1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

OMG the back spasms, I feel your pain brother. I moved 4 tons of gravel to a back yard today.....fkn brutal. I'll have to agree with the group here, the clones are looking wicked!

Yeah they kill me. I didn't do anything in particular to that hurt it, just kinda came out of nowhere. I hate waking up to them.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Last time to me it was moving the water filled umbrella base. Just a slight twist and whammo! Hell, I physically work hard all week and usually I'm fine, it's the things I don't do all day that hurt it.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Last time to me it was moving the water filled umbrella base. Just a slight twist and whammo! Hell, I physically work hard all week and usually I'm fine, it's the things I don't do all day that hurt it.

The worse thing about it is, I am a pretty big guy (6'3" 250lbs) that has always been a very active dude and who has always had very physical jobs. I install (or installed since I have been out of work for over 8 months) medical imaging equipment (MRI's, CTs, X-rays) that is big and heavy with monster cables and other big, heavy, awkward parts that I used to move around and pick up with relative ease. Before that I was in the Marine Corps for 22+ years and was extremely active. With this back injury, I am afraid to twist or turn wrong, bend the wrong way, or do the shit I never used to think twice about. Nothing the doctors tell me to do, or that the physical therapist have me do really seem to make the back feel any better because any time I bend or twist it sets the facet joints on fire and puts those nerves in over drive. Ok bitching over!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

The worse thing about it is, I am a pretty big guy (6'3" 250lbs) that has always been a very active dude and who has always had very physical jobs. I install (or installed since I have been out of work for over 8 months) medical imaging equipment (MRI's, CTs, X-rays) that is big and heavy with monster cables and other big, heavy, awkward parts that I used to move around and pick up with relative ease. Before that I was in the Marine Corps for 22+ years and was extremely active. With this back injury, I am afraid to twist or turn wrong, bend the wrong way, or do the shit I never used to think twice about. Nothing the doctors tell me to do, or that the physical therapist have me do really seem to make the back feel any better because any time I bend or twist it sets the facet joints on fire and puts those nerves in over drive. Ok bitching over!
It's ok to Bitch sometimes. We have to do it to loose some of the weight that it is putting at our Souls. Got something in developmemt that will enable you to grow large yields without ever Lifting a Pot or carrying something heavy. But it will be expensive and it will Take at least one more year to Bring it from the Paper to reality. Would be absolutely nice to Work with my Ladys without bending my Back. Im working as a geriatric nurse for a Lot of years now, ( if that ist the correct Name for a Guy thats taking Care over old people) and this Job is stressing your Back heavily. My First Job was Installation of heating devices and AC, toilets and stuff at construcrion Sites. And i have to say, working there wasnt as hard as working with old people. Sounds crazy, but it is. So hopefully i am sucessfull and we dont have to bend ourselves anymore in the future :)
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

The frustrating part for me is not having any control over it. I dealt with aches and pains for my entire Marine Corps career. I ran marathons and mud races and played sports during that entire time including tackle football into my mid late 30's. Any time I hurt anything else, I was always able to rehab it, make it stronger and keep going. With this back issue, I don't understand it. I never had nerve issues ever before. Its a completely different type of pain and injury. I do my best to avoid aggravating it, but its damn near impossible. I am supposed to go in for a surgical procedure here pretty soon, but they have to run an "independent medical evaluation" on me before the workers comp will approve it. I just hope that will help with the issue. I can't hit my heavy bags, I can't swing my golf clubs, this shit sucks LOL.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

