1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Well here is my line of thinking on what I plan to do so please feel free to comment. I am doing an open pollinate in the small tent downstairs. I will be running either an ATF #1 female in there (more slender leaves, higher yield) or an ATF #2 female (faster grower but lost out on yield by about an ounce) right next to the ATF #4 male. This will give me a ton of ATF seeds for myself and some friends that might want some. I planned on picking the plant that I liked the high from better, but I honestly can't choose based on the high, so I am kind of leaning towards the higher yielder with everything else being relatively equal

For the upstairs tent, I plan to pollinate via the paint brush method (though I might add the paper bag over the branches I pollinate). I am going to do two colas on the Durban Poison, and Blue Kush. The reason I don't plan on doing an open pollinate is that I plan on stabilizing the crosses before I truly breed for seeds so I figured doing the whole plants would be a waste of a lot of potentially good bud. I am not sure how many seeds I will get from two colas of each but I figure its enough to be able to look for a decent male and female. From there I will breed those two. I might add a paper bag over the colas I do to try and keep the pollination more confined to the colas I want to make seeds. I will also be harvesting lots of the ATF #4 pollen and putting it in the freezer for storage for possible future uses.

Feel free to share any additional lessons learned with me. I figure this whole thing is a learning experience so I figure to screw stuff up, but anything i can do to minimize the amount of screw up will be great!

Familial breeding is very complicated and you might not really get what you wanted out of those seeds. There's so much genetic variability in most cannabis strains, when you breed your ATF #2 with any male the resulting stock might have one or two that actually resemble the ATF #2 you wanted to re-create.

The alternative is back-crossing or self-crossing. Back-crossing, I'll be honest I don't really know what the procedure entails, but it sounds exactly like it is. You'd be keeping a "mother" off of your ATF #2, and then down the line when you find stock that resembles her, you somehow breed it back against the original mother. Not really sure how they accomplish this to be honest with you, but the goal is that you re-enforce the genetic makeup that was in the original plant you liked. With familial breeding, the genetic variability can end up creating some pretty "out there" hybrids, so crossing them back against the original kind of reigns it in a little. You can also use this technique to re-stabilize traits of a mother or father from a cross (so you could for instance back cross Durban Poison out of Girl Scout Cookies), but it's pretty arduous and lengthy process which requires a lot of seed poppping and pheno hunting to even find your mothers that will be like the mother you want to back-cross against.

I know more about selfing and I think that's the better way to go but it requires using chemical treatments. Now when I say "chemical", I'm really just talking about silver in a water solution. The absorption of silver causes a hormonal response that will make a female cannabis plant produce "male" flowers and pollen, but the pollen has the same genetic makeup as the mother. By happenstance, that means it has two Y chromosomes, so people have found that when you breed this pollen against a female plant, the seeds will never have an "X" chromosome, meaning they'll be all 100% female, and that's how feminized seeds are made BUT the real gem of selfing is that you're also stabilizing the genetic makeup that you want with each successive generation that you do this.

So... Say you take ATF #2, and ATF #4, and you take clones off of them both. Well, you can "reverse" a clone of ATF #2 and make it produce pollen, and then pollinate the other female clone of ATF #2, and you'll get seeds that are all female and have the same genetic print. Well, so say you take THOSE plants, and then take a clone, "reverse", and make more "selfed" seeds then you're taking that genetic code and duplicating it again while all the "recessive" genes kind of fade away while the dominant ones become re-enforced. They've figured out that 8 successive runs of this will virtually extinguish all of the dormant genes, leaving only your dominant genes on and resulting on "homogeneous" genes or what's known as "stabilized". In other words, you plant 10 seeds, and they'll all grow at the same rate, size, shape, and uniformity. Then of course you can do the same with ATF #4 and have a mixed crop of homogonized strains. Then even beyond that, what you'll find is that sometimes you get a "genetic drag" where not having this genetic variability makes plants lose vigor over many generations of cloning; well, if you have two very stabilized seed stocks of ATF #4 and ATF #2, you can breed them together, and get a brand new re-vigorized stock that will be very easy to pick through and re-select the phenos you want from.

Anyway not to overload you with information, but it really depends on what you want and it sounds like you just want seed-stock to last you, and for that I'd really steer away from familial breeding. It can be done of course, but pheno hunting takes a long time and a lot of plants and youll probably find yourself sick of ATF by the time you're even done with it, so unless you have the space and time to run a lot of other strains on the side I'd go with selfing hands down. A lot of people feel like it's not "natural", but you're not actually doing anything to the plant that it can't do itself.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Familial breeding is very complicated and you might not really get what you wanted out of those seeds. There's so much genetic variability in most cannabis strains, when you breed your ATF #2 with any male the resulting stock might have one or two that actually resemble the ATF #2 you wanted to re-create.

