2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Waiting for the ambers.....



Free Tibet nugs:


SLH (soon):


Other SLH (few weeks from now):


And all of them with the G13 on the right (getting big, and got 4 more to fit in here). :(


ooh ooh ooh
On the experiment with the manicured drying of the GSC as opposed to the unmanicured drying: I'm going to try this again because these plants ran out of food early due to a lack of super soil mix so pretty much everything was expended and really didn't seem to transfer back and forth. The leaves were canary yellow and I imagine that's why there wasn't a transfer of sugars from them to the buds or however that goes. I'll do it with an easy to manicure strain because I noticed that the unmanicured before drying plant was hard to clean up after it was dryed. I wound up just crumbling the leaf ends by finger but the buds didn't taste a lot different; they were so expended of food that they didn't even burn slightly harsh after 1 week of drying without cure. This plant was the only one of the 6 to actually smell like a thin mint cookie a little.

The Blue Cheese is a nice stinkylike head dope I like it :) I'm saving what I have left of the Blueberry, and I'll burn it soon so I can tell everybody what it was like.

the pics were and are awesome PC! good weed by the way:)
I am begining to think that if its got blue in the name the smoke will be pretty good:)
Beautiful... I on the other hand would be waiting for bud rot :yikes:

just beautiful

Thanks, Buckshot. I'm worried about bud rot a little, but every time I look (about 2x a day) I don't see it anywhere. I separate the nugs when I can to scope things, too. I took my SLH top cola and spread it out by hand because of that fear. The fuzziness makes me worry about mold, but it's all trichs so far..... :slide:
At first i was reading "Free" Tibet buds, then i realized its the name of the strain haha
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Well here's the main plant this journal is about for the time being, and may be the potential one to end it. As you can see, it is going along in perfect accordance to the selective pruning and advanced training methods I've learned from master growers all over the..... aww who am I kidding, HELP!!!!! :)


Putting the light to the left all the way and putting the LED on the other side will possibly be my next move. I may wind up taking the plant on the right out. If you read up on Neville's Haze the breeders say that the phenos which go over 16 weeks are generally not worth keeping, and this may be an example of that kind of thing. It's hard to see (I'll get better pics up later), but that given plant keeps flowering and growing but the flowers never seem to develop out.


The right plant is doing okay. Man, these things are droopy when the light first comes on.....


I left the light on in my chimp hut deep in the jungle. ;)


Actually, that's the underside of this crappy SCROG.

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