The frustrating part for me is not having any control over it. I dealt with aches and pains for my entire Marine Corps career. I ran marathons and mud races and played sports during that entire time including tackle football into my mid late 30's. Any time I hurt anything else, I was always able to rehab it, make it stronger and keep going. With this back issue, I don't understand it. I never had nerve issues ever before. Its a completely different type of pain and injury. I do my best to avoid aggravating it, but its damn near impossible. I am supposed to go in for a surgical procedure here pretty soon, but they have to run an "independent medical evaluation" on me before the workers comp will approve it. I just hope that will help with the issue. I can't hit my heavy bags, I can't swing my golf clubs, this shit sucks LOL.
Yeah thats Like a total gamechanger. And it sucks to feel Like an old man from one day to another. I used to do the Same Like you, Not running Marathons, but playing soccer and Badminton and liked to Drive karts and stuff. Everytime i get injured, and believe me, i wasnt really paying attention to Take to much Care about myself, it Just kept going. I allways Said to myself this would Not kill me, so i will be stronger afterwards. And it worked. But then, the day came where Mrs. Müller, a really heavy, but also Very nice old Lady decided that she cannot stand anymore and put her whole weight in me. Unfortunatly it then maked a very loud noise in my shoulder and after that moment, it doesnt came Back stronger anymore. Man it Just sucks to See your own body gets more and more broken of time goes by, and you cant so Shit about it!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah my culprit was a big heavy piece of equipment that we were taking out of a hospital. It had been sitting in place for about 10 years and all the waxing had built up around the feet of the equipment. My co-worker was trying to move it with no luck, so I told him to move and let the ox take over. I grabbed it, it wouldn't move so I really dug down and it broke loose and was moving away from the track system and then it happened. Suddenly a sharp twinge and I stopped dead in my track. All I could think was "Oh no". And then the pain hit. My co-worker was like "Dude you are turning red, BREATH!". I remember saying "I can't...it fucking hurts". He said "Stand up". Again, "I can't fucking move, it hurts". That was right up there on the 9.5 on the pain scale. We had to fly to another city that night and do another job the next day. That truly sucked. Tore my L4-L5 disk and jacked up the facet joints from L3 to S1. I refuse to say I am getting old.....just injured LOL.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I dont want to click Like in that because it hurts to read it only. Hopefully your grow will have great pain Relief for you. Hopefully your strains will be the right for this. I Hope that for my Cream Caramel too, Reviews at leafly.com making me Look Forward to this strain. Did you ever tried oils (THC or CBD)?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I dont want to click Like in that because it hurts to read it only. Hopefully your grow will have great pain Relief for you. Hopefully your strains will be the right for this. I Hope that for my Cream Caramel too, Reviews at leafly.com making me Look Forward to this strain. Did you ever tried oils (THC or CBD)?

Funny, I added some Cream Caramel seeds into my seedsman basket last night. I have looked at them a few times and finally said "screw it" and put them in my cart.

I have tried the CBD oil. It does help but not nearly as much as smoking. A couple people have told me I need oil that has both the THC and CBD. I want to give making oil a try cause I am really not a huge fan of smoking. But the pain relief is amazing so its worth it. Generally I only need to medicate about 2 times a week on average. But with the back spasms in effect, that number is going up quickly LOL. Honestly, before I hurt my back, I didn't really buy into the cannabis as a medicine fully. I thought maybe there might be some minor benefits. But I was about 2 months into my back injury and refuse to take anything other than motrin when I decided to light up a bowl and give it a whirl.

Dude I was blown away. Upon exhale, I felt a tingle run from my head, down my neck and to my back and then the pain didn't hurt. I could feel the presence of it still there (kind of like a sensation of pressure or something) but it no longer hurt. Took less than 30 seconds. After that I started reading up on cannabis as medication and my eyes were opened. I was blown away to find all the things it actually helped to treat. The first time I got hit with a muscle spasm in my back I didn't know what to do. I was in bed, it was about 5am, and I couldn't move. I kept trying to roll over and the pain would just sear through me and I had to stop moving. I probably tried for 20 minutes to roll over and get out of bed and I finally had to wake Ms Stank up. I had her go down and get me the the CBD oil. I took a half dose and it provided enough relief for me to be able to roll over and with her help, get out of bed. She wanted to bring the bong up to me, but I refuse to smoke in the house so I slowly made my way down stairs. I got outside and burned a bowl and dude I swear in less than 2 minutes the spasm that made me so I couldn't move was gone.

