2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Sup PC:) Afine weed to you also:)
well I have successfully have killed my plants with out too much trouble at all YAY...:/
think I will try to kill some chem dawg seeds next. how is that for growing may I ask?

:shhh: we kill them all

When I see an awesome bud shot I often download images just to edit them...When they are really nice I post them back, I hope you don't mind I smoked your bud

No not at all. One day I'll quit being lazy, read up on this camera and practice taking shots under a better light (flash and focus adjustments mostly). I finally got unlazy enough to take a few Haze pics, by the way :) Here they are, as much of an eyesore as the situation is:


The one growing under has a lot of weak growth that needs to be cut out. This wilt is pretty bad but Ima keep goin' :)


And so all of you don't feel too sorry for me (or laugh too hard), my SLH clone.


Have you considered giving that old girl a flush?
Have you considered giving that old girl a flush?

I have, but between it being a super soil mix and the medium being wet I've laid off of it. These things need a room to grow in and air circulation. A 400 watt light doesn't cut it, either. And I'm afraid most of the conditions the leaves are showing are more due to these facts and not nute lockout, salt buildup or overfeeding.
Great taste in music, a fine sartorial sense AND an expert marijuana killer!

I am now a trained Killer so watch out these hand have been registered and are legal to hide in my pockets:)

No not at all. One day I'll quit being lazy, read up on this camera and practice taking shots under a better light (flash and focus adjustments mostly). I finally got unlazy enough to take a few Haze pics, by the way :) Here they are, as much of an eyesore as the situation is:


The one growing under has a lot of weak growth that needs to be cut out. This wilt is pretty bad but Ima keep goin' :)


And so all of you don't feel too sorry for me (or laugh too hard), my SLH clone.


Happy Frieday PC:)
I can show you some pics that can make the strongest of growers do the above:)
Battle ship is a gateway to bingo and Milton Bradley knew it. they started many years ago testing it in old folks homes. "oh its just a harmless game" they said sorry PC but that game is instrumental in the destruction of the American way! that and my dog choked to death on the submarine so it always strikes a chord with me when I hear it:)
There's someone on the planet in my age group that never played the board game "Battleship" wow. My older brother used to move the little boat around and tell me I missed..... :)

I'm old enough to have played it on graph paper. :cheesygrinsmiley:
so how do giraffes like being turned to paper. I think they wouldn't like it:/
I'm old enough to have played it on graph paper. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Battle ship is a gateway to bingo and Milton Bradley knew it. they started many years ago testing it in old folks homes. "oh its just a harmless game" they said sorry PC but that game is instrumental in the destruction of the American way! that and my dog choked to death on the submarine so it always strikes a chord with me when I hear it:)

Milton Bradley games taught me to trust no one :) Whenever somebody in PotChimp's house got anywhere near the "Go to Jail" corner square everybody playing had an anxiety attack because you couldn't watch to make sure the player didn't slide a space when he counted to avoid jail and watch to make sure nobody else pocketed a 500 dollar bill from the bank at the same time. :)
Milton Bradley games taught me to trust no one :) Whenever somebody in PotChimp's house got anywhere near the "Go to Jail" corner square everybody playing had an anxiety attack because you couldn't watch to make sure the player didn't slide a space when he counted to avoid jail and watch to make sure nobody else pocketed a 500 dollar bill from the bank at the same time. :)

:laugh: sad part is how true that is... MB and other companies definitely encouraged people to be competitive instead of cooperative, which of course, encourages cheating ... of course, too much blackjack or poker can encourage you to learn to load the deck as well, lol.

The cooltube is better for the temps but it can give lower yields, is that right?

I know that I can hold the glass everywhere but right in the middle (where the bulb is), and only feel warmth not heat. I'm thinking of getting some material for making reflective wings, because the end of the cooltube goes too close to the bulb and blocks the light some. The ends being partially blocked would be the only reason I would see that yield would be lower besides not having reflective wings on the tube. I've never heard of the lower yield thing with cooltubes before.
:laugh: sad part is how true that is... MB and other companies definitely encouraged people to be competitive instead of cooperative, which of course, encourages cheating ... of course, too much blackjack or poker can encourage you to learn to load the deck as well, lol.


Well if we all would have straightened out MB on the cheating thing by waiting until he took a nap on the couch when he was over and our parents were getting drunk then put vaseline on the bottom of his shoes flicked the lights on and off shook a piece of sheet metal to sound like thunder shook the couch woke him up with looks on our faces scared to death yelling "TORNADO!!!!!" and running towards the door like I did my cousin he would have went on to make up nicer games I think. Or at least hit his head on the floor really hard and made everybody laugh. :)
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