First Ever Grow - But The Coolest Little Micro Grow Around - Spring 2016

New pics whether you want them or not. Not a lot of change in the plants, but you can see how crowded its getting in there with the equipment.


I tried putting a fan near the top, but that made the temps skyrocket, so they live below the canopy pointed straight up now. This seems to be the most stable way to get some air circulation in there. Humidity is reasonable, ~60% when the lights are on ~38% when the lights are off. Still battling res temps though. I think I'm going to go back to chnaging every few days so nothing has a chance to really start growing in there before its changed. Not the most efficient way but I think it will work. That's all for now. Again, thanks for watching!
Big doings today. For those who have followed from the beginning, its time to welcome back our girl from exile...

Rambo is back!!


Much like her namesake she has returned from the jungle and she is pissed! I don't think she enjoyed her time in exile at all.


She's lost some branches, and something made a pretty good snack of her.


I think with some TLC she'll be ok though. I may need to support her but I'll give her a bit to recover and see what happens first.

Meanwhile Bjork is coming along slowly.


I figure by the time Rambo recovers a bit Bjork will have just about caught up with her.
As for Ygrette in the fridge, she got a res change today. I also added a second airstone so she should have more than enough O2 to her roots. Pulled on of the dehumidifiers out to try and get more airflow in there. The other day I went a whole day without it being on and didn't even notice so it may just be taking up space without helping. I think airflow is probably more important than a couple percent lower RH. My cheap bladeless USB fan died, so I put another 4" in there. Also covered the res top with white tape to try and lower temps a little. Probably won't help much as there is not much light getting through the canopy anyway. No pics till tomorrow as I didn't work fast enough and ended up working 20 minutes into her dark period. Pics will follow after the lights come back on.
Sound like one struggle after another.. You'll get it zoned in soon. You always got to work out the kinks. Time for some pest control eh? How big a snack are you talking about? I'm getting hungry now... :popcorn:

You should build a tripod type thing to keep it proped up straight. Unless you intend on using this lean to begin some LST.

KIG :green_heart:cheers
Ok, so the previous pics were from day 35 of flowering. :)

Now a tent update.
I took the worst leaves off of Rambo. Waiting to see signs of new growth.


Bjork seems to have decided to take a break from growing for awhile. She hasn't changed at all in awhile now.:hmmmm:

Turned the lights up to half power to see if that gets a rise out of her.
On page 1 you said something like "any yield at all will be a bonus". Based on the bud pics, you will be getting a big bonus. Congrats

Do you have any plans to use the roots? I've been doing some reading about dried cannabis root uses.
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