This latest round of spasms has been different. They aren't as strong (I can move with them...hurts like hell...but I can move) but they don't want to leave completely. Hoping they will leave today completely, but every time I move and have to use my back in any way I can feel that twinge letting me know its still there. I hate the idea of getting one, like the first one where I couldn't move, while Ms Stank is at work.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It's unbelievable what a plant can do right? I am using Cannabis for 14 or 15 years now, but to be honest i was Smoking to get high before. I finally realized its Potential after mrs. Müller. This is now a year ago. The doctors also gave me tramadol and tillidin, Booth opiat pain reliefer. But they didnt helped that good as some crap quality street weed and then i began growing. I could Not smoke a few weeks half a year ago and Had to Go to the doctor one more time because of another pain issue. It turned Out that i have rheumatism, but i never realized that because of Smoking weed all the time. That Just blew my mind. The doctor was telling me to Stop Smoking immidiatly and use pills, but He is Just a doctor with No idea. Like Most of them here. He wanted me to use MPX, a medicine that is used for chemotherapy usually. No way! I will Just stay with the herbs. They are perfect for me. One medicine for every Problem i have and it makes me feel Happy too. What a wonderful Thing this is and i am so thankfull for its existence ❤
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It's unbelievable what a plant can do right? I am using Cannabis for 14 or 15 years now, but to be honest i was Smoking to get high before. I finally realized its Potential after mrs. Müller. This is now a year ago. The doctors also gave me tramadol and tillidin, Booth opiat pain reliefer. But they didnt helped that good as some crap quality street weed and then i began growing. I could Not smoke a few weeks half a year ago and Had to Go to the doctor one more time because of another pain issue. It turned Out that i have rheumatism, but i never realized that because of Smoking weed all the time. That Just blew my mind. The doctor was telling me to Stop Smoking immidiatly and use pills, but He is Just a doctor with No idea. Like Most of them here. He wanted me to use MPX, a medicine that is used for chemotherapy usually. No way! I will Just stay with the herbs. They are perfect for me. One medicine for every Problem i have and it makes me feel Happy too. What a wonderful Thing this is and i am so thankfull for its existence ❤

Of course, doctors want customers, not to fix you. Maybe not all, but certainly a large percentage of them. Because you can't tell me that if I can research and see the benefits, that someone whose chosen profession of helping someone with years and years of studying and learning couldn't do the same thing!!

I have always had the mentality that "hey if someone wants to smoke to get high, thats their choice". It didn't happen to be mine as I tend to like to be in control and hyper alert to my surroundings (and lets be honest, I have a sensitive endocannabanoid system so it doesn't take much and I am very high) and any potential dangers (22+ years of habits developed in the Corps are tough to just let go). But you add nerve pain in there and well, lets say priorities change. This plant absolutely fascinates me now. Me and Ms Stank are going through reading Sue's Study Hall thread on oils and the ECS. Fascinating stuff my brother!! I always had a love of growing prior to cannabis, not its morphed into a love of growing cannabis despite the fact I haven't even harvested my first harvest.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Oh and I refuse to take any of the painkillers or muscle relaxers. I would rather be in pain than risk getting addicted to that shit.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I tend do believe that most of the medicines does make you addicted to it. Doctors get paid by Companys to use their pills. Nothing left to say. In my Opinion Pharma Industry is very interested in Weed to stay illegal.

In Case of getting high, maybe thats something positive then too? I cant judge, i never was in the army. When i was young i was asked to get into the army, but i did not want to go to war and fight against other humans and a fight that is not my fight. Politicians keep telling us that we need to defend ourselves from evil, but they don´t tell you that we did not had to fight if we did not act offensive against other Culture, Religion or whatever. But don´t get me wrong, i respect others for the decisions they take and it´s honorful to fight for what is beloved too. I am only thinking that it is not worth fighting the fights of other people who never fight by themselves with a few exceptions. But to get to the Point, if you are that kind of Person who is very sensitive to his environment to prevent any Danger, isnt it relaxing for you to have a little less attention spend to this kinda things? Or is it just driving you completely Crazy because you are addicted to spending that attention?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Funny, I added some Cream Caramel seeds into my seedsman basket last night. I have looked at them a few times and finally said "screw it" and put them in my cart.

