Looks to me like the rabbit is waging war! I've had a problem with the neighbor's (outdoor) cat which has been using my raised bed as a litter box. Quite frustrating indeed. I don't mind losing a cucumber plant or two...but if that were my plant I think I'd be gearing up for some rabbit stew this weekend!

I hope she makes the mend, and who knows: if/when she does make it, she'll be the strongest plant you've got!
If I end up having to replace the DDa I will be going with Gorilla auto. It seems to be a little faster than most of the others I have.

Airmid- day 60
She still has a while to go, but her scent is continuing to get stronger, and is sweeter. Not sugary, but more like the way honey is sweet. She's also tall enough that to take pics from above I would have to hold the phone at eye level.

Leona- day 49
Getting bushier. I'll be working on the last of her training in the next couple of days.

Desdemona- day 39
Her top bud is nearly level with Airmid's, but that's because the planter adds about 10cm to her height. That's still quite the increase from when she started showing stigmas.

Maeve- day 39
It's not looking good, but I'm reserving judgement until tomorrow.

Hope that rabbit is high as F@ck.

I knew rabbits would be a threat for me this year, seen a bunch around here. I’m a animal lover until you eat my cannabis; then I drop bombs 💣

So 100 days to finish avg? For Autos?
Do you count days or look at pistil/Trichomes to determine chop ETA?
I didn't do much about it as it wasn't targeting my cannabis or my hot peppers (which are still flowering) but taking down Maeve, and eating a branch off of one of my peppers has changed things.
I have chicken wire up around the peppers, and I'm putting more up around Maeve. I don't want to lose her to further damage if she can recover.
Autos have a wide range of flowering, and I'm adding 25 to 30 days to what the breeder claims to get an idea of how long it'll actually take.
I'm planning to use trichomes to judge harvest.
Looks to me like the rabbit is waging war! I've had a problem with the neighbor's (outdoor) cat which has been using my raised bed as a litter box. Quite frustrating indeed. I don't mind losing a cucumber plant or two...but if that were my plant I think I'd be gearing up for some rabbit stew this weekend!

I hope she makes the mend, and who knows: if/when she does make it, she'll be the strongest plant you've got!
I hope she makes it, but I think I might have been too late. Time will tell.
This baby rabbit is cute, but I'm pretty pissed off now.
Gosh. Get a pot going for rabbit stew! That sucks, Mel.
Thanks Carmen.
I should have gotten the chicken wire up earlier, as soon as I knew the rabbit was visiting, but we've had them before and they just went after the strawberries and heather. Won't be making that mistake again.
Well, if it's not dead today, I'd say it's made it. It might turn out great. What's that tired old saying, "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."? :rolleyes:

We have a wonderful semi feral female cat, that the neighbors have named Luna. She's a beautiful grey and black huntress, that makes short work of any unawares bird, squirrel, chipmunk, mole, or other possible meal. She even lets me pet her sometimes.:) Whenever I was real sick and sitting on the back steps a couple of years ago ago feeling sorry for myself, she came up and set beside me and just let me pet her till my hearts content.:hmmmm: What a blessing. :)

You got it Mel.:cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey everyone. I had to call it this morning. There was no recovery, everything was wilted.
I just put a Gorilla auto seed in a jiffy pod. If she sprouts I'll post the strain info.
I’d go all in on chicken wire. I did that this year. I haven’t done a rabbit stew yet 😉

The others look awesome.
Lemonchello ❤️
Yeah, I'll be putting it up around my in ground plants from here on out.
Oof on the potential spog®! Since it's not completely shriveled there's still hope. And the rest of the plants are looking great in the sun. The SIP DDA is really starting to take off now. :thumb:
I'm happy with how she's doing, although it's technically not a SIP. I have some stuff ready to make a real SIP for next year though. We'll see what goes in there.
Run rabbit! RUNNNNNNNNN!

