Xlr8's Quest For The Best - 2012

WWoww :goodjob:

How tall and wide are they if you dont mind measuring :cheertwo:

i'd say 22inches tall and 16 wide?

from bottom of pot

actually i'll go 26in tall

I'll try to remember to measure it when I get a moment. The JTR is quite a bit smaller than the other 2, but I'm not sure of the exact measurements. I'll check 'em later... :)
Very nice XL!

Trimmer gummer uppers for sure! LOL!

You're right in that if you look at the long term you can get your money back eventually through cloning, but I still wish that seed prices were not so freaking high! I understand that everyone needs to make their money back and stay in business, but MMJ is supposed to be a not for profit undertaking, so I can't help but question these outrageous prices being charged for so few seeds!

We both know that a single plant properly pollenated can produce hundreds of seeds in a single season, and if you have a greenhouse full you can easily end up with tens of thousands. So why not charge more reasonable prices and allow more folks on fixed incomes to be able to afford these quality strains? I believe that in the long run, these seed companies would probably make just as much $$ or more over time selling to a larger percentage of the MMJ community.

It just makes me question a lot of the motivation behind some of these so called MMJ based seed banks. $111.00 for 10 seeds is just a bit much, even for a strain as good as the genuine GDP.


I tend to agree with you Goose, it sure does seem like a lot of $$$ when you realize how many hundreds (thousands?) of seeds you can get from a single plant! I've seen 30+ seeds in a single, very small bud!
Seeds are expensive. i remember paying £237 for 5 pukka armageddon about 5 years ago ($500ish) only for 3 to hermie!!!

The trouble is the seed producers in europe do operate for profit and if a bank in states is sourcing from the likes of greenhouse seed then they'll have to pay their rates and pass on any extra costs to the consumer. What bugs me is that seeds, arent difficult to produce and one plant can produce many many seeds. so why the price so high? I understand paying a premium for the rarer breeds but seed companies are raking it in at the moment.

just like oil just because one country can drill for next to nothing there is a market price.
sure seeds are easy to make but not the varieties so you are at the mercy of the distibutor and you have to trust that what you order will be as said. I wish I could have how evermany different strains to make seeds but thats a ludicrous thought and I know you all have your favs so if you want more your going to have to pay the price at least the first time......damnit

what annoys me thoughh is the fact seed producers are trying to do away with regular seed and just produced fem seeds so its harder to breed them. Not impossible but still thats not the point.

Cultivator, many growers like me have demanded fem seed only. I don't want to waste time & space growing males that may contaminate my crop. I find seed to be a necessary, expensive evil and use cuttings to produce. One seed gives me the genetics. Let pros do the breeding, and others formulate fertilizer. I save my worrying & work quotient trying to bend guitar strings accurately. And playing RTS video games :)

LOL agreed! but there are the heirlooms. just like tomatos or other fruit that will fade if you cant breed the original.
yeah I know that we can guarenty a quality plant almost evrytime but there will always be a loss somewhere in the mix.
so it is nice to have the option to carry on the family name:)

hey im a man who likes his moms, but to keep the breeds alive u need those males. Otherwise we end up with interbred mutants. I have mothers over 4 years old and they from femmed seed. i dont disagree that fem seed arent practical for 95% of growers but the option should be there. Hermying plants for seed isnt the way forward as it waters down genes and people do like to grow from seed. not everyone is comfortable taking cuttings like some of us.


I'm someone who likes both.
I really prefer the regular seeds for a number of reasons, but there are benefits of knowing something is likely to be a female when you work in small space or like Gator suggested, just to focus energies in other places.

While I love having female seeds as an option, like Cultivator I find it a bit disheartening that there are less and less regular seeds being offered as an option. The idea of working with pollen to create unique crosses is just one of the many delights in growing for me... while it's probably just too much bother for others. Still, I hope more breeders start keeping regular seed options, and it bothers me that this is getting less common.