I have tried the CBD oil. It does help but not nearly as much as smoking. A couple people have told me I need oil that has both the THC and CBD. I want to give making oil a try cause I am really not a huge fan of smoking. But the pain relief is amazing so its worth it. Generally I only need to medicate about 2 times a week on average. But with the back spasms in effect, that number is going up quickly LOL. Honestly, before I hurt my back, I didn't really buy into the cannabis as a medicine fully. I thought maybe there might be some minor benefits. But I was about 2 months into my back injury and refuse to take anything other than motrin when I decided to light up a bowl and give it a whirl.

Dude I was blown away. Upon exhale, I felt a tingle run from my head, down my neck and to my back and then the pain didn't hurt. I could feel the presence of it still there (kind of like a sensation of pressure or something) but it no longer hurt. Took less than 30 seconds. After that I started reading up on cannabis as medication and my eyes were opened. I was blown away to find all the things it actually helped to treat. The first time I got hit with a muscle spasm in my back I didn't know what to do. I was in bed, it was about 5am, and I couldn't move. I kept trying to roll over and the pain would just sear through me and I had to stop moving. I probably tried for 20 minutes to roll over and get out of bed and I finally had to wake Ms Stank up. I had her go down and get me the the CBD oil. I took a half dose and it provided enough relief for me to be able to roll over and with her help, get out of bed. She wanted to bring the bong up to me, but I refuse to smoke in the house so I slowly made my way down stairs. I got outside and burned a bowl and dude I swear in less than 2 minutes the spasm that made me so I couldn't move was gone.

This latest round of spasms has been different. They aren't as strong (I can move with them...hurts like hell...but I can move) but they don't want to leave completely. Hoping they will leave today completely, but every time I move and have to use my back in any way I can feel that twinge letting me know its still there. I hate the idea of getting one, like the first one where I couldn't move, while Ms Stank is at work.

Ive had Back issues for 35yrs...LOL.. threw my back out in high school trying to dunk It... Dangit Mom and Dad

Finaly got it fused about 20yrs ago. I still have pain, mainly due to lack of stretching and hydration.

Van I started testing Oils, Infused Coconut and Olive not CCO, CCO is to hard to do and the Infused seems really good. I love how it helps the Pain and not as intense HIGH as smoking. I stay a lot more functional when I consume Oil, either in Pills or making fun food Like brownies and gummies

I really think u should try it, easy ta take some dry flower and Oil and create a fantastic pain relief
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I tend do believe that most of the medicines does make you addicted to it. Doctors get paid by Companys to use their pills. Nothing left to say. In my Opinion Pharma Industry is very interested in Weed to stay illegal.

In Case of getting high, maybe thats something positive then too? I cant judge, i never was in the army. When i was young i was asked to get into the army, but i did not want to go to war and fight against other humans and a fight that is not my fight. Politicians keep telling us that we need to defend ourselves from evil, but they don´t tell you that we did not had to fight if we did not act offensive against other Culture, Religion or whatever. But don´t get me wrong, i respect others for the decisions they take and it´s honorful to fight for what is beloved too. I am only thinking that it is not worth fighting the fights of other people who never fight by themselves with a few exceptions. But to get to the Point, if you are that kind of Person who is very sensitive to his environment to prevent any Danger, isnt it relaxing for you to have a little less attention spend to this kinda things? Or is it just driving you completely Crazy because you are addicted to spending that attention?

It is relaxing. But then I have fears that with my luck, that would be when a real threat would appear. In my experience, shit happens when you aren't prepared about 95% of the time. I am that guy that always has to be facing a door. I always look for every door, window, potential hazard, etc when I go someplace new. I look for escape routes, and places I would target if I was assaulting or attacking something so I can avoid those areas as much as possible. I look for everything that doesn't belong in a situation or place. Its a hard habit to break after 20+ years. LOL, when I get high, especially indica's, I don't pay attention to anything. Probably why I tend to favor the Sativa high.

And no worries, i don't take offense. That lifestyle isn't for everyone. I know not everyone is meant to do what I did. Its something my family has always done.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Ive had Back issues for 35yrs...LOL.. threw my back out in high school trying to dunk It... Dangit Mom and Dad

Finaly got it fused about 20yrs ago. I still have pain, mainly due to lack of stretching and hydration.