It better run.
I have my bow by the back door now!
Well, if it's not dead today, I'd say it's made it. It might turn out great. What's that tired old saying, "whatever doesn't kill you, makes you stronger."? :rolleyes:

We have a wonderful semi feral female cat, that the neighbors have named Luna. She's a beautiful grey and black huntress, that makes short work of any unawares bird, squirrel, chipmunk, mole, or other possible meal. She even lets me pet her sometimes.:) Whenever I was real sick and sitting on the back steps a couple of years ago ago feeling sorry for myself, she came up and set beside me and just let me pet her till my hearts content.:hmmmm: What a blessing. :)

You got it Mel.:cheesygrinsmiley:
We used to have a cat who came into the yard with us, and she used my plants as cover to hunt.
She never really tried to catch birds, she just liked to jump out and scare them. When we would take her out there she would run back and jump almost straight up in the air with her paws stretched out causing the group of birds at the feeders to burst up into a panicked tweeting flight, and the cat would watch them.
The funniest part is she was still way too far away to catch one when she did that.
She just liked the commotion they made.
She caught plenty of mice, a few shrews. She would catch the chipmunks, but she never killed them. We would make her let them go, and they always ran off without a trace of blood on them.
Hey everyone. I had to call it this morning. There was no recovery, everything was wilted.
I just put a Gorilla auto seed in a jiffy pod. If she sprouts I'll post the strain info.

Yeah, I'll be putting it up around my in ground plants from here on out.

I'm happy with how she's doing, although it's technically not a SIP. I have some stuff ready to make a real SIP for next year though. We'll see what goes in there.

It better run.
I have my bow by the back door now!

We used to have a cat who came into the yard with us, and she used my plants as cover to hunt.
She never really tried to catch birds, she just liked to jump out and scare them. When we would take her out there she would run back and jump almost straight up in the air with her paws stretched out causing the group of birds at the feeders to burst up into a panicked tweeting flight, and the cat would watch them.
The funniest part is she was still way too far away to catch one when she did that.
She just liked the commotion they made.
She caught plenty of mice, a few shrews. She would catch the chipmunks, but she never killed them. We would make her let them go, and they always ran off without a trace of blood on them.
Cats are funny like that I had one that would beat the hell out of chipmunks and then let them go.It was fun to watch her hunt and she was good at it.
So, we're down to 3 now.
Hopefully not for long.

Airmid- day 61
I've been smushing leafhoppers on her for a while now. Mostly the red and blue kind, but there have been green, oddly shaped brown, and a black and yellow kind I've never seen before.

Leona- day 50
She hasn't given me any trouble so far. The first true leaves are now fully yellow. I'm considering taking her first node and cloning the tiny side branches there, but I already have plans for the winter, and they really don't have long enough to grow outdoors before shifting to flower.

Desdemona- day 40
She gets some leafhoppers too, but otherwise she's been on cruise control.

Sorry for the lost, but congrats on the new bean.

Lets go :cheer: Gorilla

Puts you at a Mid October finish on that one, Patio umbrella available for late season?

I'm still debating whether or not to put her in a pot or in the ground.
I've got 3,5, and 7 gallon fabric pots available, as well as a plastic 4 gallon nursery pot which is destined to be cut down to a bit over 2 gallons to be the res for the SIPish planter when I convert it to an actual SIP for next outdoor season.
If I put her in a pot I'll be able to move her to shelter if/when necessary.
I can also wrap the pot in chicken wire while she's young.
Cats are funny like that I had one that would beat the hell out of chipmunks and then let them go.It was fun to watch her hunt and she was good at it.
We keep them well fed, it's no wonder they don't always kill their prey.
So, we're down to 3 now.
Hopefully not for long.

Airmid- day 61
I've been smushing leafhoppers on her for a while now. Mostly the red and blue kind, but there have been green, oddly shaped brown, and a black and yellow kind I've never seen before.

Leona- day 50
She hasn't given me any trouble so far. The first true leaves are now fully yellow. I'm considering taking her first node and cloning the tiny side branches there, but I already have plans for the winter, and they really don't have long enough to grow outdoors before shifting to flower.

Desdemona- day 40
She gets some leafhoppers too, but otherwise she's been on cruise control.

I'm still debating whether or not to put her in a pot or in the ground.
I've got 3,5, and 7 gallon fabric pots available, as well as a plastic 4 gallon nursery pot which is destined to be cut down to a bit over 2 gallons to be the res for the SIPish planter when I convert it to an actual SIP for next outdoor season.
If I put her in a pot I'll be able to move her to shelter if/when necessary.
I can also wrap the pot in chicken wire while she's young.

