2046 : Chimp vs. Sativa

Good Weed PC. are you using a constant 12/12 on that beast?
I'm thinking of doing a full Katsu cut Bubba Kush or Lashkar Afghani x Deep Chunk grow in here before I do the Dr. Grinspoon one. See if the pain relief thing works with different strains. I'd rather just do this thing to get high, but certain chimps out there have turned a lot of calendar pages..... :(
Sadly, yes. I wanted to see this grow go the whole 6 months, and I figured a constant 12/12 would be my best bet.
just wonder if a DLS might get her started more better.
Probably would have. Cutting the one out on the right would solve my problem, but if I see better development in the next month I'll rearrange the lights instead. The leaves on it are beautiful; I don't really want to chop it. The good news is that there's only 8 to 16 weeks left since the official first sight of hairs on these so it's just a matter of coasting in on this last little stretch ..... aww who am I kidding, Help Again!!!!! :)
Chimp, I wonder if I might be of some help ... dunno.

Back in the 80s I grew bagseed sativas for 10 years. Of course, that was 25 years ago, so my memory isn't terribly reliable, and a lot of it is likely to be a little crossed with what I've been reading here for the last couple months. And there wasn't a whole lot of "technique" involved - we jus' grew 'em up and sold the produce. Anyway, that's the context - I just have old memories and instincts.

As I was looking at that wild (Neville's Haze?), thinking about the small airy buds, my instinct was that you might consider dropping the daylight hours. We always ran 9/15, because we had run into hermi issues and the shorter light cycle seemed to solve that problem. I also remember when we were working out the bugs, we found that they were also slow to fully flower at 12/12 and restricting daylight helped. Now, these were decisions we made on the fly - there were no resources to learn all the various ways of boosting yield and altering growth patterns, so caveat emptor, advice is worth what you paid for it.

I haven't researched it. Is it likely that lowering daylight hours would help bring her into full flower sooner? We ran ours 2 months in veg from cuttings, and 3+ months in flower, and they ran around 6 feet tall. It also might help to reduce bud sights to concentrate growth to fewer buds. I wish I actually could tell you that I'm sure, but something about how that haze looks, rings a bell. My sativas from bagseed in the 80s were likely the ancestors of the current hazes. They would have been Mexican or Columbian, probably with a little Afghan indica to reduce height and time to maturity - basically a Haze.
This GSC is okay pot. It has some yield, decent taste, and gets you buzzed. The next time I do my Cali Connection S1s of these I'll harvest at all cloudy trichs and a few ambers so I can get the maximum potential out of these. It's gonna take that to feel okay about and back up my current opinion, which is as follows:


The double chromosome thing was cool, though.....
looks like too much nitrogen for one chimpy. There are tons of leaves. many are canoed and clawed and all look very green.

If you reduce the nitro you should get less leaf and more bud and probably less vertical growth too.

but having that many leaves and stems mashed together in that small a space is just asking for PM, or budrot, or mites, or something bad.
Come to think of it this mess DOES look like the Neville's Haze I grew, and that's exactly what happened to it. Hermied 8 weeks into flower. The leaves on these 2 Old Timer's Haze plants look healthy, so I'm hoping the same thing doesn't happen to them.

Oops, that's the Old Timer's, not the Neville's - I knew that - see what I mean about the memory thing? The good news is that as you get older, your memory gets better!

... or .... wait ... I may have remembered that wrong ...
looks like too much nitrogen for one chimpy. There are tons of leaves. many are canoed and clawed and all look very green.

If you reduce the nitro you should get less leaf and more bud and probably less vertical growth too.

but having that many leaves and stems mashed together in that small a space is just asking for PM, or budrot, or mites, or something bad.

I can't reduce N because the nutrients are premixed in the soil. I thought that the leaves looked a little N toxic myself, but as the evening goes by and the light cycle has been on they perk up. I did switch to General Organics CaMg+ to get away from a nitrate based supplement; it's carbonate based so that will reduce N some.The one thing these do in a clustered situation is drop a few more leaves than normal (I shake them and get a good palmful every night), but in general I think mold, rot, and bugs don't affect Hazes as much. I haven't seen a gnat or fly in quite a while and that doesn't happen very often in my grows.

I'll keep everybody posted on what I decide to do.

Page 69, huh?



I know, I know. I'm a tacky chimp, but I like me.....
I'll put one of my gourmet beer can chickens up in there if I see signs of PM; As bad as the residue from it killed the grass, it HAS to kill mold spores. The weed will probably taste like burnt paint if it picks up any of the fumes from the chicken but it won't hurt the trichomes any..... :)
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