2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Good Weed PC:)
who is this Dank Tari you talk about?:)
I wound up with a 2 gram puck plus about 1/4 - 1/2 gram of kief. That's from about a four finger gallon baggie of trim.

Hmm ... that sounds ... disappointing ... ?
Sure wish I could find a pair of comfortable shoes that weren't designed by a drugged out astronaut-wanna-be circus clown. Ahh to Hell with feeding some pathetic CEO a fortune; if I can't duct tape these ones back together I'd rather be (old TV commercial song) barefootin'..... bop, bop, bow..... barefootin' :)
Bleached out, underfed Free Tibet clone to fill the empty spaces.....


I'll try to get a few pics of the Old Timers Haze bush up tonight.

Hey chimpster... is the free tibet always yellow or is that what you meant by "underfed"? I've seen some interesting color/pattern variations surfing through some of the seed banks, so was curious... she's pretty either way though :)
Sup PC:) Afine weed to you also:)
well I have successfully have killed my plants with out too much trouble at all YAY...:/
think I will try to kill some chem dawg seeds next. how is that for growing may I ask?
Hey chimpster... is the free tibet always yellow or is that what you meant by "underfed"? I've seen some interesting color/pattern variations surfing through some of the seed banks, so was curious... she's pretty either way though :)

The yellow is from being underfed. I thought that the nutes in a super soil grow I did earlier weren't used up, so I put this FT into it after I pulled the old plant out. I started feeding it recently after I saw the yellowing.
Sup PC:) Afine weed to you also:)
well I have successfully have killed my plants with out too much trouble at all YAY...:/
think I will try to kill some chem dawg seeds next. how is that for growing may I ask?

Bummer. This legal status thing sucks. There are probably a hundred people only a stone's throw away that could help each other out at a time like that. One dude's grow goes bad, another dude needs to get rid of a plant or two and has to kill it or overcrowd a grow. Sucks.
You know I didn't really have any problems at all with the Chemdawg D BX 3 grow I did, so I would say it's pretty grower friendly. Since Canna Venture Seeds doesn't have them in stock I wouldn't know what breeder to go with, though.....
thats what I have is a canna venture seed:)
Sup PC:) Afine weed to you also:)
well I have successfully have killed my plants with out too much trouble at all YAY...:/
think I will try to kill some chem dawg seeds next. how is that for growing may I ask?

Great taste in music, a fine sartorial sense AND an expert marijuana killer!

Cool if it's not the one I had, the other Chemdog cross from them looks just as good.
Chimpo Taste Test #1:

I cut all the branches off of a Grand Daddy Purple clone except one, which I left the leaves on. I then cut the plant at the base, hung it to dry, and when it was dry enough for the leaves to be rigid I took it down ands put it on a drying rack along with the rest of the plant, which was already manicured and drying. The branch took longer to dry, but after it was dry enough I manicured it by crumbling the leaves off. The nug on the left is the pre-manicured test nug and the one on the right is the dried on the branch with the leaf on test nug:


Here's a better shot of the manicured one:


I jarred these up separately about 3 days ago, and this should be the last burping of the jar. In a few weeks I'll pop them and see wazzup..... :thumb:

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