Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I transplanted KK1 into a 10 gal pot, and then watered it in w/ 1 gal plain water. Then...

--> MTO1:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   6.36 @ 22.4 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Budswel (0.01-0.10-0.01)
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  T  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Dilute to 1300 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime to pH 6.31 @ 22.5 C
--> MTN2
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

--> OC1, OC3
1. Flush: 1 gallon water ea.
         2 T Clearex per gallon

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Here are some pictures:

KK1 before transplant:


New 10 gal pot:


Roots looked good:


There she is now, front and center (unmarked):


To the left here you can see the new Schnazzleberry (SchB):




More matty:


The small amount that is actually in my dryer:


The bloom room:




More pictures of the Schnazzleberry. First one for structure:


Then one to see leaf type:


That's all for tonight.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Nice looking roots. I was wondering if u always veg under florescents? If so how has that worked 4 u compared to other lamps used to veg? One more thing, is the plant that was cut to nubs being reveged or did u leave it because it makes no sense to harvest all that stem material? Lookin good bro!
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Nice looking roots. I was wondering if u always veg under florescents? If so how has that worked 4 u compared to other lamps used to veg? One more thing, is the plant that was cut to nubs being reveged or did u leave it because it makes no sense to harvest all that stem material? Lookin good bro!

Yes, I do veg under fluorescents exclusively. I am considering getting a 400W MH, but the fluorescents do real well. I just want enough lumens to do bigger plants. Floros are fine for smaller plants and I have no problems all the way to about 30".

As for the nubs, those were MTN1 and OC5 after they had been stripped of branches. I just haven't removed them yet. I need to empty the pots and clean them. I'll need them soon.

Awesome plants!

[pic of Schnazzleberry here]

I like that pic so much, I would vote for it for POM.

It just radiates greeness :Rasta:

Thanks. As for the Schnazzleberry, me too, but my mentor got it to that state, so I can't take credit. I will likely not do so outstandingly well. It is beautiful.

stem on first picture. looks so like three stem!!!:D
All plants are super! buds looks soooo sugared ! wow man your updates making time good!

That's KK1. I think he supercropped it to get like that. Then again, MTO2's stem is even bigger and I never supercropped it at all.

Thank you though. I agree about the sugared buds. :)


I tasted the Orange Crush today. It is a fine buzz. My sense of taste and smell is a bit muted, but I was told it smells and tastes more like an orange than it has previously. I thought it was fine, but I gauge primarily based on the high. <shrug>

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Very nice grow you have there. The buds look great hanging out to dry and the plants are looking fantastic. You seem to be doing every thing right, then again judging from the posts that i have gone trough on your grow this seems to be a very well thought out. Keep up the great work and can't wait to see more. + rep, Im In :popcorn: :rollit:
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thank you.

--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3, KK1 (*VEG*):
1. Feed: 3/4 gal for MTO2, 1/2 gal for KK1, 1/4 gal for rest
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 .5 t  Companion
   Dilute to 900 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime to pH 6.20 @ 22.7 C

2. Dilute: 1/4 gal for SchB
   Dilute to 590 ppm
   Brought down with golden amber to pH 6.23 @ 22.2 C

--> MTN2, OC1, OC3
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Y do u use the wonder dust and the companion? Don't they do the same thing? Once the microorganisms are in the soil don't they stay there? Does flushing affect them any?

They do similar things, but they are not the same. Companion is Bacillus subtilis in liquid form, at 1.5x10 ^7 cfu/cc. At my veg strength, that works out to 37,500,000 per gallon solution.

Wonder Dust is a whole collection of organisms in powder form, including B. subtilis at 68cfu/g. I use 1.5 T/g when I use with water. Maybe a tablespoon of sprinkle when transplanting. I weighed 1 tablespoon and it was 12.3 g. So at a transplant (the strongest application), a single plant would get 836 cfu of B. subtilis. It just doesn't compare. But the Wonder Dust has a number of other organisms with a variety of advantageous properties of which B. subtilis is only one.

I can't give you a full accounting, but by my short experience, I seem to use Companion to help compensate for wet roots, and the Wonder Dust to jump start a transplant. In addition, they both help crowd out bad organisms and work symbiotically with the plants. They are good.


Here are some pictures from my headstash:

Here's Arcadian Trainwreck:



POG2. We still don't know what it is. It's good but not remarkable enough that we are worried about figuring the mystery out. I'll just smoke it:



Lavender. Mature in 45 days, almost 1/4 lb. Floral scent, wonderful stone. Good for messing up at Rock Band and eliminating pain. A whole doobie of these tight nuggs will knock you clean out. Nighty-night:



Finally, from this run, early MTN1, which turned out to be Orange Crush, which isn't actually even OC but rather Orange Cream or some such. It's a sativa, and so far I can say it's a nice strong stone with great orange undertones. I have already been complemented by a couple of people who tried it. I'm not sure I want to keep it though. It looks like I got tons off of the OC plants, but it's a bit airy for my taste. Looks good though:




Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thanks. They smoke very nice.

