1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Sponsored Grow Update

So I announced a few pages back that I was selected by Nukedheads, one of our new sponsors, to do a sponsored grow. Well my delivery came yesterday and here is what they sent me. The case contains 15 small vial with a seed in each vial. They sent me (assuming that my eyes can be trusted....the writing on the vials is pretty small) 6 of their signature seeds the Nukehead strain, 4 Nuclear Skunk seeds, 2 Purple Kush seeds, and 3 Orange Cream seeds. It appears that the Orange Cream vials have a "R" on top of the vials while the rest have "F" on top of their vials. I assume that the Orange Cream seeds are regular and all the rest are feminized.

So I think when I grow these out (will start when this current grow is about a month into flower....give or take a week), I will grow out one of each strain and hope for a female from the Orange Cream. When I get ready to start the grow, i will create the journal and post the link here. Thanks to Nukeheads for this opportunity to show everyone what their genetics can do!! For anyone interested in an American seedbank with fast shipping, check out their site.


Happy growing everyone! For those of you in Florida, please try to stay safe during this monster storm...its going to be a bad one!



Yeah that's a sick setup from them. Seeds, seeds and more seeds......you and the Ms should be all over the real estate pages looking for that farm my friend......it's your calling.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah that's a sick setup from them. Seeds, seeds and more seeds......you and the Ms should be all over the real estate pages looking for that farm my friend......it's your calling.

Yeah thats a pretty sweet set up. Oh trust me, we are looking. Ms Stank is on Zillow constantly looking for stuff. I wish that New Hampshire would hurry up and legalize it, that is where we would love to go!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah thats a pretty sweet set up. Oh trust me, we are looking. Ms Stank is on Zillow constantly looking for stuff. I wish that New Hampshire would hurry up and legalize it, that is where we would love to go!
A small hobby style farm would be sick....
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Spider Mite Update

Ok, so I have been going full bore for the last two days on spraying and watering and battling these nasty little bastages. Things are definitely looking much better. Very little activity from an large mites. The main thing that Ms Stank would find on the leaves was really tiny mites that looked like they hatched within the last 24 hours. Hit 8 of the plants yesterday, 3 with water and alcohol, and 5 with SM-90 (which smells pretty good actually). This morning I woke up and started again. The three that I hit yesterday with the water/alcohol mix got hit with SM-90, and then 4 other plants got hit with the same SM-90. That will do it for the day. Good news is yesterday I received my new best friend....a hand held pump sprayer. Holy hell its so much easier to spray with that thing than with a spray bottle from Home Depot. Much faster and much easier on my back. Pretty happy with the progress that I am making.

Next round of watering, I will add more AzaMax in for their 2nd root drench. Hopefully within this week I will be rid of these dreaded little fookers. Anyways, happy growings everyone and enjoy your weekend!! For anyone with family in florida, I hope things go well!

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Spider Mite Update

Ok, so I have been going full bore for the last two days on spraying and watering and battling these nasty little bastages. Things are definitely looking much better. Very little activity from an large mites. The main thing that Ms Stank would find on the leaves was really tiny mites that looked like they hatched within the last 24 hours. Hit 8 of the plants yesterday, 3 with water and alcohol, and 5 with SM-90 (which smells pretty good actually). This morning I woke up and started again. The three that I hit yesterday with the water/alcohol mix got hit with SM-90, and then 4 other plants got hit with the same SM-90. That will do it for the day. Good news is yesterday I received my new best friend....a hand held pump sprayer. Holy hell its so much easier to spray with that thing than with a spray bottle from Home Depot. Much faster and much easier on my back. Pretty happy with the progress that I am making.

Next round of watering, I will add more AzaMax in for their 2nd root drench. Hopefully within this week I will be rid of these dreaded little fookers. Anyways, happy growings everyone and enjoy your weekend!! For anyone with family in florida, I hope things go well!

So getting this round of hatched mites under Control. ....what happens with the next week or so? Not possible for immature mites to lay eggs......correct? I hope this is it for you man, you've put a lot into this battle.....you deserve a day off, lol.

Same brother.....to yourself especially, I hope your mom is safe and well.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

So getting this round of hatched mites under Control. ....what happens with the next week or so? Not possible for immature mites to lay eggs......correct? I hope this is it for you man, you've put a lot into this battle.....you deserve a day off, lol.

Same brother.....to yourself especially, I hope your mom is safe and well.

No, immature mites can't lay eggs. If all is healthy, it supposedly takes mites about 5 days to reach 'sexual maturity'. That means if you kill all the alive mites, you will need to continue to spray for up to 10 days. You could have eggs about to hatch that are unhurt. SO you want to spray them before they have a chance to get to sexual maturity and lay their own eggs or you will be chasing victory for a long time. My plan is to hit every plant at least every 3 days to either catch new mature mites before they lay or to kill newly hatched young mites. Then hit it again 3 to 4 days later.

