1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah but I don't think your symptoms are as easy to pinpoint as mine are (now that I know). Either way, we will both be rid of these blasted things soon enough!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Im gonna stay on em for sure, i dont want them showing up again. I would be in flower by now if it wasnt for the bugs showing up.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

You and me both. I would probably be at least a week into flower. I was planning on flipping around the 1st of the month....oh well. Maybe just yield more since the plants are bigger!!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Those mites sound like a nightmare. Glad you took care of em. You've made me super paranoid about them now. I'm gonna definitely do that preventative spraying in veg for next grow
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Tent Update with Bonus Nug

Hey everyone. Things are rolling along well here in the Stank front. Spent last night in some pretty good back pain. Its the first time in a while I got the nerve pain running down the backs of my legs. Not sure what I did to aggravate it but I certainly have it screaming.

As for the mite issue......its looking really good. Yesterday I sprayed, watered, and defoliated 3 plants and defoliated an additional 3 plants. The watering included the 2nd treatment of root drench with the AzaMax. Ms Stank spent about an hour looking at leaves that I cut off, checking for any signs of active or alive mites. The Blueberry is completely clear including no eggs. The 3 ATF plants she was looking at had no signs of life but had a few eggs on them. Looking really good for putting the girls in SCROG and then flipping.

I have 4 plants to spray and defoliate this morning. I will be doing the biggest ATF (thing is a monster), the Blue Kush and the Durban Poison as well as the ATF in the small tent. The ATF in the small tent and the male ATF will be flipped tomorrow. I am going to have some height issues in the small tent but I will make it work.

The bonus Nug is the Blueberry nugget I chose last night. I was going to post the picture last night but she kind of kicked my ass and had me passed out on the couch LOL. So you get to see her in her frosty glory. Happy growings everyone and hope you all have a great day!!





Bonus Nug




Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Here is the tent breakdown for anyone curious. I was planning on running 8 plants in here, but I had to kick one out as they got too big. So there are only 7 plants in here. The Blueberry is the smallest but she is growing quickly!! ATF 2.1 is a freaking monster. She would be bigger if I didn't have her surrounded and squished on all sides.



Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

My Blueberry smells like......yes.. blueberrys.....lol

Can't wait to harvest her in a few weeks

Yer tent looks great, I will control my tent better with the next group, mine are over 4' tall and really took over

Nice job on the critters
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Thanks guys. Been a lot of work over the last couple weeks. Finished defoliating, spraying and watering the plants that needed it today. Feels good to know that my plants SHOULD be safe from those nasty invaders.

I added the three additional water bottles to the tent to be able to water all 7 of the girls when they are in their scrog. I am also going to add in additional hoses for AzaMax root drenches. I will work on the prototype for this either this afternoon or maybe tonight. I will give them all one last spray with Neem oil before they go into scrog. Should be able to get that done by tomorrow and look to add the Scrog in this weekend. From there, give them a couple days and then flip.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Glad you beat those mites, hoping my look better here in a few days.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Another jammed tent, lol. Looking great in there.
Not sure what it is, but I too suffered yesterday and today with mental back pain. Whoever got our voodoo doll is playing a sick joke, lol......
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah the back is feeling a bit better today. Not sure what I did, but I am guessing a hard day at physical therapy didn't help!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

They are bushy, can't imagine if they didn't attacked by the spider mites, they must be much more gorgeous than now. Great job Van:goodjob:
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

They are bushy, can't imagine if they didn't attacked by the spider mites, they must be much more gorgeous than now. Great job Van:goodjob:

Thanks for the kind words Sara. They are definitely getting very bushy. The ATF have a serious amount of side branching. If I didn't have the mite issue, they would be about 2-3 weeks into flower about right now. But at least I have seemed to gotten rid of them (knocks on wood) and I can flip to flower within the next couple days. Just gotta finish making a couple things and put them into the first layer of the SCROG net, I might even need the 2nd layer SCROG for this one.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Glad you beat those mites, hoping my look better here in a few days.

Just stay on them constantly and you will get there brother. I was getting close a couple times of just throwing the towel in and burning these plants down and starting over. But I am glad I didn't.
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