2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

This thing is grueling, fish cake. I want to pic a flowering top to see if there's any progress, but I'm afraid the pic will look the same. Maybe I'll wait a week and another hair will form somewhere. In terms of bushiness it grows like crazy. The unit's a packed mess. If Dr. Livingston sticks his head out and says, "If you say Dr. Livingston I presume, it's POW to the moon chimp!!!!!", I'm blaming everybody here at 420 magazine who encouraged me to pursue this venture..... ;)

you are so welcome:)

They all look awsome :)
Yea man that would easy add up....
I have to make do with about 2-3g a day when I'm paying for it

Man it will be a different story when I harvest :)

You're gonna love it :) I hate to say it, but I've gotten used to it. I'm putting a doob out after these next few tokes so I can get this other one smoked. I better hurry up 'cause I got a blunt to smoke before my last couple of bedtime joints.....

ooh ooh ooh
Had to break my own spirit and take a few pics of the Old Timers Haze at 17 weeks even of 12/12 lighting..... :(


See how the side is with the leaves dying?


All I've had to do is just shake the SCROG quick but not too far each way and all those dead and withered leaves just fall. It keeps me from having to defoliate, and hopefully the rate at which the leaves fall off will be somewhat natural and not stress the plant 'cause let me tell you guys they're not kidding this one is not for imbeciles like me. See how the stress from overwatering is still there? Touchy as Hell. Every day is gonna be a finger test of the soil and picking up the pot instead of guesses. This thing is gonna kick my a$$ I know it. And when it happens I'll look in the mirror and see an empty silhouette where a chimp should be standing too. I hate seeing that thing so much..... :(
Note: I harvested the Golden Tiger reveg today and put a small, weak clone from it into a 4" peat pot. I never gave this strain a good grow; the first one I did 8 of 10 seeds were female and the grow was overcrowded. Ever since it's been put to the side and I've never addressed the overcrowding problem I create by being weed greedy :)
I'll be jarring up # 4 and 5 of the GSC grow and the last is hanging in an area that in the past has given me longer drying times so it will be a day or two longer. The SLH is looking close and so are the 3 GDPs as well as the Free Tibet, which has a look to the frostiness that's fake, like that spray-in-a-can snow they sell around X-mas. Best I've done yet with this strain. To anyone growing it: if you see that club-headed look the grow books say that it could be from heat stress making the calyxes grow sporadically but my unit is good as far as tweaking goes and the strain seems to just do this regardless of conditions.
Man as soon as everything I got going on gets the chop and dry I'm gonna have about 8 or 9 weeks until this G13 grow chops too. Ain't gonna have a roach to smoke at the end for a week or two it looks like..... :(
You have good taste Fish man! Knopfler is amazing - I love everything he does.

Heck, 420Magsters seem to have good musical taste in general. I wonder if it's the cannabis. Music usually sounds so much better when I'm high. You guys, too?
You have good taste Fish man! Knopfler is amazing - I love everything he does.

Heck, 420Magsters seem to have good musical taste in general. I wonder if it's the cannabis. Music usually sounds so much better when I'm high. You guys, too?
YEP! me too:)
Heheh, I saw Bob Seger on his first national tour at a small county fair one summer with almost no one there. A vicious howler moved in about the time they started up and was blowing dust all around them, shirts flapping, hair buffeted, dusk, catching the sound from the PA and whipping that around, too - all "something wicked this way comes".

I remember his drummer had a really cool set of bass drums mounted above shoulder level on each side of him. And that band rocked! ROCKED! Like a private concert just for the 200 of us - a skilled band totally in the groove from their tour.
Any piks of that harvest u speak of chimp ? The re veg

I'll take a few of it tomorrow; it's not much to look at. I kept the buds all on the stems to dry. There's not a lot there either. But if I put this camera on macro and use a tripod the pics should look a little frosty. Maybe I'll pic the last GSC I have on the stem with the leaves before I manicure it too.
Say, Chimp,

I see you had some experience with Golden Tiger - I've been looking into it, along with its family, Malawi and Zamaldelica. Did you get any good bud off your GT, and if so, what did you think? The African sativas sound like something I want to try, especially with Thai genes.
Thanks for the close-ups.

It looks like such an insane mess from a distance!
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