Van I started testing Oils, Infused Coconut and Olive not CCO, CCO is to hard to do and the Infused seems really good. I love how it helps the Pain and not as intense HIGH as smoking. I stay a lot more functional when I consume Oil, either in Pills or making fun food Like brownies and gummies

I really think u should try it, easy ta take some dry flower and Oil and create a fantastic pain relief

I do plan on it brother. Me and Ms Stank are learning about it now and will hopefully use at least an ounce to try out in some oil. Do you make your own oil or capsules?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It is relaxing. But then I have fears that with my luck, that would be when a real threat would appear. In my experience, shit happens when you aren't prepared about 95% of the time. I am that guy that always has to be facing a door. I always look for every door, window, potential hazard, etc when I go someplace new. I look for escape routes, and places I would target if I was assaulting or attacking something so I can avoid those areas as much as possible. I look for everything that doesn't belong in a situation or place. Its a hard habit to break after 20+ years. LOL, when I get high, especially indica's, I don't pay attention to anything. Probably why I tend to favor the Sativa high.

And no worries, i don't take offense. That lifestyle isn't for everyone. I know not everyone is meant to do what I did. Its something my family has always done.

It´s personal choice, thats the freedom our Culture brings us. And thats what makes it great. Thats what we need to keep and then it doesnt matter whatever decisions we may had made in the past.

Better be prepared, i read a lot about Cream Caramel, nearly every Info i could find at the Web. It´s a true Indica which kicks in very hard. Most people say Euphoric High for 30 Minutes and than kind of ass kicking Relaxation and Couchlock. More something for Nightime maybe. And the smell, it´s very early Flower now, but if i open the Door, it has that very sweet intense smell. Like burned sugar with some Coffee and a touch of Lemon. Ice Kush doesnt smell so far, but this Cream Caramel is really nice.

You sound like that kinda Guy i want to have with me when the Z-apocalypse hits us hard. What a luck that you like Sativa strains more in that Case :smokin:
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It´s personal choice, thats the freedom our Culture brings us. And thats what makes it great. Thats what we need to keep and then it doesnt matter whatever decisions we may had made in the past.

Better be prepared, i read a lot about Cream Caramel, nearly every Info i could find at the Web. It´s a true Indica which kicks in very hard. Most people say Euphoric High for 30 Minutes and than kind of ass kicking Relaxation and Couchlock. More something for Nightime maybe. And the smell, it´s very early Flower now, but if i open the Door, it has that very sweet intense smell. Like burned sugar with some Coffee and a touch of Lemon. Ice Kush doesnt smell so far, but this Cream Caramel is really nice.

You sound like that kinda Guy i want to have with me when the Z-apocalypse hits us hard. What a luck that you like Sativa strains more in that Case :smokin:

Well it will be added to my Sweet Seeds Collection. I already have a few of their other strains. I have the Sweet Cheese, Jack 47, Green Poison, and Sweet Tai. They have a few others that look interesting as well. I tend to medicate more at night so I like the indicas for sleeping well. Not so much if I need to medicate early in the day and I need to get something accomplished!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I do plan on it brother. Me and Ms Stank are learning about it now and will hopefully use at least an ounce to try out in some oil. Do you make your own oil or capsules?

Both, and I made some salve/cream

I made the oil and then put some in capsules, #00, and used some in Brownies and Gummies

I got a Magic Butter Machine #2 that Ill be testing this round, but will also do the Fresh Harvest once Sue does hers in a pressure cooker, but that is a bit more labor intensive, for a first try just do some Basic Oil making.

I love to cook so am planing other fun stuff like Butters and Sauces. But making an Infused Oil, you have the guts to make many many things
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Both, and I made some salve/cream

I made the oil and then put some in capsules, #00, and used some in Brownies and Gummies

I got a Magic Butter Machine #2 that Ill be testing this round, but will also do the Fresh Harvest once Sue does hers in a pressure cooker, but that is a bit more labor intensive, for a first try just do some Basic Oil making.

I love to cook so am planing other fun stuff like Butters and Sauces. But making an Infused Oil, you have the guts to make many many things

I only tried edibles once. My brother had some brownies. I ate it, and started watching a movie and I don't know what happened next. I woke up and it was morning LOL. I don't remember anything from the movie and I think I had a brownie haze hangover LOL!
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