First Ever Grow - But The Coolest Little Micro Grow Around - Spring 2016

One of the biggest mistakes new growers make is harvesting too early. The buds put on a LOT of their weight in the last couple of weeks of flowering, a period sometimes referred to as "the swell" since you can see all the buds swelling up! :morenutes:

Make like a patient surfer and wait for the swell! :surf:
Ok, 2 questions, if I want to take a sample, exactly how does that work? You pick a bud and trim it off? Or a piece of a bud?

Question 2:I started my flush too early, she's been on just water for over a week. If I let it go another 2 week, should I restart nutes at a minimal level, then flush the last few days again? I already have quite a few yellowed leaves.
I pick a small bud from lower/middle. Even the large colas are made up of individual smaller buds. Just get one that's big enough to get a sample.

You don't need to re-start the nutes. She'll use up the stored nutrients in the fan leaves. Once she starts showing significant yellowing (there's almost always some yellowing towards harvest time!), it will be a sign she's using up the stored nutrients, but certainly shouldn't be an issue letting go an extra week on plain H2O (it doesn't even need to be PH adjusted since you're not worried about the plant going into lock-out, at this point! ;) )
So looking at my records, while its been 65 days since switching to 12/12, its only been 46 days since flowers appeared. That makes me feel better and less like this is the slowest plant ever. I'd say she's actually right on schedule.

On a happier note, cut a lil sample, so later today I will have my very first smoke of my very own grown cannabis. Tis a historic day. :)
I wish the trichomes would change color as fast as the leaves are turning yellow!

It wouldn't be the end of the world to harvest now. About 80% milky, but haven't seen a single amber yet. Patience is a virtue...
So it's time for your next project? You can puff on the rewards of this finished lady while you map out your next move.

I think the mini fridge didn't do your original concept justice.

It's time for a full sized refrigerator sir!!!

All the best,

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