Xlr8's "Flo N Gro" Hydro Multiple Strains 2011

Only 3-4 days! Shizzle my nizzle..I'm flushing way too early then. It's been a while since I've finished a grow so I'm thinking 2-3 weeks flush.

Hi Sisco -

It doesn't take long to flush in hydro, especially if you are using a clearing agent (I'm using Clearex). Like all topics regarding this plant it's debateable to be sure, but I've not had any issues. Normally I'd do a solid week. But - these were flushed recently, lightly fed, and another 3-4 days of flushing... should be fine I think.
Hi X,

Nice partial harvest you got there...Wow those buds look nice. Interested in seeing how this technique works out for you.

Hi X,

Nice partial harvest you got there...Wow those buds look nice. Interested in seeing how this technique works out for you.


Thanks Sqwheels - :thanks:

Me too! The buds that are still in the tent have definitely added bulk, but I hope they're not over-ripe for my liking. Tonight I plan on taking a few pics, checking the trichomes, etc. I haven't been able to spend much time at all with the plants lately other than quick PH checks, due to company and how I've been feeling physically. Hope you are doing great!
Nice looking stuff X!


Thanks 'fied! Was just recently admiring your latest pictures. I love how well your 2 liter system works, and they seem to really like the BPN products as well. :thumb:
Okay - things have been in jars and burping for a couple of days. RH here has been low, so I didn't hang dry them for long before clipping them and bagging them. So, after about 2 1/2 days, they went into paper bags with holes, a fan circulating air in the room, and were shaken up periodically. The Magic Bud has been in jars now a bit longer as it seemed to hit the happy zone the quickest.

We used to be a bit more scientific about things, but my wife has a really good feel for drying, so she pretty much calls the shots using her gut and experience. Everything is in a pretty happy spot in the jars, but they'll need burping for a little while yet. I don't expect they'll lose much more weight.

So, here's where we're at so far:

  • Magic Bud - .8z (pretty pathetic, but I intentionally gave away much of her real estate for the Lavender plant) The entire plant is harvested and in jars.
  • Lavender - 3.75z so far - still a bit more on the plant
  • Lucy - 2.30z so far - still quite a bit on the plant
  • Skywalker - 1.36z so far - still a fair amount on the plant

Chocolope is still humming along, but will probably produce about what the Magic Bud did in the end (if that!). Both plants were really pushed to the side at the expense of the Lucy, Lavender, and Skywalker plants.

I'm really thankful to have some new meds, and hopefully enough for a while so that I don't need to worry about running out soon. I'm pleased with the results so far and have learned a lot to make improvements in the future.

I'll try to get some pictures tonight of what's left in the tent. Thanks for all the support! :)
Let me tell you a bit more about the Barney's Farm ELL ESS DEE, aka "Lucy" or Mazar/Skunk...

The Lavender was the looker, but so far the Lucy is the winner as far as personal preference. The flavor of the Lucy has already matured into something special and hard to describe. Initially it had a bit of a lemon pinesol thing going on, which actually tasted much better than it sounds. Now it's changed a bit, and has a lemony fuel taste that has a hint of sandlewood and other complex almost musky flavors.

It's difficult to describe, but the flavor is so good that I'm almost obsessed with it. I'm drawn to it. Even the lingering aftertaste leaves me licking my lips and brings a smile to my face. I've had great tasting weed before, but nothing with the complex, hard to describe flavor this has.

The Skywalker plant tastes like Blueberries, and is great flavored weed. My wife said "wow" when she vaped it. As far as fruity flavored weed, it's really up there flavor wise - it really rocks.

The Lavender tastes like fresh cut flowers with a hint of grape. It's fabulous. It's so floral/fruity that it's almost funny. Reminds me considerably of Purple Urkle as far as the flavor - for those that have had Urkle.

