Xlr8's "Flo N Gro" Hydro Multiple Strains 2011

Hi Old Freind. So you are now a disciple of Lucy. Your know how I feel about her and now you feel it too. I seem to find a way to always have some around.....course it doesn't last long. I'm like you, even if I have other strains, she is the one I look for.
That's so cool that the wife has a drying eye for your girls. I could sure use those traits.
You answered my question about how your feeling.......glad your not in too much pain. We are so lucky we can grow our own meds.
Take care Brother. :Namaste:

:thanks: OMM!

Yes, I'm pretty fortunate my wife is good at drying. The only time I've had problems was partially due to me not listening to her. There's been a few times we went her direction with drying decisions against my own judgement, and she's been right each time. She just has a feel for it that I don't quite have the same way, so it's a perfect way for her to contribute to things.

I was surprised to see RS make another appearance in your story - I've really enjoyed reading about your life, it's been very interesting and well told. :thumb:
Damn, bewtween you and Oldmedman. Thats the type of smoke report I like. Could use a lil more info on head/body effects but smell and taste is right up there with bag appeal. You have some perty ass weed. Looks like lucy will be on my next seed list.

Thanks Mr. Smith - I admire your growing skills a lot, so that's meaningful to me.

Well, for me so far, Lucy makes me feel motivated and creative but not too spacey. It's definitely strong weed, and if I vape enough of it I can lose my ability to focus some, but if I don't over do it I get a really happy feeling, with a bit of the giggles, and I feel like I see things more clearly. I've been writing some, and the ideas start flowing better with a little Lucy.

So far, it's not the sort of weed for me that makes music sound better or movies seem more real (I like weed that does that, too). But, I feel like tackling projects, writing, organizing - I also feel... happier! No paranoia for me, no real "trippiness" like they promote. Maybe that's more common with some other phenos?

For body effects, the initial happiness/giggly effect keeps me from even thinking about my physical ailments as much, but even when I do it's a nice buzzy warm body feeling. I've had sligtly better strains for the pain relief part, (in fact I think that both the Lavender and the Skywalker will be good for that), but this is still very good, and the attitude improvement I see really adds to the pain relief part. I really like this as a "daytime" strain so far.

I also find it interesting and important to note that I don't feel like I get the munchies as much with Lucy, nor cottonmouth. Might not be a good strain for someone looking to improve their eating/appetite (cancer, etc.).

Lastly, some strains seem to enhance sex - this isn't one of them for me so far. If anything, it seemed to dull the sensations a bit, which happens sometimes too. But... I lasted forever on it, so my wife probably likes it for sex... ;)

I dunno, hope this filled in any gaps. One thing I feel like I should note about this strain. OMM and a few others have spoken very highly of it, and I'm loving it so far. I have noticed there are several negative reviews out there for this strain on other sites, and I get the sense that there are at least a few different phenos with some unique characteristics. It might take a few beans to pick out a promising mom, for example. I certainly liked this one, but maybe I was lucky?

This was my first Barney's Farm seed, but I get the sense that their stuff can be a little hit or miss and difficult to grow at times. Take Tangerine Dream, for example - for every one good grow you see on it, there seems to be several bad ones. Yet, it won the Cannabis Cup, so you know those good ones can be had. It seems like when their stuff is good it's great, and when it's not... good luck! I've seen several failed Lucy grows, too, with twisty leaves, poor germination, hermies. In fact, I initially had (2) but one was sickly and stunted from the beginning despite equal treatment in the Flo N Gro so I culled it. I'm glad this other one turned out so well.

Sorry this is so wordy. I'm floating on Lucy as we speak!
Cool herbs in a jar beat herbs on the plant. Congrad's on the harvest. You did great there my friend, and I hope to see alot more bud's that you kick out. Keepem Green

Thanks buddy! Appreciate that - I feel like I've learned a lot this grow and hope to apply it toward the next round. Nothing like jars 'o bud to make one get permagrin. :)

Really glad you were along for this one... :high-five:
X your journals are really something. I feel like I have enough bedtime reading material to keep me going for months. Your journals are very-well detailed with every nook of information one could seek. I am very much considering printing a few of these out, solely for hard copy references when I don't feel like wrangling a keyboard. your entries should be the blueprint to which new members try to ascertain. It's a great privilege to have you view my grow and say i wield any talent from someone as experienced as yourself. :thanks: again for your kind words, and best wishes for all future endeavors.

StonedyCreek -

That's about as nice as nice gets! :thanks:

I'm glad you like the journal, and I appreciate very much the kind words. I feel pretty happy with the journal overall, but I feel like there is so much I can do to improve my growing. I wish I was half the grower that many of the others here are, but I'll keep working on it!