The alternative is back-crossing or self-crossing. Back-crossing, I'll be honest I don't really know what the procedure entails, but it sounds exactly like it is. You'd be keeping a "mother" off of your ATF #2, and then down the line when you find stock that resembles her, you somehow breed it back against the original mother. Not really sure how they accomplish this to be honest with you, but the goal is that you re-enforce the genetic makeup that was in the original plant you liked. With familial breeding, the genetic variability can end up creating some pretty "out there" hybrids, so crossing them back against the original kind of reigns it in a little. You can also use this technique to re-stabilize traits of a mother or father from a cross (so you could for instance back cross Durban Poison out of Girl Scout Cookies), but it's pretty arduous and lengthy process which requires a lot of seed poppping and pheno hunting to even find your mothers that will be like the mother you want to back-cross against.

I know more about selfing and I think that's the better way to go but it requires using chemical treatments. Now when I say "chemical", I'm really just talking about silver in a water solution. The absorption of silver causes a hormonal response that will make a female cannabis plant produce "male" flowers and pollen, but the pollen has the same genetic makeup as the mother. By happenstance, that means it has two Y chromosomes, so people have found that when you breed this pollen against a female plant, the seeds will never have an "X" chromosome, meaning they'll be all 100% female, and that's how feminized seeds are made BUT the real gem of selfing is that you're also stabilizing the genetic makeup that you want with each successive generation that you do this.

So... Say you take ATF #2, and ATF #4, and you take clones off of them both. Well, you can "reverse" a clone of ATF #2 and make it produce pollen, and then pollinate the other female clone of ATF #2, and you'll get seeds that are all female and have the same genetic print. Well, so say you take THOSE plants, and then take a clone, "reverse", and make more "selfed" seeds then you're taking that genetic code and duplicating it again while all the "recessive" genes kind of fade away while the dominant ones become re-enforced. They've figured out that 8 successive runs of this will virtually extinguish all of the dormant genes, leaving only your dominant genes on and resulting on "homogeneous" genes or what's known as "stabilized". In other words, you plant 10 seeds, and they'll all grow at the same rate, size, shape, and uniformity. Then of course you can do the same with ATF #4 and have a mixed crop of homogonized strains. Then even beyond that, what you'll find is that sometimes you get a "genetic drag" where not having this genetic variability makes plants lose vigor over many generations of cloning; well, if you have two very stabilized seed stocks of ATF #4 and ATF #2, you can breed them together, and get a brand new re-vigorized stock that will be very easy to pick through and re-select the phenos you want from.

Anyway not to overload you with information, but it really depends on what you want and it sounds like you just want seed-stock to last you, and for that I'd really steer away from familial breeding. It can be done of course, but pheno hunting takes a long time and a lot of plants and youll probably find yourself sick of ATF by the time you're even done with it, so unless you have the space and time to run a lot of other strains on the side I'd go with selfing hands down. A lot of people feel like it's not "natural", but you're not actually doing anything to the plant that it can't do itself.

Hey Fert, thanks for chimming in. Yeah I know I am opening up a huge can of worms on the breeding. I have been reading everything I can on breeding, cross breeding, stabilizing, etc over the last month or so. So much of it is cloudy and much of it is contradictory at best. So like most everything else in life, I tend to learn best by just diving in and giving it a try. I figure I will have a lifetime of growing ahead of me so I will get a start on learning by figuring out what not to do.

All of the stuff you said I have a pretty good grasp on. I do have the chemicals to make the feminized seeds and plan on doing that here in the near future. I realize that I am opening a can of worms with this, but I love the chaos and the journey of the unknown! I will keep the ATF rolling as its the best pain relief I have found up to this point, so its the main reason I am choosing this strain to start tinkering with and seeing what I can find and create with crossing. I find all the possibilities immensely appealing and I look forward to seeing what I can find/create.

By the way, if you have any info/literature on breeding that you would like to share, Please feel free! I am hoping that as the USA continues with its legalization of cannabis, breeders will produce some more up to date literature about the science behind it.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I too have been reading incessantly on the topic, I find it's one of the most interesting topics I've read up on. Will be doing some crosses soon but it's going to take a lot of time and growing. And like you Van, I feel like I'll be doing this the rest of my life so I'll take it one plant at a time until I find myself better equipped to expand to a much larger scale, laws permitting.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Learn from my errors.....lol

Candida and Doc I did good . Used the paint brush, then wrapped the branch in a paper sack for about 5 days.

