2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Well here's some late pics; I didn't get time to post them last night. Here are a few of the Free Tibet from a few days ago, prior to dark period:


Now I chopped and manicured the SLH first and here's the pics of it:


Here's the chopped FT:


And one final pic of the next Free Tibet. I thought that the Super soil in the White Urkel I grew wasn't used up because the roots didn't penetrate into it far so I planted this FT in it after I pulled the WU rootball. It ran the nutes out but I still have plenty of time to feed this one and bring it back some. I'll use up my FF on this one.



Now she`s handicap... nice job ahn , Mr.Chimp.
Well, wtf I am more feeble than I know, you know it doesn't hurt to loose your mind.

I know I was here cause it says I liked it :cheesygrinsmiley:

I thought I made a post to tell you.

wait, where am I?... :loopy:
I can't wait to burn on some of that Free Tibet. I forgot to mention that in the pics on the previous page that the yellowed FT cola was that way because the main stem broke. I splinted it because it was so close to the end, but it didn't help because it was too broken. Gave it some nice color though. :)
Yes it did! good weed to you PC, that free Tibet does look quite tasty too:)
Wow I was at the hydro store and the dude at the counter says, "Could you do me a favor?" I says, "What's that?" He says "Next time you come in don't wear that shirt in here" (I was wearing a Grand Daddy Genetics shirt) I says sarcastically, "They really get on you about that kind of $hit?" He says "You know" well guy if you can't manage to grow enough of a dick and nuts to tell people who come in here complaining about it to go phuck themselves or my guess if you're just a two faced little weasel who will gladly take our money but won't stand up for the cause then you can do without me for a customer. Should have smiled and threw the item I bought right into his light bulb stack behind the counter. Gonna tell me how to dress sure you are you fat little troll..... :)
Let me get a pic up of it later now that things are settling down around here. I'm kind of going toe to toe right now with one of the Old Timers Hazes; the size is hard to keep controlled. I'm gonna trim the other Old Timers Haze on the right side up to keep everything away from the lights. Healthwise, the leaves are looking good and so are the flowers. This plant is taking forever to get done. :)
Lol as if 90% of their business don't come from weed growers.

At my shop my codewords are tomatoes and flowers. Which is kinda funny cause I actually do grow normal flowers and tomatoes too. But i sure as hell aint going and buying 100 bucks of bat guano just to feed my lilies.

I once brought in a leaf off my plant when i didnt know how to diagnose problems myself. The dude was all freaked out like "woah you shouldnt bring that in here" But it was just me and him in the store so he took a look anyways and told me what the problem was :)

JJ one of the sponsers here on the website has a hydro store up in Nor Cal. Hes a good guy and obviously supports the ganja :). If he was closer id buy a bunch off him, maybe next year if im up north ill pay him a visit.

But yeah Chimp, someone whos gonna say not to wear a shit lol... tell him to shove it imho.
Wow I was at the hydro store and the dude at the counter says, "Could you do me a favor?" I says, "What's that?" He says "Next time you come in don't wear that shirt in here" (I was wearing a Grand Daddy Genetics shirt) I says sarcastically, "They really get on you about that kind of $hit?" He says "You know" well guy if you can't manage to grow enough of a dick and nuts to tell people who come in here complaining about it to go phuck themselves or my guess if you're just a two faced little weasel who will gladly take our money but won't stand up for the cause then you can do without me for a customer. Should have smiled and threw the item I bought right into his light bulb stack behind the counter. Gonna tell me how to dress sure you are you fat little troll..... :)

If i was a Mr.Chimp like you Sir, i would chew on his face ! :)
Good weednesday PC:)
My arent we a little angry still from the fine folks at customs trying to protect us from evil doers from other countries:)
and now from a wardrobe malfunction Breath deep breath in breath out:)
Wow I was at the hydro store and the dude at the counter says, "Could you do me a favor?" I says, "What's that?" He says "Next time you come in don't wear that shirt in here" (I was wearing a Grand Daddy Genetics shirt) I says sarcastically, "They really get on you about that kind of $hit?" He says "You know" well guy if you can't manage to grow enough of a dick and nuts to tell people who come in here complaining about it to go phuck themselves or my guess if you're just a two faced little weasel who will gladly take our money but won't stand up for the cause then you can do without me for a customer. Should have smiled and threw the item I bought right into his light bulb stack behind the counter. Gonna tell me how to dress sure you are you fat little troll..... :)
Plus under the weather and jonesing for some Chimply Caramel fun size bars..... :)
On the question of Chimp vs. Sativa: I think in most ways I'm getting my a$$ kicked here. In nature these things can get up to 12 -14' tall and even with the restrictions that artificial lighting cause, it still grows like mad. I guess you could say that as far as the goal I set out for I'm winning because where the plant is in the light and not dense from overgrowth the leaves look really healthy. But as far as technique goes I'm a laughing stock; a grower like Haze is definitely NOT one you want to go at without a full plan and a lot of open space to carry it out in. This is it after a rearrangement of the lights; I shifted the 400 watt HPS to the left and rehung the 50 watt tri-band LED on the right.


Man Hazes are hard to grow in a lil' closet..... :(
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