1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kindsoil

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

"It's amazing what a plant can do"

Hence why big pharma wants it to stay illegal. Assholes. It's all a big money game you got assholes going to jail for bumping the price of life saving drugs 5000% and it's bullshit at its finest. But anything they can tax that causes cancer and other medical problems they will allow because then they will need their cancer meds! You have one hell of a collection going brother!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I only tried edibles once. My brother had some brownies. I ate it, and started watching a movie and I don't know what happened next. I woke up and it was morning LOL. I don't remember anything from the movie and I think I had a brownie haze hangover LOL!

Its much better when you make them, you know what is in it and how much so ya dont wake up nekkid in the neighbors front Yard

Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

"It's amazing what a plant can do"

Hence why big pharma wants it to stay illegal. Assholes. It's all a big money game you got assholes going to jail for bumping the price of life saving drugs 5000% and it's bullshit at its finest. But anything they can tax that causes cancer and other medical problems they will allow because then they will need their cancer meds! You have one hell of a collection going brother!

Hey I have become a believer brother. I was skeptical about it as a medicine but I never researched anything at that point. Most of the people that I knew that used, fell into that "stoner that doesn't do anything other than smoke all day long" category. Don't get me wrong, I am all for personal freedoms. If thats what makes them happy, good on em! Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't bother other people. I have researched what it does for seizures, autism, parkinsons, MS, treating cancer, and other things. I also know first hand what its capable of for pain management. I won't go so far as to say its a miracle plant, but its amazing indeed. And to think we really haven't even scratched the surface on its uses or benefits. This potential is really what fascinates me. It amazes me that certain strains help more with certain things, while others work on different things. Fascinating!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Its much better when you make them, you know what is in it and how much so ya dont wake up nekkid in the neighbors front Yard


Yes....lol....especially when you have a sensitive system like I do. My brother can smoke all day long. Two times with a pretty good amount of time between the two smokes is about my max LOL. I would be laying on the floor if I did more than that LOL, trying to remember my name!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Hey I have become a believer brother. I was skeptical about it as a medicine but I never researched anything at that point. Most of the people that I knew that used, fell into that "stoner that doesn't do anything other than smoke all day long" category. Don't get me wrong, I am all for personal freedoms. If thats what makes them happy, good on em! Do what makes you happy as long as it doesn't bother other people. I have researched what it does for seizures, autism, parkinsons, MS, treating cancer, and other things. I also know first hand what its capable of for pain management. I won't go so far as to say its a miracle plant, but its amazing indeed. And to think we really haven't even scratched the surface on its uses or benefits. This potential is really what fascinates me. It amazes me that certain strains help more with certain things, while others work on different things. Fascinating!

My Landlord came to me to talk about Cannabis 2 weeks ago. His father has thyroid cancer end stage and he is already getting Morphium against the pain. But it doesnt really help his father at all. So his that kind of guy who is very sceptical about Cannabis, because he is that kind of guy who is believing the things said about it the last 60 years. But he didn´t know any further and then he asked me what to do. I know Sweet Sue gave her Man Dark Devil and fortunatly i had finished two of this strain in the past months. I gave him a few Gramms of Dark Devil Green Phenotype, which is known for beeing much stronger than the purple ones. The effects on him are that he had began eating again and he says that he still has a little pain but much less than with morphium. He alsois a alcoholic and heavy smoker. Since he strated smoking joints, he has stopped drinking alcohol and smoke just a few cigarettes per day, not packages anymore. He has started talking about things in the future again. I do not believe Cannabis will heal him, but at least he will have a live
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

