 - 0.10 - 0.01)
   pH adjusted to 6.25 @ 21.7 C
	 1  t  Bt-i

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks cigo. :) I haven't heard from you in a while. How is your new year?


The bloomers are still wet, so I'm going to give them a day.

I hit veg with Azatrol...

--> ORTW, CryLo, PS, BD, G13xGB, KK2 (veg):

1. Spray for spider mites; in hot water:
   Per gal:
	 2  t  yucca
	 4  t  Azatrol
	 4  t  Notrazyme
	 1  T  Ful-power
   pH adjusted to 6.39 @ 37.3 C

In 3 days I'll hit BD and PS with Azatrol one more time and then they go into bloom. I may pull them out to be sprayed a couple more times too.

As for KK, I'm definitely going to take more clones then cut her back. When she recovers from that, she can go into bloom too.

Speaking of cloning, I let the clones get dryish and they started to wilt. Damn it you have to stay on top of that. Time to dig out the ez-cloner. That way I can take the KK clones ASAP instead of waiting for room in the cloning tray I'm using now.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I found the cloner. It's actually a "Botanicare Clone Machine 25". I bought it for $160 about a year ago, and I've never even put it together. Next chance I get, I'll take some clones and give it a whirl.


Edit: Botanicare has cloners listed on their website, and mine isn't even one of those. I can't get instructions from their site, so I'll have to find that instruction sheet. I have an idea where it is, but it's buried I think.

It came with little bottles of Hydroguard and Power Clone. Do you guys think these are still OK?

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