Yo 420 First Time Grow - Glad 2 Join Yall :)

Hey fellas.
I mentioned a while back that a few reviews and even sensi seeds website state flowering times of between 45 and 55 days for their 'sensi seed skunk #1'.
Well, lol, I'm at day 62 here and I think I'm about ready to start flushing em.
The heat is deffo damaging the upper fan leaves, and even some of the upper sugar leaves, but man, the buds look nice! Really dense , hardly no give at all wen you squeze em, I'm really happy.
Dont wanna sound like a broken record but I'm still unhappy with the temps. Ive got myself a grill and some flexy duct but can't afford a fan for a couple weeks so I'm doing rain dances every night !
I'm still struggling to get a few pics up to show yall, but will hopefully get them on soon, thanks for all your encouragement and advice, u guys been ace,
Over and out .....
Creamster !
Been a long time coming .......
All the trichomes seem milky now, got about 15-20% orange pistols, gunna start a 10-14 day flush using plant magic flush. I've read a lot about the 'window of peak maturity' apparently lasts about two weeks, I'm hoping to be hitting that bang in the middle.
That's gunna take it to round about 75 days, so much for 50 days lol !
I think once I get a couple more grows under my belt I'll have a better understanding of this already addictive hobby! Learning all the way. I'm gunna set up a new journal for my next project, it's gunna be a little controversial, a little experimental. But that's how we roll, find out how to maximise yield with this strain, with the little vertical height I have, then got my mind set on northern lights and maybe try a haze strain! Watch this space....
Cream dog !
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