It's unbelievable what a plant can do right? I am using Cannabis for 14 or 15 years now, but to be honest i was Smoking to get high before. I finally realized its Potential after mrs. Müller. This is now a year ago. The doctors also gave me tramadol and tillidin, Booth opiat pain reliefer. But they didnt helped that good as some crap quality street weed and then i began growing. I could Not smoke a few weeks half a year ago and Had to Go to the doctor one more time because of another pain issue. It turned Out that i have rheumatism, but i never realized that because of Smoking weed all the time. That Just blew my mind. The doctor was telling me to Stop Smoking immidiatly and use pills, but He is Just a doctor with No idea. Like Most of them here. He wanted me to use MPX, a medicine that is used for chemotherapy usually. No way! I will Just stay with the herbs. They are perfect for me. One medicine for every Problem i have and it makes me feel Happy too. What a wonderful Thing this is and i am so thankfull for its existence ❤
Reading through the last few days of messages and some of the situations that you guys have gotten yourselves into with regards to paying China brings a tear to my eye dot dot dot... I know that sounds weird but it makes me wonder why and how you guys and myself included ever lasted so long without the use of this medicine. I can't remember the exact moment when I did injure my back but I was a teenager, I'm now 44. I do have hereditary genes that lead towards early back problems but my father never experienced them as young as I did. I've had so many mornings where I have to gauge my pain level just by whether or not I can roll my legs out of bed LOL. Mine too is lower back but I do have issues between my shoulders as well. Thank God for Mother Nature lol! It feels pretty awesome to know that I'm not alone in my plate. As much as that sucks for you guys to LOL. I think you guys are awesome and thanks a ton for all your help.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Reading through the last few days of messages and some of the situations that you guys have gotten yourselves into with regards to paying China brings a tear to my eye dot dot dot... I know that sounds weird but it makes me wonder why and how you guys and myself included ever lasted so long without the use of this medicine. I can't remember the exact moment when I did injure my back but I was a teenager, I'm now 44. I do have hereditary genes that lead towards early back problems but my father never experienced them as young as I did. I've had so many mornings where I have to gauge my pain level just by whether or not I can roll my legs out of bed LOL. Mine too is lower back but I do have issues between my shoulders as well. Thank God for Mother Nature lol! It feels pretty awesome to know that I'm not alone in my plate. As much as that sucks for you guys to LOL. I think you guys are awesome and thanks a ton for all your help.

I am lucky, I didn't have any issues with my back ever up until Oct 26th of last year. I always kept my back strong and luckily never hurt it during my time in the "Suck". Even in my new job, I abused the hell out of my back with no worries of hurting it. I always strove to see how fast I could get stuff done. Co-workers would ask for a hand moving something heavy and I would grumble and tell them to move, that it was faster for me to move it myself. If I am honest, I rarely used the proper form, I just used a lot of horsepower (me being the horse). 100 lb batteries, step aside son, let me show you how to sling it up here on your shoulder and mount it. Don't worry about putting the wheels back on this 600 lb patient table, I got it. 1500 lb power cabinet, here let me show you how to move this by yourself so we both don't have to stop working to move it. Man, it was only a matter of time before I did something to my back when I look back at it. LOL, what a dumbass.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Man I can actually feel your back Stank.....Wow!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Reading through the last few days of messages and some of the situations that you guys have gotten yourselves into with regards to paying China brings a tear to my eye dot dot dot... I know that sounds weird but it makes me wonder why and how you guys and myself included ever lasted so long without the use of this medicine. I can't remember the exact moment when I did injure my back but I was a teenager, I'm now 44. I do have hereditary genes that lead towards early back problems but my father never experienced them as young as I did. I've had so many mornings where I have to gauge my pain level just by whether or not I can roll my legs out of bed LOL. Mine too is lower back but I do have issues between my shoulders as well. Thank God for Mother Nature lol! It feels pretty awesome to know that I'm not alone in my plate. As much as that sucks for you guys to LOL. I think you guys are awesome and thanks a ton for all your help.

Awesome, I find this med. super effective for The symptoms related to my stroke. I began Vaping and that is unbelievably fantastic for my spirit and angzity.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Awesome, I find this med. super effective for The symptoms related to my stroke. I began Vaping and that is unbelievably fantastic for my spirit and angzity.

Hey Baker, thanks for stopping in. Glad to hear you are finding relief and benefits while dealing with your stroke recovery. My dad had one when he was mid 70s, was really hard for him to come back from. That something I hope to never have to deal with. Is there a particular strain you prefer that seems to help the most?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Flower Day 42 Since flip, 34 since hairs popped up.

Ok so I have been battling to make sure I don't have a serious Gnat issue. I went into full panic and overdrive when I had a few show up in my clone tent. I put what I had to use first, which was spraying with Neem Oil and then throwing a layer of DE (diatomaceous earth) on top of the soil. When I went to the grow store to get the last few things I needed there, I talked to the owner who recommended something called Gnat Nix so I bought a bag of it. Hopefully it works like he says it will. There were far more expensive things he could have recommended me buy so I don't think he would be fooling me. Anyways, since I have done all this proactive warfare, I haven't seen any additional gnats flying around or any additional gnats on my insect traps. That seems like a good start.