Thanks for bringing a smile to my face, and taking the time to read my ramblings... I'm happy to follow along in your journal. :high-five:
Grow Update - Day 69 Bloom

A few pics from last night. I checked the trichomes, and we're at about 50% amber on most of the ones checked (Flo N Gro). Little more on the Skywalker, little less on the Lucy, but surprisingly similar. The buds that were already harvested were probably 25% amber for the most part, and the ones left behind were barely ambering at all. So... I think this will work out fine as a harvest strategy.

The Chocolope in her DWC bucket is still mostly clear, some cloudy, no amber to speak of. I'm planning on chopping everything that's left (except the Chocolope) soon. Chocolope will then get her time turned back to 11 hours to try to encourage her to start wrapping up soon.

I should have taken pictures with the lights off, but I missed the opportunity. I hate how much yellow is still in the pics due to the HPS lighting... I didn't take many or even very good pictures, either, but hopefully this gives some idea of what's still left in there. There are still plenty of nice buds on those branches, and they've definitely gained some weight since the initial harvest. There's a lot of Lucy left in there, too. ;)

The Chocolope looks a lot rougher in the pics then in person - She's been yellowing and losing her fans along the main stem, but her buds still look really good. I removed some of the dying leaves after I took pics last night. She's going to end up (2) solid sticks of bud before she's done I think.

Some of my Thanksgiving leftovers:



Wow was I rambling earlier. Sheesh!

I am normally high when I am on this site. Its easy to ramble on when your high and in a good mood but it sometimes makes it difficult to put down everything you want to post. It doesn't help that I have to pick and peck or don't know how to spell a word or can't find the right word to describe what you want.
I like the descriptions and effects on your weed. You did a wonderful job describing it. Your skills with words are alot better than mine.
You said some people gave bad reports on the Lucy? More than likely they didn't have the best growing experience with the strain. I have seen some horrible reports about Sage and even though its a lil diffacult to grow because of the stretch it is one of the best strains I have tried. I found that bad reports on strains normally means the person that grew the weed wasn't able to unlock the potential of the plant. I have done this myself. Never trust strain reports that are bad unless they are able to back up the claim and even then it might mean that the grow op wasn't the best when it comes to success. We can't always give the plants the best of care and its why alot of us develop problems. These problems can and will effect smoke reports. There's alot more to it than that but you get the jist of it I hope. Look who's rambling now.
I too was booooooorrrrrnnn a rambliiiinnnn mmaaannnn n.....as you all see on occasion....i've also grown strains before that i thought were trash because the first run was just that...then swallowing that olde pride i ran another crop and came out much better..usually by using less nutes, but there were times when shoving nutes into certain strains really got killer results also....purples like that cold weather near end cycle,,,,whites like little or no light end of cycle, some auto's too...what the heck was i ramblin bout again?? ohh yeah, basically strains have different environmental requirements just like us. that's why one person grows sage that is just that, and another grows SAGE, and it's killer, which was the case for whoever out there on the West coast grew the stuff i smoked, woooweeeee!!! too me, strains are like everything else us mankind breeds into our liking.....

a representation of oneself...

yup....rambler indeed!
X your journals are really something. I feel like I have enough bedtime reading material to keep me going for months. Your journals are very-well detailed with every nook of information one could seek. I am very much considering printing a few of these out, solely for hard copy references when I don't feel like wrangling a keyboard. your entries should be the blueprint to which new members try to ascertain.

You know, It's funny you should say that. In the months I lurked this site, I grew quite impressed with X's style, and was in fact one of the reasons I went hydro this time 'round.

Xlr8 Great looking finish on this grow, my friend! That Lucy looks like she's ripe-n-ready- Mewish com der an burn som dat up wid ya, mon! That chocolope looks like ya may get some good popcorn vaping out of it, and the lavender..... that lavender.... :adore: damn, man... Potcicles anyone?!

Congratulations on a most excellent grow. I, as should everyone here, feel privileged to have seen this one happen. You have given me something to strive for in my grows. I think SC hit it on the head when he said this should be a manual. Actually, GROWER'S FRIKKIN' BIBLE for how Flo-n-Gro is done. My only words to someone here that asked about what I was reading was, "...a gift from Mother Earth, grown in an excellent manner, and as such is now starting to reap the rewards."
Three words. I Love Lucy. I am down to my last 1/4 of her, saving her for Christmas, after the meal to share with my friends. I think I will purchase some more seeds of her. I Love Lucy. But Super Lemon Haze is the king of getting shit done in my book. I ran out of her one month ago and all my projects are behind. :peace:
:thanks: OMM!

Yes, I'm pretty fortunate my wife is good at drying. The only time I've had problems was partially due to me not listening to her. There's been a few times we went her direction with drying decisions against my own judgement, and she's been right each time. She just has a feel for it that I don't quite have the same way, so it's a perfect way for her to contribute to things.

I was surprised to see RS make another appearance in your story - I've really enjoyed reading about your life, it's been very interesting and well told. :thumb:

Hey Old Friend....

