2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

you say pototo I say potato:)
Remember when we used to get excited when the phone rang? Now we hate hearing the thing. When somebody started talking and it didn't sound like a rehearsed sales pitch to get your hard earned cash? Potato or pototo or PotChimp pushin' a turtlehead with a wet roll of Charmin no matter how you dish it out the prospects of old age aren't exactly welcoming....

But putting all that aside, good weed to you too.
there is only one alternative to getting older. so I'm good with the getting older part
never liked the phone ever:)
Another crappy day; sorry. Standing in front of the toilet doing a desperate "Gotta make a poopie" dance, my hands messed up and I bobble-dee-booed the last roll of a$$wipe into the bowl. :(

life is sucking lately.....


Thanks for the hearty ROTF!

The good news is - it's all gonna get better from here!

And re the phone ... how come everyone I see is using their phone, but mine rings less than ever? Now, I pick it up and say hello, and if no one has anything to say for 3 seconds I hang up. Odd, they don't call back.

Thanks for the hearty ROTF!

The good news is - it's all gonna get better from here!

And re the phone ... how come everyone I see is using their phone, but mine rings less than ever? Now, I pick it up and say hello, and if no one has anything to say for 3 seconds I hang up. Odd, they don't call back.

Man I didn't even have time to grieve I had to drop a deuce so bad.
As for my phone, I haven't gotten a call since that guy seeking asylum brought to our attention what we already knew. And I know if I fall from the top of the mountain to the bottom, brush myself off, and try to think something positive like, "It can only be up from here" a crevass is going to form under my feet. God just don't like some of us, man..... :(
Hmm. Three Mr. Nice G13 x Hash Plant seeds, and maybe the same in Super Silver Haze for my next order.

P.S.: If I get anything worth tossin' a turd at with this Chemdawg D breeding project I'm doing, I'll name my first decent cross "KissMyButtcrackExaminer"

yep the chimp's still mad
Hey alex801 think I should try to photoshop one of those Free Tibet cola hands so all the fingers are down except the middle one and send the U.S. Custums and Boarder Pruhtekshun a copy with the note "Hey! This one got past you guys!"? Then send him a copy of my trimmed up scary virginia pic with another note, "Here, since you're feeling grabby!"?

Chimp's still mad.....
For all those not so brave souls that work for customs perusing through our underwear keeping this country safe from umm sorry can't come up with anything:

For All You Do, This Bud's For You!


chimp's still mad.....
Ur beans coulda fell off the delivery truck on to some dirt and sprouted into magic bean storks creating a portal between our world and the land of the giants. They may of climbed down. Took over our world and used our bones to make there bread. Maybe this was the thinking of customs when they intercepted ur beans?
Thanks I hope so or if not, at least I'll have less time from being old to not be fine. That didn't make a bit of sense; see what being old does to you? :)
wow I understood that:hmmmm::helpsmilie:
Ur beans coulda fell off the delivery truck on to some dirt and sprouted into magic bean storks creating a portal between our world and the land of the giants. They may of climbed down. Took over our world and used our bones to make there bread. Maybe this was the thinking of customs when they intercepted ur beans?
FE FI FO FUM! I smell a bud from a simian!
hey PC you still perturbed?
real close! that should make all your woes go away PC!
now quit dwelling on the past and look into the future!
I know that was lame you dont have to say it
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