As for the main grow, I had to address an issue that I knew was coming. Originally I intended to put the SCROG net I made back 2 months ago. But I needed to finish my watering system before putting that on because with my back, and the limited room in the grow room, it wasn't going to be possible to water without something in place. I knew I was going to have to put the SCROG net in place when I moved the Blueberry plant (the One in the middle) and about half of the colas on ATF #2 (back left plant in the pictures) flopped forward. UH OH. A bigger hiccup than I intended to have to deal with.

So Ms Stank helped me put the net into the tent (what a pain in the arse to do with a full tent) and then feed the colas up through the net. It didn't go nearly as smooth as I would have liked and I still have some work to do with some of the bigger buds on ATF #2. All the rest of the plants did really well and were much stronger in structure. I think I might need to string a few of the heavier buds up to get things how I want.

Lesson learned, put the SCROG in while the girls are in veg and avoid this issue next grow. Oh well, i knew it was going to be an issue, better to deal with it now than 2 weeks before harvest.

Tent with SCROG net installed.



Clones with the Gnat Nix on top and around the bottom to prevent them from getting in from below in the holes. I will be switching to smart pots soon so they will be able to have lots of oxygen to the roots. All the clones I took between days 22 and 25 of flower seem to have reverted back to vegetative state and are all showing between 2 and 3 nodes worth of new growth.


Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Flower Day 42 Since flip, 34 since hairs popped up.

Ok so I have been battling to make sure I don't have a serious Gnat issue. I went into full panic and overdrive when I had a few show up in my clone tent. I put what I had to use first, which was spraying with Neem Oil and then throwing a layer of DE (diatomaceous earth) on top of the soil. When I went to the grow store to get the last few things I needed there, I talked to the owner who recommended something called Gnat Nix so I bought a bag of it. Hopefully it works like he says it will. There were far more expensive things he could have recommended me buy so I don't think he would be fooling me. Anyways, since I have done all this proactive warfare, I haven't seen any additional gnats flying around or any additional gnats on my insect traps. That seems like a good start.

As for the main grow, I had to address an issue that I knew was coming. Originally I intended to put the SCROG net I made back 2 months ago. But I needed to finish my watering system before putting that on because with my back, and the limited room in the grow room, it wasn't going to be possible to water without something in place. I knew I was going to have to put the SCROG net in place when I moved the Blueberry plant (the One in the middle) and about half of the colas on ATF #2 (back left plant in the pictures) flopped forward. UH OH. A bigger hiccup than I intended to have to deal with.

So Ms Stank helped me put the net into the tent (what a pain in the arse to do with a full tent) and then feed the colas up through the net. It didn't go nearly as smooth as I would have liked and I still have some work to do with some of the bigger buds on ATF #2. All the rest of the plants did really well and were much stronger in structure. I think I might need to string a few of the heavier buds up to get things how I want.

Lesson learned, put the SCROG in while the girls are in veg and avoid this issue next grow. Oh well, i knew it was going to be an issue, better to deal with it now than 2 weeks before harvest.

Tent with SCROG net installed.



Clones with the Gnat Nix on top and around the bottom to prevent them from getting in from below in the holes. I will be switching to smart pots soon so they will be able to have lots of oxygen to the roots. All the clones I took between days 22 and 25 of flower seem to have reverted back to vegetative state and are all showing between 2 and 3 nodes worth of new growth.


So the Gnat Nix is a granular?
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

So the Gnat Nix is a granular?

Yes, they remind me of the size and shapes of Grape Nut cereal.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Nothings getting past that mote around the goods, lol.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Nothings getting past that mote around the goods, lol.

I refuse to have an insect issue. I will become Bill Murray in Caddyshack, on steroids! I will fuck them little bastards up!!
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

I refuse to have an insect issue. I will become Bill Murray in Caddyshack, on steroids! I will fuck them little bastards up!!
Piss on them to show dominance :rofl: hope you get it sorted out brother I hate gnats
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Late Subbed looks likes its been an incredible journey

Thanks for stopping in Jfault, glad to have you onboard.
Re: 1st Grow - Alaskan Thunderfuck x4 - Durban Poison - Blue Kush & Blueberry In Kind

Yeah they are about halfway through the flower phase. I have about 25 days left on a couple of the strains and 35 days left on the ATF strain.
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