1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Sorry to interrupt fellas, did so without reading first. Under review eh.....lol.

yeah a different thread for a newer seed sponsor here on 420. Teddy bear has the thread locked for now while 420 reviews it. Not sure if they are reviewing the sponsor or reviewing comments...but either way its locked for now
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Nope! And that's exactly why I chose to participate I want to see more breeders succeed in the good 'ok US of fluxing A haha. Don't worry about ol skunk nuts, he's not important.

More breeders in the USA is a great thing. I love seeing more and more pop up. Its a competitive market and any of them that are producing crap will be exposed rather easily. Let it happen naturally
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

yeah a different thread for a newer seed sponsor here on 420. Teddy bear has the thread locked for now while 420 reviews it. Not sure if they are reviewing the sponsor or reviewing comments...but either way its locked for now
I'd say they are looking at both
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Some I have seen in other recipes, others I have researched and others I found out about through various online horticulture classes that I have taken for shits and giggles. Lots and lots of reading brother. Keep in mind if you are making soil, you aren't feeding your plants......you are feeding your soil and your soil will in turn feed your plants. My idea is for my soil to have a buffet. You can find and research Subcool's soil recipe and by all accounts it produces well and is relatively simple compared to my recipe. Each ingredient can be googled and you can read up and see what each one does as it relates to feeding soil. Hell I know growers that use 3 ingredients and swear by it (base soil, compost, and earth worm castings). Keep in mind brother, this plant was grown outdoors for centuries with no advanced nutrients. People used to just throw a couple fish down in a whole a month before planting a seed and it provided the plant with everything it needed. Soil growing isn't as complicated as people think or as my recipe makes it seem. I admittedly went overboard and you can certainly go much simpler. I wanted a bit more complex soil with lots of things for the good guys in the soil to munch on and process.
I'm a big believer in going with what works. I've said it before that I was flabbergasted it's been your 1st grow. If I want results like yours, I'll take on that challenge. I've got a few months before I start the new structure outside. Not sure how I'll explain the odor to the neighbour's lol. Just like everyone else, I've seen your results....who would adjust anything. Research first so I know what I'm dealing with. I was a gardener for over 10 years. I have various licenses so I get the ins and outs of how plants work, but total organic gardening is totally new to me, as is most of this. A green thumb I have, although Red would say differently lol.

I'm assuming you're still in possession of soil from your last batch, what's it's odor like now? You know 2hat my plans are with my new grow space, does it need to remain moist after its initial cook in order to stay alive? Would cold temperatures affect it?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I'm a big believer in going with what works. I've said it before that I was flabbergasted it's been your 1st grow. If I want results like yours, I'll take on that challenge. I've got a few months before I start the new structure outside. Not sure how I'll explain the odor to the neighbour's lol. Just like everyone else, I've seen your results....who would adjust anything. Research first so I know what I'm dealing with. I was a gardener for over 10 years. I have various licenses so I get the ins and outs of how plants work, but total organic gardening is totally new to me, as is most of this. A green thumb I have, although Red would say differently lol.

I'm assuming you're still in possession of soil from your last batch, what's it's odor like now? You know 2hat my plans are with my new grow space, does it need to remain moist after its initial cook in order to stay alive? Would cold temperatures affect it?

I am in possession of what was the soil from my last grow. I shook off all the soil and some of the smaller roots that didn't want to come loose and I added them to my soil and have them sitting. There was no odor from the last batch of soil, or from the soil that is cooking. I mixed my soil up twice during the cooking process. I did the initial mix and the soil smelled horrible. I mixed it on the big green tarp you saw in the pictures, then I sprayed it so it was damp (not soaked). From there I put the soil in 20 gallon trash cans and I put the lid on them to keep any bugs from getting in while it cooked. About 3 weeks into the cook, I dumped everything back out....added the soil I recovered from my first grow and mixed it all up really well again. I then sprayed it all again with water to make it slightly damn and I put everything back in the trash cans again for another 2 weeks. It still stunk when I remixed everything and put it in the trash cans. When I grabbed about 7 gallons of it for transplants that are growing in my tent now, the odor was gone.