But... the Lucy has a complex taste that leaves you wanting more - obsessing over more. And, the high (of at least this particular Lucy), is not quite as described on their site. I feel no trippiness per se', but I float comfortably and feel motivated, energized, and creative after vaping it. No paranoia, no trippiness. Just happiness, positive energy and motivated creativity. This is some very strong, killer weed, and the closest I've come to a truly special plant. Combined with a really unique look, and heavy resin-loaded buds this weed (or perhaps this particular pheno) seems to have it all.

This is the first time I really regret not having/making the space to clone, and I'm thinking I might try to either re-veg her or let part of her keep living with the hopes of some "selfing" behavior. Not being a "cloner" typically, I don't like my chances of successfully cloning her at the end of flower...

Anyway, I just had to share my new found joy for "Lucy". The only problem is - it's already the only thing I want to put in the vape, despite the other very good weed! Thanks OMM for the lead on her!
Nice work X meds look fantastic bet they smell like heaven! Nice weigh in looks like you'll have some grade A to tie you over the winter.

What are you thoughts on the staggered harvest after seeing them half cut? Hope they fatten up and give you some nice tops.

Any sampled yet?
Nice work X meds look fantastic bet they smell like heaven! Nice weigh in looks like you'll have some grade A to tie you over the winter.

What are you thoughts on the staggered harvest after seeing them half cut? Hope they fatten up and give you some nice tops.

Any sampled yet?

Hi GodSpeed -

First off - thanks! I got a pretty nice haul off of the top level stuff, and it's vaping very nicely. I think I'd have been happy had I harvested all of it right away, and I'm not disappointed in what was already harvested. It will be interesting to see how well the older bud vapes, and how the effect differs on the second tier harvest.

As far as size, I feel like the bud-sites that I left on the plant have gained in size and are starting to look more mature than they did before round 1. If they still vape nicely (or nicer) I'll be thrilled to have gotten the additional size gain/weight gain from leaving them. No matter what, I have an opportunity to compare/contrast the difference to further my knowledge/understanding in a way I wouldn't have been able to otherwise.

As far as sampling, I've been vaping some of what we harvested in round 1, but I haven't been sampling what is still on the plant since the harvest. Unfortunately, we've had a lot of people/company around and I have had minimal access to the grow room/plants. Lately, just enough time to check PH each day.

I wish I'd had the time/opportunity/motivation to have documented things better via pictures as well as take nightly quick dry samples to gauge effect. Heck, I haven't even looked at trichomes since harvest #1. I plant to do some of this tonight...

Dude, that's awesome! I can't wait to try that Lucy based on the hard-on I just got reading your review! :)

:rofl: I hope yours turns out at least as well for you, Mr. Stiffy! I wasn't sure whether to "like" your post or not... :scratchinghead:
Im hoping you have taken a few pics after chop and your able to give us a comparison of when the second half is taken down, but i know what it can be like with the excitment come harvest "Eye on the prize" and i couldnt blame ya i would be chuffed big time!

All in all its been a excellent read and a heck of a journey, ill be sticking around for the next update for sure.
Hey X!! Great strain review/smoke report!:high-five:
Lucy was on my wish list, and got passed up for Headband.....She is now front row for next round, but that may not be for a while, spring splurge maybe.
But for now, I too will be doing some Kushes, Chemwreck Kush and Chemmy Jones. Jilly Bean gets her turn this next round too. Should be an interresting grow, as ALL my beans are regulars....and only 2 Jillys....
C'mon Brother, Jilly bean and Kush to start the new year!!:high-five:
Hope these holidaze prove the best days for you buddy, congrats on a very successful harvest!:Namaste:
Let me tell you a bit more about the Barney's Farm ELL ESS DEE, aka "Lucy" or Mazar/Skunk...

The Lavender was the looker, but so far the Lucy is the winner as far as personal preference. The flavor of the Lucy has already matured into something special and hard to describe. Initially it had a bit of a lemon pinesol thing going on, which actually tasted much better than it sounds. Now it's changed a bit, and has a lemony fuel taste that has a hint of sandlewood and other complex almost musky flavors.

