2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Heya Chimp... do you find much benefit out of that little led square in there with the HPS? What is that, the small 50w LED panel I see on some sites? Is it any good... I didn't hear much positive about those so thought I'd ask for your input since you obviously achieve good results. :)
Arrrr I see :) not heard of this before

Wow they look..... Crazy lol
Plus reps chimp amazing
Each cola top looks likd a bud coated hand with fingers outstretched

They're not all show, either. If you were to cut one of the long stems off the mother at the base near the soil, trim it up to the top cola then swing it like a bat, you'd turn somebody's head a little if you hit them in the cheek; they got weight and they're rock hard :)
Hey PC sup? Good weed to you and I hope you dont blow any fingers off today!
just brain cells!
Heya Chimp... do you find much benefit out of that little led square in there with the HPS? What is that, the small 50w LED panel I see on some sites? Is it any good... I didn't hear much positive about those so thought I'd ask for your input since you obviously achieve good results. :)

Yes it's a 50 watt tri-band LED and there's a noticeable difference, but I'm not sure what from. I have 2 different phenos of Old Timers Haze in this closet. The thicker leaf pheno seems to have thicker flowers at this point (for a Haze, anyway) and it's the one under the LED. I'll try to take a look at the whole mess closer tonight and see what's what, but my opinion is yes it does make a difference when used as I am using it (supplementary lighting as opposed to a main source). This unit has an oblong rectangular shape; the middle gets too much light because the front to back walls are too close and the ends don't get enough. I decided to go lower wattage on the main light and put 2 lights at the ends to balance the unit out. I'm waiting for that same LED unit to come back into stock so I have one for the other side.

Note: I might have to trim the plant on the right side down a bit because the growth is getting to be too much. I'm leary of doing it because of problems in the past growing sensitive Sativas; my Neville's Haze hermied on me when I started doing it. I'll do a little at a time.
Wanted to try to get a few decent pics today. Here's those heads I was talking about on the Free Tibet plant yep looks just like Mom only vegged a shorter time. More reaching hands (it's saying "help a chimp is growing me I'm gonna die!") :)


Super Lemon Haze:


Buncha GrandDaddy Purp pics :tokin:


Have a good holiday everybody, even though I'm too high to remember which one it was..... :lot-o-toke:
freakin pics are awesome PC:bravo:
Thanks; finally got a few decent ones. Should have waited on the one pic for the top to stop moving, even though this camera caught it pretty good. These will all be getting the chop soon and the rest of my G13 grow will be going in. I superdupercropped one of the branches on the G13 in there now; it'll look like spinach tomorrow..... ;)
Saaa wheat!
good weed PC:)
Not today it ain't. :(
Effin green tape on the opening of my last seed delivery says, "Examined by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol" and nothing but the T-shirt I ordered for stealth was in it. The only reason I even ordered was to get the free seeds (individual breeder freebies, not the ones that come with spending so many dollars even though I had a few good ones of those too); I don't have a MVTF cut and Canna Venture Seeds was giving some away. Damn. Hope they send me the same good extras with the replacement order. Grrrr.....
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