If I can give a vote I would opt for 7g pot so it can be move to shelter when is gonna be needed.

Garden pics, enjoyed.
We used to have a cat who came into the yard with us, and she used my plants as cover to hunt.
She never really tried to catch birds, she just liked to jump out and scare them. When we would take her out there she would run back and jump almost straight up in the air with her paws stretched out causing the group of birds at the feeders to burst up into a panicked tweeting flight, and the cat would watch them.
The funniest part is she was still way too far away to catch one when she did that.
She just liked the commotion they made.
She caught plenty of mice, a few shrews. She would catch the chipmunks, but she never killed them. We would make her let them go, and they always ran off without a trace of blood on them.
Luna the cat is a super skilled huntress. I've watched her in action and while a little shocking to see the climax of one of her successful hunts, it's still amazing to see first hand. After her successes that I've witnessed, she doesn't toy with her prey, she devours it. The times I've tried to give her food, she may taste it, but then just loses interest. She's very feral when it comes to her food, but she can show affection too. :hmmmm: :cheesygrinsmiley:

I worked for ten years in a National Park, and over that time my personal outlook on nature, got a bit "larger". :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:

On the idea of what pot size to use. If it's going outside, why wouldn't you use the biggest available, if moving it around wasn't a concern?
If I can give a vote I would opt for 7g pot so it can be move to shelter when is gonna be needed.

Garden pics, enjoyed.
Luna the cat is a super skilled huntress. I've watched her in action and while a little shocking to see the climax of one of her successful hunts, it's still amazing to see first hand. After her successes that I've witnessed, she doesn't toy with her prey, she devours it. The times I've tried to give her food, she may taste it, but then just loses interest. She's very feral when it comes to her food, but she can show affection too. :hmmmm: :cheesygrinsmiley:

I worked for ten years in a National Park, and over that time my personal outlook on nature, got a bit "larger". :cheesygrinsmiley: :bong:

On the idea of what pot size to use. If it's going outside, why wouldn't you use the biggest available, if moving it around wasn't a concern?
Thanks guys!
When I was reading up about autos to prepare for this grow I found a lot of conflicting views on pot sizes.
The consensus seemed to be that 7 gallon pots were overkill, and that autos didn't benefit from the added room the way a photoperiod plant would.
I'm not sure about that, but after the DDa died I pulled up the root system and it wasn't anywhere near as extensive as the root system of a photo of the same size would be.
I should probably test that out for myself though. I'm not sure if it's really a fair test as we're already in July, so she won't be getting the maximum sunlight possible, but if she doesn't take full advantage of the soil I can always amend and reuse it.
I have some time to decide as the seed hasn't sprouted yet, and if it fails to germinate I'll be sticking with the 3 plants that I have right now.
Moving a 7 gallon pot isn't an issue for me, especially with an average sized auto in it. It's when there's a plant that's 4 feet tall by 4 feet across that I need help, lol!
Sorry about the recent loss but selfish as it may sound, Leona is my girl so if she's good, I'm good. I am happy to be caught up here even though the rabbits make me fear putting a plant outside, even in a tent...dang wabbits. Stellar plants and beautiful garden as always, Mel. Now off to Clover's page...I'll be there for 17 days or so catching up lol

Thanks for tagging me in, again. I hope to grow outdoors with your gumption one day!
A little less haze in the air, hopefully it stays like this.

Airmid- day 62
She hasn't emerged from those days of rain entirely unscathed, but this isn't progressing. I'll let this be a lesson, plants in flower are more sensitive to missed feedings than plants in veg. That might seem obvious, but seeing it firsthand always makes a more lasting impression.

Leona- day 51
I'm liking that fresh green growth at the top. I'm thinking I'll just let her be now, maybe take a few of the biggest fans to get light to the lower leaves that will power budsites, if I can't tuck them out of the way.

Desdemona- day 41
No trace of purple yet, but that's to be expected. She's really just starting flower.