I haven't figured out what my plan will be for the winter. I might bring the trash cans full of soil and put it in my basement. We get temps down in the -30 wind chill during the winter here so I am not sure what it would do to the bacteria and good micro organisms in the soil, especially if I need to use the soil before having a chance to 're-cook' it after winter. I would imagine that the good stuff probably goes dormant in the cold and then comes back to life when its warmed back up. This gives me something to research before winter. I mean it has to recover because that is what happens in nature. Stuff goes dormant in the winter and then springs back to life in the spring. I just don't know what needs to be done before we can use soil during the winter or after spring.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

More breeders in the USA is a great thing. I love seeing more and more pop up. Its a competitive market and any of them that are producing crap will be exposed rather easily. Let it happen naturally

You're totally correct Van.....the best breeders in the world are all in the US. Imo always been the case but now they are becoming more open. They just went overseas to avoid the hassles of the past....now less need to do that. No dis to the Euro or other breeders of the world. :Namaste:
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Im seeing a lot of high quality breeding coming out of north america right now. The guys with quality gear will stand the test of time. The wanna be breeders wont be around long.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

So I have learned that I am not a fan of the smaller "smart pots". I have to water way too often and that goes against my low maintenance approach. The first three clones I took (the ones from veg) are getting big and I have to water them at least every 2 days (was watering every 5 days when I was in 5 gallon pots) and I am just not a fan of that type of commitment to a plant LOL. Demanding wenches I tell you!

So, I placed my second seed order of the week yesterday. Yes I have embraced my addiction completely. As some of you have read in other threads or maybe on here, but I flipped over to the bitcoin side for purchasing seeds about 4-5 months ago. Let me share what I have been doing for anyone interested. So 4 or 5 months ago, I bought about 400 US dollars worth of bitcoins. For those of you that don't know, bitcoin is a digital currency and the values go up and down like the stock market. Well what I have been doing is using the upswings in the value of the bitcoins to maximize seed purchasing power on seedsman. So when my 400 bucks becomes worth 500 bucks, I buy a 100 bucks worth of seeds (or slightly less sometimes). I find that if I buy between 80 and 100 bucks, I can maximize the free seeds I get as well, especially using bitcoin. Let me give you an example of what my purchase might look like and what I get in terms of freebies.

Two purchases ago, I bought two strains. I bought a 5 pack of Carnival by Ministries of Cannabis for 31.65 Euro, and a 2 pack of Mandarin Haze from Ministries of Cannabis for 18.99 Euro. So I actually ordered 7 seeds. But with the monetary value of that purchase being over 50 Euro, I also got 2 free Jack Herer from Seedsman seeds and 2 free Amnesia Haze from Barney Farms seeds. I also got 4 free Ministry of Cannabis White Widow seeds free from the promotion that Ministries of Cannabis was running. So I purchased 7 seeds, and I am getting 8 seeds free...BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE!!! Because I used bitcoin, I get a 10% discount and because I met the 50 dollar threshold for total value and for feminized seeds, I get more freebies. I got 5 free White Widow feminized seeds from Seedsman for buying 50 bucks worth of feminized seeds, and I got 8 additional free seeds for buying at least 50 bucks worth of total seeds. So that was 13 additional freebies to go with other 8 freebies Seedsman was going to give me. 21 freebies for buying 7 seeds that cost about 50 Euro not including shipping costs.....so 28 seeds.

So shortly after that order went out, the value of bitcoin jumped dramatically again and my 400 bucks was worth over 500 bucks again, so I loaded up my cart with stuff I had been looking at that was also running promotions for some free seeds. So the 2nd order I threw in 3 Malawi seeds from ACE seeds and that qualified me for a pack of 5 free Guatemala regular seeds. I also ordered a 3 pack of Kilimanjaro and a 3 pack of Wild Thailand that netted me a freebie Northern Lights x Big Bud from World of Seeds. I added a 3 pack of Ripper Haze from Ripper Seeds (Cup winner) and a 3 pack of Royal Cookies from Royal Queen Seeds which also netted me a freebie Critical + seed from RQS. So I bought 15 seeds that totaled about 112 Euro, and by using the bitcoins again with the promotional offers, I got the 5 free Guatemala reg seeds, the Northern Lights x Big Bud feminized , Critical + feminized, 2 Jack Herer and 2 Blueberry and 2 White Widow feminized from Seedsman, 2 Amnesia Haze feminized from Royal Queen Seeds, 5 White Widow feminized from Seedsman (for spending 50 bucks on feminized seeds and paying with bitcoin), and 8 additional freebies (all autos this time) for using bitcoin and spending at least 50 bucks total. So I ordered 15 seeds and am receiving 28 freebies. All this and I still have about 400 bucks worth of bitcoin in my account.

