2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Not too bad considering I used to toss this stuff.....


your rocky road shall soon be filled with flowers and cute little kittens oh and lollipops of every color in the rainbow!:love::love:
and then the magic puppies will tickle your face with doggie kisses and....I have to stop.
I was making myself sick.
chin up buckaroo:/
Well aren't WE just traipsing down the happy trail of life with sunshine and lollipops fallin' out our a$$ today..... ;)
Just kidding; here's a few Free Tibet clone pics. Hope the pot dries out soon so I can feed this thing; it's looking hungry.


This Everclear/Kief mix isn't clean, and when the alcohol evaporates I think it's gonna be more like earwax than extract. I'll consume it somehow..... :tokin:
they do look hungry don't they!
I'm proud that you wont let that kief go to waste PC. way to go yay woohoo
Oh thanks yeah kief never goes to waste around here. If I heat it a little in the Everclear, I wonder if the glands will pop and I'll have me some oil? Maybe I'll try it later. If my avatar pic shows me without hair next time, it didn't work. :)

as long as the temps don't get above360 gradees it will be fine:)
Chimpy, you're gonna make me paranoid about my order from Barney's, lol... Cool, when you said ballast, I was thinking 600w HPS or bigger and just had a vision of flash... bang!!! and that would NOT be good...

How well does that 200w CFL work? I was thinking about getting 2 for veggies in a 6 x 8 room... well, I was looking at 250w in reflectors... $73 in the reflector, flashwing style.

Those girls are lookin sweeeet... nom nom .... and fedex, being fedex and rain forest online supermall, being, well them, shipped things in a bunch of boxes, all out in different delivery trucks, lol... so I have tent and light up, but I'm waiting for the 6" can fan and exhaust vent... lol.
p.s. I love kief... it's a lovely thing that can be used in so many ways... I also love the leftovers from making kief, they are lovely baked at 220* for 20 minutes and thrown in a crock pot with a couple pounds of butter and a few quarts of water, lol.

I like edibles ;)
Yep I totally agree nice that you tried to wake him up:goodjob:
Wow I was at the hydro store and the dude at the counter says, "Could you do me a favor?" I says, "What's that?" He says "Next time you come in don't wear that shirt in here" (I was wearing a Grand Daddy Genetics shirt) I says sarcastically, "They really get on you about that kind of $hit?" He says "You know" well guy if you can't manage to grow enough of a dick and nuts to tell people who come in here complaining about it to go phuck themselves or my guess if you're just a two faced little weasel who will gladly take our money but won't stand up for the cause then you can do without me for a customer. Should have smiled and threw the item I bought right into his light bulb stack behind the counter. Gonna tell me how to dress sure you are you fat little troll..... :)
Chimpy, you're gonna make me paranoid about my order from Barney's, lol... Cool, when you said ballast, I was thinking 600w HPS or bigger and just had a vision of flash... bang!!! and that would NOT be good...

How well does that 200w CFL work? I was thinking about getting 2 for veggies in a 6 x 8 room... well, I was looking at 250w in reflectors... $73 in the reflector, flashwing style.

Those girls are lookin sweeeet... nom nom .... and fedex, being fedex and rain forest online supermall, being, well them, shipped things in a bunch of boxes, all out in different delivery trucks, lol... so I have tent and light up, but I'm waiting for the 6" can fan and exhaust vent... lol.

I don't like going any further than the seedling stage with this 200 watt full spectrum mogul base CFL. Once I see it hit veg and I know they are going strong I like to put them under the 250 watt MH/HPS bulb I have. The CFLs keep a plant shorter, and the veg period under the second bulb seems to do the same. But I've seen plants @ 3 weeks old that were a lot bigger than mine. I'd go at least 20/4 with a 200 watt CFL (I do 18/6 because of my other units running the electric bill up).
I hadn't seen a 300w, 250 was the largest I saw. I was thinking 2, a blue and a red for the veggie room, but I wasn't sure if they would put out enough light for tomatoes and cucumbers... I'm pretty sure it's more than enough for salad greens and such.
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