Now the 2nd prong of my assault on these bloody little bastages is the AzaMax root drench. The AzaMax screws with any mites that eat the plant with the AzaMax root treatment drench. It affects the growth rate, the sexual maturity, the ability to reproduce, etc. So it fights their ability to rapidly reproduce. I will be doing another root drench in a day or two depending on the watering schedule.

So between the constant spraying and the root drench, these fookers are going down.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Wow didn't realize how quickly things could get out of hand. Good thing you're on top of them like you are, they don't stand a chance! You even sent in special ops soldiers lol Delta Mites

Well when you really look at it, its frightening. One mite can lay between 50 and 100 eggs. They do that after 5 days or so......takes a few days for the eggs to hatch and an additional 5 days before those new 50-100 mites are laying a new 50-100 eggs each. On the low end, that one one mite can essentially add 2,500 mites to suck the life out of you precious ladies in as little as 10 days, on the high end it could add 10,000 bastages. Now the scary part is the next reproductive cycles. 2,500 mites laying 50 eggs (again low end) will make 125,000 more mites inside another week. If you had 10k, it could produce between 500,000 and a million. That is when you have a problem....a real big freaking problem.

So when you get hit with them....you have to stay on it. If you let your guard down for a week.....well you saw the numbers you could be facing.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Mite update

Spent several hours this morning spraying and looking at leaves. I Haven't seen an alive mite in two days of checking. Will check again tomorrow. All I have seen is a few a scattered eggs that may or may not still be viable for hatching. I am not taking any chances and will continue to spray at least every other day with water and alcohol or Neem and then I will do at least one more full on spray with the good stuff. Will also do at least 2 more root drenches with Azamax.

I am definitely feeling confident that all the hard work is paying off and I have pretty much whooped these bastages. But I still have a little more work to go.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Sounds your work have good results:bravo: hope mite can wiped out cleanly soon.

Mite update

Spent several hours this morning spraying and looking at leaves. I Haven't seen an alive mite in two days of checking. Will check again tomorrow. All I have seen is a few a scattered eggs that may or may not still be viable for hatching. I am not taking any chances and will continue to spray at least every other day with water and alcohol or Neem and then I will do at least one more full on spray with the good stuff. Will also do at least 2 more root drenches with Azamax.

I am definitely feeling confident that all the hard work is paying off and I have pretty much whooped these bastages. But I still have a little more work to go.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

What's going on van? Proud of you

Busy brother.....its none stop with spraying and what not. Gotta spray 5 plants this today. Lots of work getting rid of these savage little bastards. The only thing I have found on any of the plants are a few eggs. So going to keep going for another week.

Lesson learned brother.....Preventative spraying from here on out. Wish I knew how I got them....I am assuming I brought them in from the outside garden.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Good to hear no mites have been seen in a while, always great news! Tent turned slaughterhouse hahahahhaha

Yeah I am pretty happy with how things are coming around. I have really learned a lot. I know what to look for in the future and I know what to do. Valuable lessons my friend. I learn more from failing and messing things up than I do from nailing it. Those lessons aren't fun and aren't easy but I am better grower because of this lesson. I know I can't be lax in changing or washing when I come in from the outside veggie garden. I got complacent on just thinking keeping the grow tent immaculate was enough.

Kind of scares me because I have a couple plants outside (Mango tree, palm tree, dwarf lemon tree, rosemary bush) that I will be bringing inside when fall comes to town. Scares me to think I might bring anything inside from those....but I will spray the fuck outta them before I do.....with the hose and with the anti-mite things. You can bet that I will have a watchful eye on any funny business on my girls once I bring them indoors.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah I am pretty happy with how things are coming around. I have really learned a lot. I know what to look for in the future and I know what to do. Valuable lessons my friend. I learn more from failing and messing things up than I do from nailing it. Those lessons aren't fun and aren't easy but I am better grower because of this lesson. I know I can't be lax in changing or washing when I come in from the outside veggie garden. I got complacent on just thinking keeping the grow tent immaculate was enough.

Kind of scares me because I have a couple plants outside (Mango tree, palm tree, dwarf lemon tree, rosemary bush) that I will be bringing inside when fall comes to town. Scares me to think I might bring anything inside from those....but I will spray the fuck outta them before I do.....with the hose and with the anti-mite things. You can bet that I will have a watchful eye on any funny business on my girls once I bring them indoors.
All that being said, I think credit should be given to the fact that you addressed everything that you thought would take care of this issue....as a preventative. The Neem, the shrimp shells, they're advertised to be more than enough. Don't be so hard on yourself brother, we've all learned from this.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Preventive spraying will be a regular thing in veg for me.

Oh for sure PW!! I will make it a part of my veg process as well. I don't ever want to have to go to war with these little bastages again. Tough little buggers if you let their forces amass!
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