Sorry about the recent loss but selfish as it may sound, Leona is my girl so if she's good, I'm good. I am happy to be caught up here even though the rabbits make me fear putting a plant outside, even in a tent...dang wabbits. Stellar plants and beautiful garden as always, Mel. Now off to Clover's page...I'll be there for 17 days or so catching up lol

Thanks for tagging me in, again. I hope to grow outdoors with your gumption one day!
Thanks Krissi!
Leona really does seem to be popular!
If your veg garden isn't being raided by the rabbits, your cannabis plants would probably be safe. The rabbit didn't touch mine until it had destroyed the strawberries and marigolds.
I definitely have enough chicken wire for next year, and it's going up as soon as possible!
A little less haze in the air, hopefully it stays like this.

Airmid- day 62
She hasn't emerged from those days of rain entirely unscathed, but this isn't progressing. I'll let this be a lesson, plants in flower are more sensitive to missed feedings than plants in veg. That might seem obvious, but seeing it firsthand always makes a more lasting impression.

Leona- day 51
I'm liking that fresh green growth at the top. I'm thinking I'll just let her be now, maybe take a few of the biggest fans to get light to the lower leaves that will power budsites, if I can't tuck them out of the way.

Desdemona- day 41
No trace of purple yet, but that's to be expected. She's really just starting flower.

Thanks Krissi!
Leona really does seem to be popular!
She's Purdy :circle-of-love:
If your veg garden isn't being raided by the rabbits, your cannabis plants would probably be safe. The rabbit didn't touch mine until it had destroyed the strawberries and marigolds.
What about birds? Do they peck at the buds like they do tomatoes?
I definitely have enough chicken wire for next year, and it's going up as soon as possible!
Proactive! Love to see that! Do you think I'm stupid for getting a large butterfly enclosure for the auto I'm throwing outside? I'm just so nervous for bugs!
She's Purdy :circle-of-love:
She is! @SeedsMan did a great job with this one!
What about birds? Do they peck at the buds like they do tomatoes?
I've never seen that, possibly because they don't recognize it as a food source. I think the spread of industrial hemp operations might change that in the near future.
When goldfinches start getting seeds from the hemp crops they might start looking for them in our plants.
I've never had a problem with birds pecking my tomatoes though. What type of bird does that? We might not have them here.
Proactive! Love to see that! Do you think I'm stupid for getting a large butterfly enclosure for the auto I'm throwing outside? I'm just so nervous for bugs!
Not at all! It wouldn't make much sense for a photoperiod, but judging by the autos I have it should work quite well. It might lower the light intensity a bit though. If I'd had one around Maeve the rabbit would've had to chew through that first.
You'd just have to watch out for any pests sneaking in while you care for the plant. It would keep the predatory insects out too, so one layer of defence would be gone.
Thanks guys!
When I was reading up about autos to prepare for this grow I found a lot of conflicting views on pot sizes.
The consensus seemed to be that 7 gallon pots were overkill, and that autos didn't benefit from the added room the way a photoperiod plant would.
I'm not sure about that, but after the DDa died I pulled up the root system and it wasn't anywhere near as extensive as the root system of a photo of the same size would be.
I should probably test that out for myself though. I'm not sure if it's really a fair test as we're already in July, so she won't be getting the maximum sunlight possible, but if she doesn't take full advantage of the soil I can always amend and reuse it.
I have some time to decide as the seed hasn't sprouted yet, and if it fails to germinate I'll be sticking with the 3 plants that I have right now.
Moving a 7 gallon pot isn't an issue for me, especially with an average sized auto in it. It's when there's a plant that's 4 feet tall by 4 feet across that I need help, lol!

Before my current adventure with Autos, I had only grown one and Indoors.
I can’t say if the current pot size helped at all I haven’t finished them yet.
One auto I got in 20gal grow bag and the other in a 10 gal non standard “SIP” and both have sizes that surpass my expectations.
Same goes with HST on autos, I only had 1 of them throw out several monoecious flower (I showed a picture) during the preflowering face. For now both Autos are running smoothly, waiting for harvest to assess roots.

If it might be like overkill a 7gal, I would still think;
nothing to lose hey Mel?

Happy Canada 🇨🇦 Day
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