--> MTO1:
1. Pre-flush: 1/2 gal. 
   Per gal:
	 1  T  liquid bone meal
   6.40 @ 21.2 C

2. Feed: 1 gal.
   Per gal:
	 2  T  Budswel (0.01-0.10-0.01)
	 2  t  PGE
	 1  T  Notrazyme
	 1  oz yucca
	 2  t  Biggest Bloom
	 2  t  liquid bone meal
	 2  t  Feather Tea
	 1  oz Amino Blast
	1/2 t  Carbon sweet
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
         1  T  Calcium Syrup
	 1  t  Companion
   Bring up with Bioactive to 1300 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime to pH 6.24 @ 21.0 C

--> MTN2, OC1, OC3
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Beautiful tasty lookin' nugs!

beautiful pics too!

Given a choice, I'd reach for the Trainwreck, but that's me, they all look excellent!

I knew this part of your journal would be good!

:thanks: for this yummy update :Rasta:

You are welcome of course, and thank you as well. The Arcadian TW is good, but not as good as the Kaia Kush or the Lavender. Maybe I didn't grow it to it's potential. I don't know. It's good bud, but I really like other stuff better. <shrug>

Abberation, I noticed u flushed pretty regularly. I would like ur opinion on something. To ur understanding is flushing and leaching the same process? If not how do they differ?

Well, I do two kinds of flush.

One I call a pre-flush. I give it to blooming plants right before their feed. It has liquid bone meal in it and nothing else. Then I follow with a larger volume feed that carries a full load of nutes about 10 minutes later, or whenever I get done mixing and adjusting it.

I'm not sure that this is a proper flush. The usual flush I hear about is alternating with feeding. So in this pattern one feeds or flushes only as the soil warrants (drying), with a flush replacing a feed every other or every third time. Some flush weekly or at longer periods. This is intended to prevent nute buildup in the soil, which could lead to burning the plants.\

I use my pre-flush instead of the flush just described. Which means every time the plant is ready, it gets some water and bone meal to moisten the environment and move old nutes down. Then the new nutes that follow can more evenly and gently reach as much root and soil as possible. That's the theory anyway. I would like opinions.

The only other thing I can say is that after two runs without a single flush of the above kind, I have had minimal to zero nute burn and great growth. I also use organic nutes and additives. So I have no complaints.

The second kind of flush or leach, is the one you use when you have a plant that is in soil and the soil content or pH is totally out of whack. You use something like Clearex or not, but you run enough water through the soil to flush most salts out. This is should allow you to re-apply nutes lightly allowing the plant to recover. It is an emergency proceedure.

3 times the volume of the pot is apparently the agreed-upon standard for how much to flush. So you run 30 gallons through a 10 gallon pot. I only did this once and I don't think it was either of my two most recent rounds. If you are careful, this will never happen.

The third kind is at the end of bloom. By leaching the nutes from the soil, and just providing water, you force the plants to use their reserves and go all out. As a result, you get a final effort, and the harsh chemicals will be removed. I understand it is primarily the nitrogen that we worry about, so I guess yellowing would be perfectly fine during this end-of-life flush.

I do this one, and it's probably the procedure you mean. My current procedure is this: 10 days flush total. 1 gallon into a 10 gallon pot every night. After a couple nights, they pee out the bottom every time. The first five days, I add Clearex per the instructions. After that, just water until they are cut down. Clearex actually ties up the nutes in the soil I think. Seems to work well.

Remember than even with organic nutes, the plant will still use them to form reserve compounds that you don't want to smoke. They make the smoke harsh. If you do this final flush, it will encourage the plant to dissipate it's reserves, either via osmosis drawing them out or the plant using them up to make final bits of bud. Whatever it is, it makes the pot better. Even with organic nutes.

Jeez. I wrote a book there. Sorry.

I just found your grow. I'm 420fied and I'm an instant fan of yours! Excellent work!

Thank you. That means something from someone with you reps. Welcome anytime. Don't be afraid to call me out when I'm wrong - I'm here to learn.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Oh, one more thing!

I'm going to buy seeds soon. I've been working on what to get. I started with goals.

First, since I wish to breed eventually, I will keep the habit of buying unfemized seed. I want natural males. I do not want to have to hermie one to get pollen. So I will start right off with normal seed so I can learn about males.

Second, I don't want anything that is particularly temperamental, or really really sparse. I don't mind the idea of something special that just yields less, but within reason. So I guess Blueberry is out from what I hear.

Third, I want a specific strain - Jack Herer. I am a med patient, and my reading says this is an excellent choice.

Fourth, I want at least 2 other strains. I would like a solid indica that will pound me with couchlock, and I want a fairly heady sativa. On the sativa, I am happy going as long as 12 or 14 weeks. I will have to think long and hard about going longer.

It would be nice if it had some really unusual flavor or taste, but this is not a deal-breaker. I would prefer they all pull at least 4 oz per plant at the rate of 2400W per 6 plants, but this is not set in stone.

If I had a fourth or fifth choice, it would have to be something that just produces loads of good weed. But great volume at the expense of quality is unacceptable. I don't grow commercially, and my personal needs are relatively modest, but the more I have left over, the more I can help the real cause.

Does that sound like every growers description of the seeds they want or what?

I figure there are many many good opinions on just such choices here. So let me know, ...

Besides the Jack Herer, what do I need to grow?

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