1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Treat

Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Well after getting in room to feed girls and pull from tent to get pictures out of led light.ending up pulling a stoner move and left phone on lap got up and it smashed to pieces.so all my pics are gone in the wind.only if they made it to the cloud first lol.well gave another feeding of jungle juice a&b and cal-mag.wather was ph'd to 6.2 and up ppm to 1000.this will be last feeding of veg food as I'm already in first 7 days of switching to 12/12. Next feeding ph weather and cal-mag then to bloom foods(which is jungle juice bloom) will get pics tomorrow when light are on and post
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

After a very unexpected visit to the hospital for 4 days.came home to the girls filling in very nice.was worried they were going to keep me a few more days.so I lied to them to let me leave today. probably a very bad idea but have no one to watch over these things.just in time to cause they were feeling awe full light. Will be feeding ph'd water with Cal-mag and will ph to 6.3.
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Still hurting pretty bad after trip to hospital.shitty considering I'm in middle of getting other projects on the go. Will unfortunately have to put off my big project for a few months to get better first.tkme will tell.having hard time tending for the girls I have no need to make more work right now.will be feeding girls tomorrow nights with there first feeding of bloom food all girls starting to show flower so I think it's time.
All looking very healthy and filling the tent.will hopefully update with pics Tommorow night if not hurting to bad
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Still hurting pretty bad but got in and pulled the girls from tent for some manicuring and pictures and watering. Bad mistake got 3 into it and wanted to die but had to continue on. Some girls still looking like there have a nitrogen problem. Not to bad though. Will keep close on it. Feed them some more veg food due to nitrogen defiancy. Gave them some jungle juice part a&b and cal-mag.ppm to 900 to ph 6.3. Flower showing on all girls so will all get bloom food next feeding.
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Looks like the ladies are doing very well, hope you get to feeling better soon.
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Wow didn't realize how bad I've neglected my journal. With the time spent in hospital should have all kinds of time to update just too sore.legs gave out the other day hit a coffee table and broke a few ribs.good thing is the girls haven't been neglected. Put all my energy to them instead of journal.sorry for the few following my grow. The girls are chugging along just nice bud sites starting to fill in.all still have 5-6 weeks lefts.since last post have feed bloom food for last 2 feedings and just some ph water to 6.0 with cal mag for last feeding
Here are some pics of girls
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Feed time today girls are all looking nice. Purple and cb Dutch treat are towering over my hash plant girls.next time I'll pay more attention to strain heights before plant multiply strains. Feed them some jungle juice bloom part a&b along with some big bud and cal-mag.water was ph'd to 6 and ppm was 1000.starting to feel better and girls filling in nice will
Try to update journal more frequently as the next few weeeks come along.
Re: First journal 2nd round with Mars hydro led. Purple kush,hash plant,CB Dutch trea

What more can I say except "I Love this site and Everyone in it or on it! :420: Is THE ONLY PLACE FOR GROW ADVICE in the sense that Growers such as Yourself My Brother Grower can pass on Knowledge & A Pictoral Guide as well to HELP SO MANY Myself Included here too.
So Efficiently & Quickly. "There's Nowhere Else On Our 3rd Rock From The Sun One Can Access Such a Tutorial with just a
click of the Mouse Eh! Anyhooow, I'm thinking of Also doing my Next Grow of Purple Kush Feminized Seeds by: Crop King Seeds.
So, I just checked out my Fellow Growers Journals to See If I Might Find Said Grow Already Finished so as To Better make my Decision with an Informed Mind eh! :rofl: Well, wouldn't you know it I ended up Right Here. So 1st Off. "Thank U Kindly For This Amazing Piece of Work & Effort You've put forth here to do so" I'm certain from what I've Already seen just breezing through some Journals here that I'll No Doubt be joining the Epistar 320 as well. I'll be using my 5X5 Fusion Hut/Tent for My Grow. Thanx Again Brother Grower It's Always a Pleasure Learning From Other Growers such as Yourself.

"I Wish You The Greenest Of Grows & The Healthiest Of Harvest's Every Time"

Sincerely: Don D. :Namaste: :green_heart: :Namaste:
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Thanks don Juana.thats what's nice about this site, theres a journal for everything.and everyone so willing to help in most cases.another 4-5 weeks or so and should have some finished product but I'm going let them tell me when there done.did have 2 purple growing but one went mutant on me so I threw it outside it and keep growing but looked like shit so I cut it down.still not sure what happened to her.
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Thanks urban monk there coming along just nice the purple is probably about 5 feet tall right now

Probably must smell pretty nice in there too :thumb:
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

@urbanmonk it smells so sweet when I open door.i wish I could sample some now but no point in that.
@smokedsara I do need a bigger tent.actually I need a few of them just can't stay out of hospital enough to get things ready for them.if you build it they will come lol
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

Little update today. Going in to feed tommorow.will feed on jungle juice part a&b with some big bud and cal-mag with ph to 5.8-6 with around 1000 ppm. Everything looking good so far cb Dutch treat is looking like my favourite as of yet got more sugars then rest as of yet. The hash plant looks like it will be first done. Times will tell if these 2 mars lights will beat my old mars 1600. I can't see that being a problem as all these girls are 2the size.

Both short ones are hash plant

Cb Dutch treat

Next 2 pics are of the purple kush

Cb Dutch treat
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

So today I order the girls some relief.got them a new 2/4/5 tent and a mars hydro reflector 144 will be running a 4 inch inline fan with carbon filter. Wanted to give them room for these last few weeks of bloom.will be putting both hash plant in there as they are my shortest plants.then tent will be veg only tent. Will post pocs once tent and light arrive.
Re: 1st Journal - 2nd Round With Mars Hydro LED - Purple Kush/Hash Plant/CB Dutch Tre

This is amzing.:goodjob:
Little update today. Going in to feed tommorow.will feed on jungle juice part a&b with some big bud and cal-mag with ph to 5.8-6 with around 1000 ppm. Everything looking good so far cb Dutch treat is looking like my favourite as of yet got more sugars then rest as of yet. The hash plant looks like it will be first done. Times will tell if these 2 mars lights will beat my old mars 1600. I can't see that being a problem as all these girls are 2the size.

Both short ones are hash plant

Cb Dutch treat

Next 2 pics are of the purple kush

Cb Dutch treat
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