Can I borrow her when I harvest? We really kind of messed up our drying last time.We didn't take into account what the air conditioner would do to it. It dried way to fast. It was still good smoke, but it could have been much better. Live and learn.

Yeah..this is the part about RS that still haunts me, and the decisions I made. Kind of screwed me up too. :smokin:
Hi All,

Just thought I'd add my 2 cents on overdried weed...put a carrot in it. Just drop a chunk in the jar, only for a little while, burp it regularly or it will overmoisten and mold. Adds no weird smell or taste and works really good.

I am normally high when I am on this site. Its easy to ramble on when your high and in a good mood but it sometimes makes it difficult to put down everything you want to post. It doesn't help that I have to pick and peck or don't know how to spell a word or can't find the right word to describe what you want.
I like the descriptions and effects on your weed. You did a wonderful job describing it. Your skills with words are alot better than mine.
You said some people gave bad reports on the Lucy? More than likely they didn't have the best growing experience with the strain. I have seen some horrible reports about Sage and even though its a lil diffacult to grow because of the stretch it is one of the best strains I have tried. I found that bad reports on strains normally means the person that grew the weed wasn't able to unlock the potential of the plant. I have done this myself. Never trust strain reports that are bad unless they are able to back up the claim and even then it might mean that the grow op wasn't the best when it comes to success. We can't always give the plants the best of care and its why alot of us develop problems. These problems can and will effect smoke reports. There's alot more to it than that but you get the jist of it I hope. Look who's rambling now.

Good points Mr. Smith - sometimes it's tough to sort through the muck - I do think it's more about some of the Barney's strains being a bit tougher to grow successfully. Sage is definitely a strain I'm interested in for a future grow. Sounds like great stuff. Glad I'm not the only one who can ramble!

I too was booooooorrrrrnnn a rambliiiinnnn mmaaannnn n.....as you all see on occasion....i've also grown strains before that i thought were trash because the first run was just that...then swallowing that olde pride i ran another crop and came out much better..usually by using less nutes, but there were times when shoving nutes into certain strains really got killer results also....purples like that cold weather near end cycle,,,,whites like little or no light end of cycle, some auto's too...what the heck was i ramblin bout again?? ohh yeah, basically strains have different environmental requirements just like us. that's why one person grows sage that is just that, and another grows SAGE, and it's killer, which was the case for whoever out there on the West coast grew the stuff i smoked, woooweeeee!!! too me, strains are like everything else us mankind breeds into our liking.....

a representation of oneself...

yup....rambler indeed!

ohh, and i try to be high every time i'm here, but you can't always get whatcha want...

The first plants I ever grew were Snow White, and they were pretty good - but I've grow several more Snow Whites, and the last one I grew was a ton better than the first. Now that's an "Easy" to grow plant, but it isn't as easy to grow it well. Speaking of which, the best one I ever grew isn't nearly as nice as the Snow Whites that 420fied grows on a regular basis, but then he's grown (hundreds?) of them...

I really want to try Sage...

Ramble on! :high-five:

You know, It's funny you should say that. In the months I lurked this site, I grew quite impressed with X's style, and was in fact one of the reasons I went hydro this time 'round.

Xlr8 Great looking finish on this grow, my friend! That Lucy looks like she's ripe-n-ready- Mewish com der an burn som dat up wid ya, mon! That chocolope looks like ya may get some good popcorn vaping out of it, and the lavender..... that lavender.... :adore: damn, man... Potcicles anyone?!

Congratulations on a most excellent grow. I, as should everyone here, feel privileged to have seen this one happen. You have given me something to strive for in my grows. I think SC hit it on the head when he said this should be a manual. Actually, GROWER'S FRIKKIN' BIBLE for how Flo-n-Gro is done. My only words to someone here that asked about what I was reading was, "...a gift from Mother Earth, grown in an excellent manner, and as such is now starting to reap the rewards."

Jandre you're way to kind! Thanks buddy. I'm happy with how it all turned out, but I have a few issues I need to work on. My air intake is too close to the furnace and it started pulling in too much warm, dry air as the weather outside got colder. I'll have to re-work all that, which I hope to do between now and the first of the year. Take care and thanks for following my grow and the very kind words... :thanks:
Three words. I Love Lucy. I am down to my last 1/4 of her, saving her for Christmas, after the meal to share with my friends. I think I will purchase some more seeds of her. I Love Lucy. But Super Lemon Haze is the king of getting shit done in my book. I ran out of her one month ago and all my projects are behind. :peace:

I think My roomie has some Lucy left, going to get some now.
Oh Lucy, Lucy so fine .
Warm like the summer sun,
sweet as candy wine.
Lucy , Lucy so fine.

3 cheers for Lucy! :cheer::cheer::cheer:

Cool that Lucy speaks to you, too. I have a Super Lemon Haze seed or two that I'm anxious to grow eventually... I may have to move it up the list. ;)
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