thanks guys,
there is no adult supervision in my brain
I tried to update last night as promised, but couldn't access the site. It's workin' now though, so here goes.
This is Vicky about halfway through the bloom cycle:
The GLH Spectra 300 is kicking ass, and I'm usually pretty reserved about things until it's all over, but this LED light is obviously doing a *great* job.
The OC+ is also kicking ass, after I added more of it and started using straight tap water. I'm very happy with how it's working, and I've had to top-dress more than half the prills because I was overly conservative with it when I filled the buckets, so it would be working even better if I had incorporated more of it into the perlite/Turface from the get-go. The mild mag deficiency cleared up with the straight tap water, and now that I have about 5 Tbsp total of prills in the bucket, things are looking really good.
Big thanks to DocBud for turning me (and many others) on to the OC+!
This is going to make growing a *lot* easier and less expensive for me, whether in soil or hydro, so that's a huge thanks buddy
My hempy-style bubble pot is working really well too, but it's the first time I've used this method, so don't know how much it's contributing to the results.
In any case, Vicky is a very pretty beast. She's taking up the entire tent and crowding Shrub up against the wall.
Speaking of Shrub, here she is. She's sort of a mini-me version of Vicky, but she just started packing it on, so she may yield OK.
Things are a little more dialed in now that I have a better feel for the light and the nutes.
More OC+, straight tap water, and raising the light up to 14" were the tweaks.
We're around halfway through bloom now, so plenty of time left for things to fatten up
thanks friends