Aberration Goes Ker Bloom! - Perpetual

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I like ur veg area. U vegged those plants from start to now under those flouros? What type of bulbs (white, soft white, etc)? I like that idea. I had a dual 4' fixture over my clones that were previously under CFLs. U gonna top those in veg any time soon? Buds look fat. That 2nd to last bud shot was the money shot. Is that one done or is it still snowing?
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Great pictures! Looks like you have a great grow room setup.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I'll leave you a bong under the fireplace.

Fantastic! Why that was left out of that book "The Stone Before Christmas" I will never know. :bong:

I like ur veg area. U vegged those plants from start to now under those flouros? What type of bulbs (white, soft white, etc)? I like that idea. I had a dual 4' fixture over my clones that were previously under CFLs. U gonna top those in veg any time soon? Buds look fat. That 2nd to last bud shot was the money shot. Is that one done or is it still snowing?

I only use those floros for veg. They are a mix of Philips 32T8/DX and F32T8/TL865 PLUS. I know - T8s?!? But they work just fine and they are cheap. I just use plain old $12 2-bulb 4' shoplights. <shrug> They do fine.

Everything has already been topped. I just need to keep them alive for another 10 days. After that, the bloom room will be temp changed to a veg schedule and they will all go in there to be staked. After a week or two, I'll flip the room. They are too darn big for my veg table.

Those buds just went into flush and should be harvested in 8-9 days.

Great pictures! Looks like you have a great grow room setup.

Thanks. I appreciate that. It's working well.

man those plant getting fat'er and fat'er!

I know. I get excited every time I go in there.


Feeding will get done later. Right now I'm trying to verify that the trimmers are ready. If they are, OC3 comes down tonight.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Thank you.

Catching us up, yesterday we cut down OC3. OC1 will hopefully follow in a day or two.


--> MTO2, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3, KK1 (*VEG*):
1. Feed: 3/4 gal for MTO2, 1/2 gal for KK1, 1/4 gal for rest
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 .5 t  Companion
   Dilute to 900 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime to pH 6.23 @ 20.0 C

2. Dilute: 1/2 gal for SchB:
   Dilute to 750 ppm
   Brought down with golden amber to pH 6.23 @ 20.5 C
--> MTO1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon water ea.
         2 T Clearex per gallon

--> OC1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water


--> MTO1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon water ea.
         2 T Clearex per gallon

--> OC1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

Just the two now. The last, MTO1, should be ready on the 14th. In the next week, I hope to move the dehumidifier and light #1. I have a better configuration in mind.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

--> MTO2, MTO3, KK1, OC6, OC7, MTN3 (*VEG*):
1. Feed: 3/4 gal for MTO2, 1/2 gal for KK1, 3/8 gal each (48 fl oz) for the rest
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 .5 t  Companion
   Dilute to 910 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime to pH 6.24 @ 19.7 C

2. Dilute: 1/2 gal for SchB:
   Dilute to 750 ppm
   Brought down with golden amber to pH 6.32 @ 19.2 C
--> MTO1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon water ea.
         2 T Clearex per gallon

--> OC1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

On a side note, my mentor recently had a bad day. He woke up to find he had been had by rippers. The six well hidden plants on his back deck had been 10' tall and 6' in diameter each. They were in great big pots 3 or 4 feet across and about 2' deep. They were just about to come down. They are down now. He salvaged some, but it's only a fraction of the whole. So sad. No casual bystander did this. It was someone who had been there before. Scary.

Don't let anyone know about your grow. Even if it is a legal one.

Good Work Aberration

Yeah u were trippin Butcher. Read from the beginning. Matter of fact Butcher U really can't see how cool this grow is w/out looking at his 1st grow and looking at how the room was built. Utterly DOPE!!! Check it out. And go vote for the man for member of the month still got a few days. This dude works hard at this, not to mention a 9-5 and family. I tip my hat to u brother Aberration. Now lets get some POM pics so U can enter that contest next month.
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

expert grow, 100% professional. i love the nutrient information
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

thats crazy man. especially since all they would have had to do was ask to smoke and im sure he would have ya know. people make me sick some times.

Yeah. In fact they probably were and still are smoking his stash - as in: it is likely someone he considers a friend and is still hanging around getting high with him. I think he knows at least a couple good candidates.

He had too many people around. We discussed it that evening and he knew why it happened. I think his habits will change. It's not going to sink him by any stretch tho. He has money and other locations.

That sux about your mentor.


You're here now. :welcome: :Rasta: I'm not ending the thread 'til the end of the year I think. I should get a whole grow in by then. You are certainly not too late.

