10 Plant Grow With 3 x Mars Hydro LED & Autopot

If it is mites it would have spread like wildfire to other plants

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Thanks. Thats what i say. Going to spray for mites anyway. That plant been like that from day1. So was it born with mites????? I doubt it. Guys giving their opinion without knowing the history.

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Thanks. Thats what i say. Going to spray for mites anyway. That plant been like that from day1. So was it born with mites????? I doubt it. Guys giving their opinion without knowing the history.

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Don't spray unless it is needed. Inspect the plant first to see if there is any actual pests. If not, leave it be brother.

Like i said. It was "born" like that. There could be buds in their. Will have it checked out as i am way for 3 weeks working

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DAY 42

Just a short update to show how insanely fast these plants are growing under 2400 watt of Mars-Hydro power. I don't regret for a second that I invested in these expensive lamps. They really do a formidable job and the plants simply love them.

The plants almost drank 100 litres of water since the last time I filled. Will wait a few more days before I refill the tank. Thinking about increasing the amount of nutrients I give them next time. The tank have both nutrients for growth and flowering right now. Every time I fill the tank I give nutrients correspondingly to the amount of water I fill. That way the amount of growth nutrients slowly decrease while the amount of flower nutrients slowly increase.

Took a new photo of the grow-room to show the progress. As you can see the amount of free space in the room is slowly decreasing as the plants are taking over the entire room. It looks like I will have to help some of the branches so they don't snap in two when the buds start growing. Especially Big-Bud is famous for growing such big buds the branches will snap if not supported.


Grow room day 42 from seed.


Amnesia and Big-Bud under Mars pro II 320


Northern lights

I also noticed that the little Northern lights plant that was stunted due to being re-potted has started to catch up with the other plants. This is great news as it makes the canopy more even. Starting to wonder if one of the plants I believed to be a Pure power plant in reality is Northern lights. Can't remember how many seeds I had of each strain when I started - A little confused about that but will know for sure when they start budding.

The clones are looking healthy but still no sign of roots. They are 13 days now so I am starting to wonder what is going on. the leaves keep getting more yellow and I can see new growth, so things are happening. It just is going incredibly slow.

Guess that was all for today. Next update will come next time I have to fill the tank. Guess that will happen sooner than later

Thanks! I have to agree - They do look healthy indeed. Think it's a combination of the fantastic lights, perfect growing conditions, Canna nutrients, the mixture of soil, vermiculite, perlite & leca I grow them in and last but not least, the Autopot system which allows them to get as much water and nutrients as they desire. I'm educated in and used to work with science, so I basically took the scientific approach to growing. What surprises me is that in this system the plants actually seems to grow just as fast as the plants I grew in hydro. I expected they would progress slower in soil. Decided to use soil over hydro for this big grow to have a little more wiggle-room in regards of nutrients and pH. I did a couple of fuck-ups in Hydro :)

Still much that could go wrong though but I do have a very good start here. All the gear is working well together.
Wow! Awsome plants! *stands to applaud* Reallt, I am honestly excited about how healthy your plants are looking. Very nice!

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My good friend inspecting clones rooting under Meow Pro Epimeow 160 on day 14

Still no meow showing. Wait another meow!

Had a sudden weather change. From extremely cold and dry to plus degrees and extremely humid air. According to the weather forecast humidity is near 100% WTF!

So now RH in the grow room is 60%

If this continues I will have to invest in a dehumidifier :) Growing sure challenging now and then. I want humidity down to 40% when the plants start budding up. Thinking I will also need an air-conditioner for the summer. LOL! But then again - With humidifier, dehumidifier, heater and air-condition I can select every parameter of the indoor climate extremely precise.
Had the same issue where i am. 10s, 20s and low 30s all the way up to 60s this past week/weekend. Saw my RH rise from a steady 30-35% up to 50% range. No issues because of it though. If it keeps up ima hafta dehumidify also.

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Yes. I have a 225 liter tank for it. I just fill it whenever the plants have used 100-150 liters. Then I fill it to the top and add nutrients correspondingly to the amount of water I filled. That way I don't have to think about feeding sqedule or anything. I let the plants decide

Looks great buddy. Do you have a big tank that you just ph and check once in a while? Thinking about this autopot vibe
Yes. I have a 225 liter tank for it. I just fill it whenever the plants have used 100-150 liters. Then I fill it to the top and add nutrients correspondingly to the amount of water I filled. That way I don't have to think about feeding sqedule or anything. I let the plants decide
That is sweet brother. My next grow if I get the Euphoria bean is to do a modular scrog in coco. Doing a 90cm x 90cm scrog and am always thinking of how to make it a bit easier. Thinking of using a tote and then a pump on electrical timer however I am not sure how the pump will handle the nutrients going through it. Would be a blessing to use when going away for 2/3 days since I need to feed every day

The autopot system is 100% gravity-fed. No pumps or parts that can break. Pretty much fail-safe. Used to grow in hydro, but you have very little wiggle room for errors there. Figured for a grow this size I wanted to have some security. Autopot is basically idiot-proof :geek:Will use the Hydro system in the mother-tent when I have selected which phenos to keep from this grow.
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