The auto tent I didn't wrap it and the pollen spread like wild fire....lol

And next time I'll mist the branch after I pull off the sack to be sure all the pollen is nutralized , I'll probably move em to my closet room if I can, but that's not always an option
Scorpio, I hope you done mind. I've copied this post to share with a friend who's going to try his hand at pollination as well......cool?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Scorpio, I hope you done mind. I've copied this post to share with a friend who's going to try his hand at pollination as well......cool?
Cool....glad I can help
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Mite update

Round 1 - Massive defoliation. I sheared the hell out of my plants over the last two days. I took more leaves off of them than I have ever done. I can't bring myself to take a picture of them for a day or so. Sprayed the last three plants last night. Today is about day 5 since I gave them a root drench with the AzaMax. Will give it a couple more days before I give them another root drench. I will spray at least 6 of the plants with the water/rubbing alcohol mix today and then the rest of the girls tomorrow.

Round 2 - Will begin Saturday. I will start spraying again with SNS-217 and Azamax. The 6 plants I sprayed with Azamax, will get sprayed with SNS-217 and vice verse. The Second root drench treatment with Azamax will start around that day (they recommend every 7-10 days).

LOL, no pictures of my girls until I get them cleaned up and they recover from me stripping them down almost bare.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Man it sounds like Carnage. ......better we dont see them all naked like that. Honestly the bugs don't stand an f'n chance.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Its me or its them....but something's gotta give!!!
KILL EM ALL!!!!!!!

let GOD sort em out.....
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Oh know thats terrible van! Kill them all!

Thats the intent. I have sprayed and defoliated 8 of the girls tonight....one more to go and that will leave me 3 to do tomorrow (just spray...they are already defoliated). Just using water and alcohol at a 9:1 ratio for their showers tonight! Its looking a little bit better.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Thats the intent. I have sprayed and defoliated 8 of the girls tonight....one more to go and that will leave me 3 to do tomorrow (just spray...they are already defoliated). Just using water and alcohol at a 9:1 ratio for their showers tonight! Its looking a little bit better.

9 parts water, 1 part rubbing alcohol? What was the hydrogen peroxode one? They both kill bugs?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Ive used habenro spray with great results n the plants love it! It kills those bastards on contact n they dont seem to be able to build a resistance to it. theres a great post about that pops right up on google: spider mites natural habanero spray if interested.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

9 parts water, 1 part rubbing alcohol? What was the hydrogen peroxode one? They both kill bugs?

The hydrogen peroxide one is for fungas gnats....thats a 4:1 ratio using the 3% Hydrogen Peroxide.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I sheared the hell out of my plants over the last two days. I took more leaves off of them than I have ever done. I can't bring myself to take a picture of them for a day or so.

That's funny. I didn't take pictures either after my cat ate around all the edges of my Skunk plant last week. She bounced back. I'm sure yours will too. :D
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

That's funny. I didn't take pictures either after my cat ate around all the edges of my Skunk plant last week. She bounced back. I'm sure yours will too. :D

Its hard for me to take their pictures LOL. I hate that they are dealing with the spider mite issue as well. Speaking of which....Ms Stank and I checked a few leaves on a couple plants last night and it appears that my hard work is beginning to pay off. One leaf we saw no movement at all (but still lots of eggs....so will continue to spray with water and alcohol every other day and with the good stuff every 3 days) and on the other leaves only saw about one or two mites moving per leaf. Definitely an improvement from the night I looked and couldn't count them all.

I have definitely learned that spraying them as preventative maintenance, especially when they are young and small, is the way to go!!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Sponsored Grow Update

So I announced a few pages back that I was selected by Nukedheads, one of our new sponsors, to do a sponsored grow. Well my delivery came yesterday and here is what they sent me. The case contains 15 small vial with a seed in each vial. They sent me (assuming that my eyes can be trusted....the writing on the vials is pretty small) 6 of their signature seeds the Nukehead strain, 4 Nuclear Skunk seeds, 2 Purple Kush seeds, and 3 Orange Cream seeds. It appears that the Orange Cream vials have a "R" on top of the vials while the rest have "F" on top of their vials. I assume that the Orange Cream seeds are regular and all the rest are feminized.

So I think when I grow these out (will start when this current grow is about a month into flower....give or take a week), I will grow out one of each strain and hope for a female from the Orange Cream. When I get ready to start the grow, i will create the journal and post the link here. Thanks to Nukeheads for this opportunity to show everyone what their genetics can do!! For anyone interested in an American seedbank with fast shipping, check out their site.


Happy growing everyone! For those of you in Florida, please try to stay safe during this monster storm...its going to be a bad one!



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