ya the leaves just died then the whole branch dried up and was just a stem with nothing on it. its just too salty of nutes mixed with high temps and plants that are very dense and not allowing light threw. now on i am going to do 4 plants like last time so its not such a dense canopy, my grow space is just too small for 6 huge plants like that. i rather just do 4 big wide plants that are LST real good. if i pulled 19oz from my last grow with just 600w led unit and using the 3 part gh part in soil, i should be able to do better then that with 1080w in hydro with the same amount of plants. i am just gonna do the same thing i did my last grow but more watts of light, if it ant broke dont fix it.
Can't wait to see what you're cookin' up.
I thought it was, "if it ain't broke, fix it till it is"