In fact, I can pretty much tell you what is next on the agenda:

  1. Harvest OC1 and finish flushing and harvest MTO1.
  2. Clean the room, move a 600W light to a new location. Rotate the 600W MH a bit, relocate the dehumidifier.
  3. Throw in:
    • MTO2 - Matanuskan Thunderfuck (old pheno). It's already a bush.
    • KK1 - Kaia Kush, a nice yield last time and definitely head stash bud. Yummm.
    • OC6, OC7 - Orange crush. Nice and produced a LOT, but it was airy and it went long (75 days) and it's a pain to trim. As a result my mentor is dropping it and so am I, so this is probably the last I'll grow of it.
    • MTO3, MTN3 - Matanuskan Thunderfuck, 1 old 1 new. I may stop keeping them separated though. Over a number of grows, no one has been able to detect any significant difference. They are as alike as clones from the same mother. I love this stuff though. Right now it's the hammer at my house.
  4. Grow the Schnazzleberry into a clone mom.

MTO2 is > 3' from stalk base and is a big bushy girl. I need to strip off the sucker branches and gently tie her outward. She's gonna be good. KK1 needs the same treatment only worse. KK1 is about 28" and has had come minor supercropping on two branches. She needs more. Bothe MTO2 and KK1 are already in 10 gal pots.

OC6, OC7, MTO3, and MTN3 are all topped at 18" or so and have 3-5 large lateral branches coming up around the outside perimeter of each. They will need careful staking after I transplant them into 10 gal pots.

SchB is in a 2 gal pot and is about 14" tall. She will not go into bloom but instead will be a mother. Then once I clone her I will bloom some clones. She will need bigger digs soon.

I would show pictures but it's already later than it should be and I need to go to bed. I'll get some up sometime soon, I promise.

Yeah u were trippin Butcher. Read from the beginning. Matter of fact Butcher U really can't see how cool this grow is w/out looking at his 1st grow and looking at how the room was built. Utterly DOPE!!! Check it out. And go vote for the man for member of the month still got a few days. This dude works hard at this, not to mention a 9-5 and family. I tip my hat to u brother Aberration. Now lets get some POM pics so U can enter that contest next month.

Maybe I should vote for you. You are my biggest supporter BWC BayArea and I thank you. I appreciate the nomination and your enthusiasm in general.

I should be getting a new digital SLR soon. I'm going to get a Nikon, so I can use the lens from my Nikon F100. That will take better pics. Also, I want a bit more growing practice. I'm just finishing my second grow, remember? ;) They turn out good, but POM-worthy buds are a while away still. I do want to go there though. :ganjamon:

expert grow, 100% professional. i love the nutrient information

Thank you. The nutes are going national under another name. I put it up on this thread somewhere I think. They really do seem to kick big a**.

And :welcome: !


--> MTO1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon water
         2 T Clearex per gallon

--> OC1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

So much to do and so little time.


Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

See? U can't grow like this after building ur own room all customized ala "Pimp my Grow Room" and keep mentioning this is only ur 2nd grow. SHHHhhhhhh! From now on you're an apprentice master grower. Ya dig? Can't u tell that's the good cure talking? LOL Damn I feel good. WOW! Lookin good bro. That Schnazzleberry just makes me laugh sayin it. Keep it bro!
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

thanx for the quick update!!+rep..I had a friend a few years back cross the M.Thunderfuck with Northern Lights #5,he called it "the cross" and it was one of the best strain i've ever seen in my life, just a thought i've seenand smoked the results. You have to try it. You wont be dissapointed. Damn now you've got me wanting to start another project DAMN IT!! BUT you have tose genetics, you got the room try it, i cant say that enough.Any how thanx again
Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

I was thinking the Matty might be a good place to start as well.

OC1 was harvested today, and I picked up the almost dry bud from OC3. I'm going to do OK with these two as well. I'm wondering about the long flush though. They got 20 and 18 days of flush respectively, while they were waiting to be harvested. Zoinks!

I'm not going to flush MTO1 tonight as she already has a little bit of standing water in her saucer. She's clearly wet enough. I'll let her dry a bit and hit her again just before harvest.

Veg could use the food, but they can survive without too. They aren't dry yet. I'm going to let them go because I'm tired and stoned. In the morning I'll give them some water and they will be fine to be fed tomorrow night.

Re: Aberration Goes ker Bloom! - 2009

Due to a copy/paste issue, I don't have pH and temp values.

--> MTO2, KK1, MTO3, OC6, OC7, MTN3 (*VEG*):
1. Feed: 3/4 gal for MTO2, 1/2 gal for KK1, 1/4 gal each for the rest
   Per gal:
	 1  T  Pure Blend Pro Grow
	 1  t  Cal-Mag
	 .5 t  Companion
   Dilute to 900 ppm
   Bring up with liquid lime (?)

2. Dilute: 1/2 gal for SchB:
   Dilute to 730 ppm
   Brought down with golden amber (?)

--> MTO1:
1. Flush: 1 gallon plain water

I never gave them anything this morning because they were fine.

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