One of the reasons I like Subcool, is he is passionately for regular seeds - but I think he'd reach a broader audience if he offered a fem seed option.

Can't we have both?! :lot-o-toke:
i got to agree, their some strains called doggies i think, herbies sell them, around 40 pound per seed, now thats a lot of money, ill find them and post the link so you can see for yourselves
it does sound nice though, have a read see what you think, is it worth the price, wonder if you get a free gold watch with every order or does it come with its own expert live in grower,
or maybe the plant only produces 1 seed per plant, then i can understand it been so expensive, surely a cheap plant produces the same amount of seeds as an expensive strain, i cant see how the mark up is justified, could understand if it was a totally new strain, but once you got a male and female you can make as many seeds as possible,

! Doggies Nuts Armageddon x Doggies Nuts Sirius Feminised Seeds - Updated:4th Nov 2012
We need both X, and I need a big fine greenhouse. With employees to report to me after my round of golf :)

I can find Harlequin only as a cross with GDP, at the end of a 2500 mile road trip. Or straight from a Canadian bank @$262 for 10 regs. I guess I'll pay after much whining, crying, and sniveling. I need CBD, and prefer not to be stoned stupid and/or comatose. I do appreciate the work & expense involved with Mendelian genetics. 'breed only the best of 100, culling the rest. repeat, and again'. Only a lab test can determine which one to go with, $$$

My mother wrote recently, "Getting old is not for the faint hearted". I say you gotta pay the cost to be the boss.
Wanted to thank you for your tutorial in germinating seeds. I have had 100% sucess rate with your method.

Thank you Alaskan1 - I'm so glad. Very nice to see you my friend! :thumb:
i got to agree, their some strains called doggies i think, herbies sell them, around 40 pound per seed, now thats a lot of money, ill find them and post the link so you can see for yourselves

it does sound nice though, have a read see what you think, is it worth the price, wonder if you get a free gold watch with every order or does it come with its own expert live in grower,
or maybe the plant only produces 1 seed per plant, then i can understand it been so expensive, surely a cheap plant produces the same amount of seeds as an expensive strain, i cant see how the mark up is justified, could understand if it was a totally new strain, but once you got a male and female you can make as many seeds as possible,

! Doggies Nuts Armageddon x Doggies Nuts Sirius Feminised Seeds - Updated:4th Nov 2012

I agree, that's a lot of dough for a few beans! Those are F1 hybrids though with a fairly predictable outcome, and a vigor that can create a stronger, faster growing plant. F1's are also more disease, mold and pest resistant by their nature - hence easier to grow. F1 hybrids and their hybrid vigor come at a cost, though, huh?!?! :)

I'm someone who likes both.
I really prefer the regular seeds for a number of reasons, but there are benefits of knowing something is likely to be a female when you work in small space or like Gator suggested, just to focus energies in other places.

While I love having female seeds as an option, like Cultivator I find it a bit disheartening that there are less and less regular seeds being offered as an option. The idea of working with pollen to create unique crosses is just one of the many delights in growing for me... while it's probably just too much bother for others. Still, I hope more breeders start keeping regular seed options, and it bothers me that this is getting less common.

One of the reasons I like Subcool, is he is passionately for regular seeds - but I think he'd reach a broader audience if he offered a fem seed option.

Can't we have both?! :lot-o-toke:

I totally agree!

With a natural mix of 50% either way, I have never planted a batch of seeds where I got all male plants. My Harlequin GDB grow did have 100% females which I was actually disappointed about cause I wanted to use this strain's pollen for some crosses, but in my experience it has never been a deal buster with no females at all.

I can understand why those with a limited indoor grow space would not want to deal with having to sort through male plants, but from a big picture perspective I agree with yout that the genetics of any given strain is much better served if we allow nature to take its course.

