2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

You can't go wrong with anything from Big Buddha Seeds. I posted my picks on your thread, and was gonna post the Zeppelin song too, but every post not cannabis related gets bounced..... :)

They have a lot of hermies...
I dunno about hermies. I can't comment on big bhuda as iv only grown "barneys farm"sensi"greenhouse"
We all no that we ourselves are main cause of a plant herming IMO. That little peak when lights out... Being scissor happy pruning....weird gas lantern light schedules etc etc ect
All I'm saying is reputable seed banks wouldn't be reputable if they had high hermies under ideal condition
I was told keep away from greenhouse seeds company they have lots of hermies.
Come on that seed bank is ridiculously famous as is budda
My two scrogged slh had no herming. Now iv harvested and re vegging. Big stress. If it hermies it's my fault now not ghs co
I just think herming is prodomonently caused by something we've done

Not having a dig medicate but I just think if they "did have a lot of hermies" people wouldn't use them
Happy Weednesday PC:circle-of-love:
I've grown Red Dwarf, Cheese, and Blue Cheese from Big Buddha Seeds and all three were a notch above everything else I grew with it buzzwise (at least in their respective categories). I've grown Neville's Haze, Super Lemon Haze, and Exodus Cheese from GHS Co.; the NH bombed out (me), the EC did okay in a half-tweaked grow unit under low wattage and smoked as well as anything else in that Cheese grow except the strain noted above, and the SLH was good enough that I'm still cloning it. I dropped a CO2 bag on my last clone only a few days ago, so I chopped and left the bottom part of the plant to reveg. The first two reveg leaves are 3/8" and 1/4" long already.
I dont want to apear ant dumber than I am,,,,BUT did you get seeds from eslay an if so is it same for the uk:grinjoint:
Can't get Kryptonite on Flea-bay, so I'm stuck with the ol' SLH it looks like..... :)
Hey Chimp how much harder are sativas to grow than hydrids ???????????:peace::thanks:

I do okay with hybrids and wider leaf pure Sativas, but these equatorial and tropical Sativas are a lot harder if you ask me. Mostly because they are sensitive to most everything. If you do good with one, then controlling the size becomes an issue. Controlling it sizewise in mid-veg and diligently training it in flowering to do a good job means that the amount of time and work make it harder.

I haven't wanted to do it, but I can't put it off any longer; I have to cut my taller OTH way back because it's overcrowding everything, even itself. Post more pics of my alleged plants soon..... :)
I knew those were alleged plants POT CHIMP is Not REAL! so if you aint a stoner go the fuck away!
I haven't wanted to do it, but I can't put it off any longer; I have to cut my taller OTH way back because it's overcrowding everything, even itself. Post more pics of my alleged plants soon..... :)

You should just thin it, Chimp. Take out the least productive branches and make some hash from 'em - leave the good ones, no matter how gangly they might be. Have you thought anymore about the increased dark period?
You should just thin it, Chimp. Take out the least productive branches and make some hash from 'em - leave the good ones, no matter how gangly they might be. Have you thought anymore about the increased dark period?

That was what I was talking about more or less, as opposed to just chopping away. I've already decreased the dark period once to 11/13, and due to PotChimp overenthusiasm I may need to add a 5th grow unit for a short period of time (in about a week). To decrease the light bill I need to run the extra unit (keeping clones alive and in veg) in the GLR mode, cut unit 3 (G13 grow and a Free tibet clone) to 11/13, leave unit 2 (rest of Chemdawg D BX 3 females and various flowering clones) with a 250 watt for about the first 3 weeks of flowering, and put unit 4 (the Hazes) down more to 10/14. I'm going to leave the breeding unit (Chemdawg D BX 3 Mom and Dad) @ 12/12 to avoid stress but will have to keep the wattage down on that, too.
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