2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

HMMMMM.....Batgirl. have to not :) when a man's or Chimp's dinner goes aery.
good weed PC:)
Is that a Batgirl smile or a burnt beer chicken smile? :)
I am in Orr of your old timers haze and of u as a grower for having a strain that requires such such patience.
I'm hoping for you when it's ready it sends u buzzing to another planet.... Another galexy

Thanks, but I've got a long way to go to get really good as a grower in my own eyes. If this thing makes it the whole 6 months (or close) and the leaves and flowers are healthy I'll feel like I've achieved what I set out to do, which is to grow a difficult sativa. It's about round 6, and I'm not giving the answer "Green?" when the bell rings I go to my corner and my boxing coach says, "How many fingers am I holding up?", so I think I may make it most of the way. :)
This plant is used to having to survive under intense sunlight, hence the thin leaves and plant structure. I know I won't get fat buds under a 400 watt HPS with the little 50 watt tri-band LED as a supplement; it would take at least a 1000 watt HPS to get what I want out of it. It would be cool if the smoke turned out good as a reward for my patience, though.
HMMMMM.....Batgirl. have to not :) when a man's or Chimp's dinner goes aery.
good weed PC:)

Oh that's okay I was laughing my a$$ off I couldn't help it after smoking most of that blunt Hell I was high enough I would have laughed at an audit from the eye arr ess. Like I said before I better stick to burgers and dogs because they're a lot easier to flip over the fence into the neighbor's pool to put out when they catch on fire.
Happy Friedday PC!
dont give up. chicken is mighty fine grilled:)
OOOO Chicken kiefev
Also good weed chimp ^^^ it's that why sativas have narrower leaves because they grow in hotter climates? I did not no that
I'm sure il make it tho the twelfth round and win on points unanimously and get the crown

"Master sativa grower"
Good weed but not REALLY good weed, you know? :)
Hey what's up? Thought I'd take a little time for an update today. Well I need to get things going because this G13 grow is doing the same thing as the one partially flowering Haze I have in unit 4; exhibiting traits of redwoodlike growth. You'll see the one in the pic and think "Wow he's gonna try to fit 4 more in there after the rest are cleared out? No way!" The GDPs here are going in the dark today; the trichomes are mostly partly cloudy (with a chance of rain, nyuk nyuk nyuk) and about 50-60% are all the way. I'll be able to squeeze at least 2 of the G13s in here afterwards.


Full unit pic:


I'm going to do the test with drying a harvest hanging by the stem with all the leaves on again. This time I have the top of the plant cut and the rest of the plant will be trimmed up, manicured, and cut from the stem tomorrow, then dried on a screen. Here's the top:


This FreeExceptForPotChimpHeHasToPay Tibet plant is getting it as soon as these top foxtails brown up:


The SLH is lingering on but it can't be much longer either:


I flowered this other SLH out way too small (lower right; the GDP in the background is wilted from underwatering so I'll leave that one until the leaves perk up then I'll put it in the dark too):


Here's a few Blue Cheese clones I took that I'm revegging 'cause the dope is pretty good (but not great). :)


With a heavy heart I'm pondering the killing of the Old Timer's Haze on the right of my grow in unit 4. It's growing out of control, yet never gets past premature flowers. Even the places up underneath that I've never trained or bent do the same thing; start flowering, stop, then keep growing out again. I think the one on the left will do better, plus I will be able to manipulate it under the light if I chop the other. But I'll probably just cut it back and take my chances on it going hermie. Had to tie the top down again last night and it's to the point where if it wasn't for the SCROG it was running through I could cut it at the bottom and use it for a giant broom maybe I'll make a rope out of it or something. :)

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