Lets not forget that all any grower needs to get started is a single female plant! Cloning is not that difficult and if you end up with a difficult to clone strain, you can always invest in an aerocloner which can deliver positive results in even the most hard to clone situations. As I have mentioned many times in the past... My Blue Cheese strain which many folks have admired and complimented me on all came from a single seed grown female plant. In that case I did get 90% males and at the time, I didn't think ahead far enough about preserving that pollen! Something that I still regret well over a year later.

Had I saved that pollen, I have no doubt that I could have spawed some excellent crosses with some of my other high end strains, not to mention as many Blue Cheese seeds as I would likely ever need.

My advice to anyone bummed about getting some male plants out of their seed purchases is this... Let them grow! Set them up in another area and save the pollen! The best way to combat high seed prices is to GROW YOUR OWN! ;)

I tend to agree with you Goose, it sure does seem like a lot of $$$ when you realize how many hundreds (thousands?) of seeds you can get from a single plant! I've seen 30+ seeds in a single, very small bud!

in my last pollination, I got 155 seeds out of 3 buds measuring 4" long, and 2" across. so in 48 cubic inches (roughly) I got 155 seeds. The average SMALL warehouse has just over a hundred thousand cubic inches. hmmm....

155/48=3.2 seeds per cubic inch. And that was a LIGHT yield.

assuming 12'hx100'wx100'l
3.2*120,000=384,000 seeds.

But that doesn't allow for overhead lighting, or environmental controls, but still it gives you an idea of how many seeds can be had.
in my last pollination, I got 155 seeds out of 3 buds measuring 4" long, and 2" across. so in 48 cubic inches (roughly) I got 155 seeds. The average SMALL warehouse has just under a million cubic inches. hmmm....

155/48=3.2 seeds per cubic inch.

3.2*980,000=3,136,000 seeds.

Sounds like a business plan with assured obscene profits. Wait till Monsanto owns every cultivar, and see.
Patent law run amok :hmmmm:

I try and grok their nerve, these profiteering seed banks. Boggles the mind!
If intrinsic value ruled supreme, what can be made of fiction authors? ebook downloads must be paid for?
What a world!
My home team's closing pitcher gets about $50,000 per pitch, the loser!

I'll trade two zips of commersh for ten Propa medicine beans, and save my tears for the Opera.
jandre is spot on, when i crossed a sour kush female with a unknown kiwi male all i did was put pollen on 2 bud sites at the end of 2 branches, now when i harvested the plant and let it dry the seeds just kept falling out, seeds all touching other seeds, i have easily got over 300 seeds from this cross, i am growing some of these seeds at the moment, the only problem i have is low germination rate, i had no green seeds, but when i harvested the seeds i let them dry and stored them, then i gave each seed a gentle squeeze, now some of them cracked and was hollow inside, so i went through and did this to all of the seeds, now all the seeds that cracked open had nothing inside, so not sure what happened thier.

but i soaked 10 seeds to check germination rate, out of 10 only 2 sprouted within 24 hours, the rest didnt sprout up to 7 days later, so i threw all the seeds in some soil and left them their, 1 of the seeds decided to grow, so now ive got 3 plants growing from them seeds, their growing fast as well so im hoping it will be a nice plant when finished, but im not sure why the viability is so low, i usually plant my seeds direct in soil but i did use paper towel method in the past, so i used that method to check viability and it seems 3 out of 10 sprouted and the rest did nothing, how ever i did not winter the seeds before soaking, so would doing this make more of them viable.

i dont know enough about breeding to answer this question myself, i have also crossed a male and female of ak47 cross uk cherry cheese, i loved this strain and planted my last 2 seeds and i got one of each sex, so i got around 40 seeds from just one pollenated bud, all of these seeds where solid and not cracked when given a gentle squeeze.

now the other problem or not is that when i harvested my auto blueberry i found 2 seeds in the middle of the main bud, this plant had not been anywhere near pollen, but i still ended up with 2 seeds right in the middle of the bud, so it either got pollen early on which i doubt as that bud would of developed before the other buds, but it did not do this, then i read about a plant producing seeds with no pollen, i let the auto go longer than needed, so i was told these 2 seeds are basically the same as taking clones from the plant, so as it was an auto this is a huge bonus, i planted both and 1 sprouted and is about 4 inches tall now, so ill find out if its an auto pretty soon, didnt know if anyone else had come across this before
they popped up yesterday and today i saw tap roots shooting out the bottom of the rapid rooter so I transpanted them to solo cups in some nice soil. They seem to be happy so far.

