Yo 420 First Time Grow - Glad 2 Join Yall :)

Yeah chedda thanks for the info , I'm deffo gunna get a fresh air intake next grow, as it will probs be hotter then anyway, I've heard that 1 light isn't much of an issue heat wise, but like to be safe.
Dasher, I hear ya, I spoke with my buddy, who has a lot of experience, he says nothing to worry about, that the leaf isn't a nutrient problem either 1 of two things
1. Temperature stress, I.e too high or too low, or big differences in day and night temps. ( the bank holiday weekend drama may have something to do with that lol ) even could be water is too cold
2. It's just the plant maturing and it's part of the leaves yellowing/ dying that occurs during flowering. ( similar to what your experiencing)
He has put my mind at ease, I'm gunna keep my water in the grow room to warm it a bit, and just see how it gos, it's only 3 leaves on 1.girl, he has guided me thru this whole thing so far so I guess I'll go with his info, even tho I really appreciate your input fellas and long may it continue -:)
Yo to guys, it's Thursday! Only means one think!
That weird leaf chit has seemed to disappeared, so I'm kinda stoked!, the girls seem to be happy, but what do I know lol !
They have put on a nice bit of weight, maybe naturally, maybe the Dutch Pro Explode, I don't know, temps been on point last few days long may it continue!
Sorry my pics suck, can't really do am justice, total nightmare trying to feed em, let alone get them out under some decent light!
Smelling so, so pungent! Happy days :)

Any comments questions appreciated

Cream Dog ...
So then. Girls seem to be pretty happy , no major problems as such.
Temps still a bit of an issue , not 100% happy with them. Since I flipped the day/night cycle the temps have definitely dropped ( was creeping over 30c now never exceeding 26) my day / night temps are pretty similar. I would prefer a temp drop during the dark hours but when it's sunny outside it's keeping the temps up and some days is slightly higher than the 12 hours with the light on.
I'm getting a intake fan for the next grow, so fingers crossed, it won't be as much of an issue next run.
Also the humidity levels are getting higher due to the warmer days, and I'm lead to belive a drop in humidity is better towards the end of flowering.
I'm still stoked, they seem happy, all these minor details will maximise my potential yield, but if they look good and smoke well I'm not at all gunna be disappointed.
Anyhoo here's a few pics about day 46.
Peace out!
Was around 35-45 before I flipped the day/night cycle, now it's around 55-65.
Will see how it works out I guess, can't afford a dehumidifier at the mo, so I guess im stuck with it.but by the look of the plants I'll be stocked up till the next two are due, sick of dealing with shady characters to simply relieve my back pain.
Do you think a dehumidifier would increase my yield by a lot or just a couple % ?

Peace out
Was around 35-45 before I flipped the day/night cycle, now it's around 55-65.
Will see how it works out I guess, can't afford a dehumidifier at the mo, so I guess im stuck with it.but by the look of the plants I'll be stocked up till the next two are due, sick of dealing with shady characters to simply relieve my back pain.
Do you think a dehumidifier would increase my yield by a lot or just a couple % ?

Peace out ,

Honestly, I think they may grow a little better with higher humidity, BUT, the issue is the buds retaining too much moisture setting the stage for bud rot. I recomend tons of fans, keep that air moving as best you can, and if the humidty is lower outside, try to get that air inside. Mine goes up to 55-60% at night sometimes, but I blow it out as soon as lights come on, you gotta remember my outside Rh is around 16% this time of year.
Good to see you back Creamy, thats some damn fine home grown you got there buddy:welldone: .

Im not sure what the optimum Rh is for growing My Rh runs around 45 during light hrs and 70 with the lights and fans off, havn't noticed any rot problems yet but im keeping a close eye on them as they're nearly done.
Good to see you back Creamy, thats some damn fine home grown you got there buddy:welldone: .

Im not sure what the optimum Rh is for growing My Rh runs around 45 during light hrs and 70 with the lights and fans off, havn't noticed any rot problems yet but im keeping a close eye on them as they're nearly done.

It is generally accepted that; 40-50% Rh in flower, and 50-60% in veg, are good parameters.
It is generally accepted that; 40-50% Rh in flower, and 50-60% in veg, are good parameters.

Yeah man that what I've read, I've even read getting it down to 20 for the last couple weeks works wonders, but, as my old man likes to say...
You can only piss with the cock you've got!
Next run gunna focus on temps and humidity, but as it stands they are plumping up nice, thanks to you guys, checking your journals, taking in info like a sponge! Respect to the 420 guys , can't say it enough, I'm very grateful for your input/ advice.
Creamy :thanks:
Yeah man I've heard of him. There seems to be a bit of a rivalry going on there, like Tiger vs Mickelson! People seem to be either one or the other , but I'm pretty open minded.
Some of the stuff in Jeorges book is a bit technical for me, and other stuff seems completely irellivent.
I'll see if I can pick a copy of it up, can never have enough info McLoadie!
Peace out bro

Creamy :-D
Yeah man I've heard of him. There seems to be a bit of a rivalry going on there, like Tiger vs Mickelson! People seem to be either one or the other , but I'm pretty open minded.
Some of the stuff in Jeorges book is a bit technical for me, and other stuff seems completely irellivent.
I'll see if I can pick a copy of it up, can never have enough info McLoadie!
Peace out bro

Creamy :-D

Yah bro, I think we are more lucky than them, we don't have to stick to our guns and can apply both sets of ideas and come up with what works for us. One thing is, the plant never changes.........it is the same plant it was at creation....it grows the same way as always!
wb Creamy

The plants are looking lovely. How long since 12/12?
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