Now realize if any of you all want to try this tactic, you have to realize that the market could turn south for a while in terms of your bitcoin value. So you might not be able to touch the funds in your bitcoin account for a while. But in the last 4 months, I have purchased seeds 4 times and I still have almost what I started with in my bitcoin account. I just looked, and the value of bitcoin is up 8% since yesterday at 10am. A few more days like that and I can buy another batch of seeds and rake in the freebies!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Hang me over your smart pots with a nug dangling next to my nose and BAM! Auto watering system! Those are good to start with but you need to up pot them into bigger pots, you just want to use the smaller pots initially to build the root system. Then once that's well established, you up pot and allow them to build even more. You can also try adding some extra perilite for water retention to keep it from drying out so fast.

Holy shit dude, I am definitely going to look into bitcoin now. Go seedsman! Thanks for the heads up, now you have an excellent way to fund your seed addiction lol
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Hang me over your smart pots with a nug dangling next to my nose and BAM! Auto watering system! Those are good to start with but you need to up pot them into bigger pots, you just want to use the smaller pots initially to build the root system. Then once that's well established, you up pot and allow them to build even more. You can also try adding some extra perilite for water retention to keep it from drying out so fast.

Holy shit dude, I am definitely going to look into bitcoin now. Go seedsman! Thanks for the heads up, now you have an excellent way to fund your seed addiction lol

I really didn't think the clones would get that big that fast, but wow. Yeah I am transplanting them to 5 gallon pots tonight. I am too lazy to have to water every 36-48 hours. I could deal with having to do it every 3 days, but every other day is too much LOL
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It's good for establishing the roots, better than in a bigger pot, but that's about it. Your clones will love the extra room as they continue their search for love and nutrition lol

Well I wasn't really growing this crop for bud production as much as I am for seeds and cross breeding purposes. So with the more plants, I was keeping them in smaller pots for a space saving intention....but these plants are turning into monsters so I don't think I have any choice but to up-pot, the question is do I go to the 4 gallon or the 5 gallon. I grew 5 gallon on my first grow.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Depends when you want to flip if u wanna keep em a little smaller and flip sooner go with the 4 but if I wanna get em bigger, 5 would be better

Well originally I was planning on flipping in 2 weeks or so (trying to give the blueberry a little time to get bigger), maybe 3 weeks. Guess i will order some 4 gallon pots just incase. I certainly don't have any shortage of soil!!!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Should do the trick! The girls will thank you for the wiggle room and shit out seeds upon seeds for you lol

I plan on having seeds to spare!!! or share!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Im getting ready to start making seeds, once im stocked up on regular seeds ill start pheno hunting. I can clone my favorites or make fem seeds.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah I am going to work on that as well......though being a newbie to cannabis, I am still looking for strains that I really like (like Durban Poison). I have a feeling I am going to be a big fan of the pure Sativas more so than hybrids or Indicas (except for sleeping, love the Blueberry). So much to do and so many strains to grow! Ms Stank and I are looking at property online while I type this....looking for lots of acres out away from things....then I can really get rolling with the growing!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Clone Update

So I transplanted the biggest ATF #2 clone into a 5 gallon smart pot. It was in the 2 gallon pot but its gotten so big that I am having to water every 36 hours and that is something I am just not willing to do LOL. Thats too much of a commitment for me. So tomorrow or maybe this weekend I will also transplant the Durban Poison clone and the Blue Kush clone into 5 gallon smart pots. The other ATF clones are in 3 gallon pots and are much smaller so I might keep them in those. My plan is to make more of the watering apparatus and get those on all the plants in the next week. From there, I will put the SCROG in and let them go for another week or two and then flip.

Here is what they are looking like now. I have one ATF female clone and both the male clones in the small tend downstairs so they aren't in the picture.


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