:yahoo: I just had some do that too - the 5 new strains I put in rooters are all up and sprouting their first leaves with roots out the bottom already. Seems like it's quick when it happens! Congrats and thanks for the great feedback. :)
I totally agree!

With a natural mix of 50% either way, I have never planted a batch of seeds where I got all male plants. My Harlequin GDB grow did have 100% females which I was actually disappointed about cause I wanted to use this strain's pollen for some crosses, but in my experience it has never been a deal buster with no females at all.

I can understand why those with a limited indoor grow space would not want to deal with having to sort through male plants, but from a big picture perspective I agree with yout that the genetics of any given strain is much better served if we allow nature to take its course.

Lets not forget that all any grower needs to get started is a single female plant! Cloning is not that difficult and if you end up with a difficult to clone strain, you can always invest in an aerocloner which can deliver positive results in even the most hard to clone situations. As I have mentioned many times in the past... My Blue Cheese strain which many folks have admired and complimented me on all came from a single seed grown female plant. In that case I did get 90% males and at the time, I didn't think ahead far enough about preserving that pollen! Something that I still regret well over a year later.

Had I saved that pollen, I have no doubt that I could have spawed some excellent crosses with some of my other high end strains, not to mention as many Blue Cheese seeds as I would likely ever need.

My advice to anyone bummed about getting some male plants out of their seed purchases is this... Let them grow! Set them up in another area and save the pollen! The best way to combat high seed prices is to GROW YOUR OWN! ;)

Agreed - it's a cool thing to be able to do if you have the space, and you can set yourself up with seeds for a while! Cloning is really the important tool once you have strains you like. It's definitely fun to cross a couple of interesting strains and grow out the seeds. Like you said, you'll get a whole lot of "free" seeds too!
WWoww :goodjob:

How tall and wide are they if you dont mind measuring :cheertwo:

i'd say 22inches tall and 16 wide?

from bottom of pot

actually i'll go 26in tall

I'll try to remember to measure it when I get a moment. The JTR is quite a bit smaller than the other 2, but I'm not sure of the exact measurements. I'll check 'em later... :)

I measured the Jack the Ripper last night - it's about 22" tall from the base of the stem to the tallest bud/cola. So, that doesn't include the pot, which would be another 10" or so if you were looking for a measurement from the bottom of the pot. It's about that wide, too, (22-24" or so) perhaps a bit wider in spots and a bit less wide in spots. This particular Jack the Ripper pheno is a really small plant by nature. Heck, this was a vegged out (albeit not huge) mom and it still was pretty small plant overall - especially for a sativa. It's quite a bit smaller overall than the other plants in the Flo N Gro, and it sits on a riser to help even it up to the canopy. :)

The other plants are probably about 32-34" (not including pots) tall or so (the plants in the Flo N Gro).
We need both X, and I need a big fine greenhouse. With employees to report to me after my round of golf :)

I can find Harlequin only as a cross with GDP, at the end of a 2500 mile road trip. Or straight from a Canadian bank @$262 for 10 regs. I guess I'll pay after much whining, crying, and sniveling. I need CBD, and prefer not to be stoned stupid and/or comatose. I do appreciate the work & expense involved with Mendelian genetics. 'breed only the best of 100, culling the rest. repeat, and again'. Only a lab test can determine which one to go with, $$$

My mother wrote recently, "Getting old is not for the faint hearted". I say you gotta pay the cost to be the boss.

Haha, nicely summarized and so true. Man, wouldn't a big fine greenhouse be something to play with?!? :)
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