2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Face it from the day we are born it's all about being the best society wants to put us all in a square box so we can all be the same. Those that don't fit turn out to be mother stabbers, father rapers or some other form of misfit. Those of us who are enlightened have come to the realization we don't need to be pigeon holed we live as we see fit and Fck the square pegs, who want to and, have Fuked up the United States.:peace:
Everything short of waterboarding the little cheater. They had these straps that went through the garbage can lid handle and hooked to both can handles so cats and raccoons couldn't get in your garbage we put him in the can put the straps to hold the lid on and rolled him down the hill once it was funny as Hell until he hit a rock then it was even funnier. :)
Everything short of waterboarding the little cheater. They had these straps that went through the garbage can lid handle and hooked to both can handles so cats and raccoons couldn't get in your garbage we put him in the can put the straps to hold the lid on and rolled him down the hill once it was funny as Hell until he hit a rock then it was even funnier. :)

That's horrible, lol :laughtwo::rofl::smokin: I think the worst I did was tie an annoying kid to a tree and run the sprinkler for an hour back when I was about 11 or 12... I had a migraine and the little $h1t wouldn't STFU, rofl.
That's horrible, lol :laughtwo::rofl::smokin: I think the worst I did was tie an annoying kid to a tree and run the sprinkler for an hour back when I was about 11 or 12... I had a migraine and the little $h1t wouldn't STFU, rofl.

We all agreed we'd roll down the hill one by one in the can and see who could wipe out the worst but he chickened out you know the rest :)
I was working out of town with a person I did not like very much. he was a pissy little troll and a even worse one when he got drunk.
One night we took one of those soaker hoses and wrapped it around him while he was passed out. I am still not allowed to stay at a Red Roof Inn:)
A Fine Sativaday to you PC:)
Yeah, when it comes to teens and adults, well that's muuuuch different, especially annoying coworkers Fish... Defcon visit, legal brothels, polaroids and everclear to replace annoying guy's vodka.... ohhh, and toys, drag and a break room bulletin board a week later ;)
I decided to use a very scientific method of harvest time determination on my last Super Lemon Haze clone. Wattage calculations to determine exact lumen counts per leaf and geometric data as to exact radii of trichomes to determine reflection of given peak ultraviolet B spectrum rays within a millisecond of maximum THC levels and came to the conclusion that the perfect time to chop was when I opened the grow unit door and saw the CO2 bag laying directly on top of the poor lil' broken flat thang..... :(

Got a few leaves left on the bottom so she's back in reveg!
Survivor, the PotChimp edition ;) beats the hel outta the crap show on tv as it is, lol :Namaste:

The two Old Timers Hazes would make a good episode; every time one starts looking okay the other starts taking a dive. Now the taller one is a bit wilted and the lower one seems to be looking better. If I had suggestions to anyone as to growing one of these equatorial plants so far, they would be:

1) No closets; do it in a room.
2) Water every day and do it conservatively.
3) 1000 watt lamp.
4) Very light feeding; 1/3 to 1/4 strength nutes.
5) Trim way back at first signs of flowering.
6) Have a little air movement in the room, even if the light reflector is cooled.

Afine Skunkday to you Pot Chimp:)
1 GSC doob w/ the rest of my kief
+ 1 GDP doob
+ 1 SLH doob
+ 1 half roaches and half can't remember what else doob (can't taste it to tell either 'cause I 'moked a lil' this morning and my throat is fried)
= 1 slightly fueled up PotChimp ready to face an ever expanding Universe and the problems it tends to bring by doing so. :tokin:
yeah well I still dont think it will be worth the rest of the grow. some of the tops are like powder and there really wont be enough to call a zip between them. thinking of maybe trying a reveg while some new seeds are sprouting and just letting it be as is. I got a month old jug of popcorn and leaf mixed with a fifth of 151 and could easily strain that and grind the rest for the hooch. just don't know. either what to do or plant.
did you see the list of what seeds I had and do you have any recommendations?
To you too, fish cake. I read that your plants were getting new greenage; congrats! :thumb:
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