It's difficult to describe, but the flavor is so good that I'm almost obsessed with it. I'm drawn to it. Even the lingering aftertaste leaves me licking my lips and brings a smile to my face. I've had great tasting weed before, but nothing with the complex, hard to describe flavor this has.

The Skywalker plant tastes like Blueberries, and is great flavored weed. My wife said "wow" when she vaped it. As far as fruity flavored weed, it's really up there flavor wise - it really rocks.

The Lavender tastes like fresh cut flowers with a hint of grape. It's fabulous. It's so floral/fruity that it's almost funny. Reminds me considerably of Purple Urkle as far as the flavor - for those that have had Urkle.

But... the Lucy has a complex taste that leaves you wanting more - obsessing over more. And, the high (of at least this particular Lucy), is not quite as described on their site. I feel no trippiness per se', but I float comfortably and feel motivated, energized, and creative after vaping it. No paranoia, no trippiness. Just happiness, positive energy and motivated creativity. This is some very strong, killer weed, and the closest I've come to a truly special plant. Combined with a really unique look, and heavy resin-loaded buds this weed (or perhaps this particular pheno) seems to have it all.

This is the first time I really regret not having/making the space to clone, and I'm thinking I might try to either re-veg her or let part of her keep living with the hopes of some "selfing" behavior. Not being a "cloner" typically, I don't like my chances of successfully cloning her at the end of flower...

Anyway, I just had to share my new found joy for "Lucy". The only problem is - it's already the only thing I want to put in the vape, despite the other very good weed! Thanks OMM for the lead on her!

Hi Old Freind. So you are now a disciple of Lucy. Your know how I feel about her and now you feel it too. I seem to find a way to always have some around.....course it doesn't last long. I'm like you, even if I have other strains, she is the one I look for.
That's so cool that the wife has a drying eye for your girls. I could sure use those traits.
You answered my question about how your feeling.......glad your not in too much pain. We are so lucky we can grow our own meds.
Take care Brother. :Namaste:
Cool herbs in a jar beat herbs on the plant. Congrad's on the harvest. You did great there my friend, and I hope to see alot more bud's that you kick out. Keepem Green
X your journals are really something. I feel like I have enough bedtime reading material to keep me going for months. Your journals are very-well detailed with every nook of information one could seek. I am very much considering printing a few of these out, solely for hard copy references when I don't feel like wrangling a keyboard. your entries should be the blueprint to which new members try to ascertain. It's a great privilege to have you view my grow and say i wield any talent from someone as experienced as yourself. :thanks: again for your kind words, and best wishes for all future endeavors.
Im hoping you have taken a few pics after chop and your able to give us a comparison of when the second half is taken down, but i know what it can be like with the excitment come harvest "Eye on the prize" and i couldnt blame ya i would be chuffed big time!

All in all its been a excellent read and a heck of a journey, ill be sticking around for the next update for sure.

Hi GodSpeed -

I'll try to take a few pics during/after round 2. My wife helps me considerably when it comes to chopping/trimming/drying/curing process (it's her super-power and contribution to the grow), and she tends to get impatient with the pictures thing, lol. I'm just grateful for the help and her mad skills when it comes to getting them trimmed quickly and dried correctly. I wish I'd have taken a few more pictures of the first round, but I'm always bad with harvest/chop pics - I get caught up in the process and feel beat by the time we're done. I'll see what I can do.

Thanks for the props and for following my grow! :thumb:
Hey X!! Great strain review/smoke report!:high-five:
Lucy was on my wish list, and got passed up for Headband.....She is now front row for next round, but that may not be for a while, spring splurge maybe.
But for now, I too will be doing some Kushes, Chemwreck Kush and Chemmy Jones. Jilly Bean gets her turn this next round too. Should be an interresting grow, as ALL my beans are regulars....and only 2 Jillys....
C'mon Brother, Jilly bean and Kush to start the new year!!:high-five:
Hope these holidaze prove the best days for you buddy, congrats on a very successful harvest!:Namaste:

Hi Quix -

Funny! Headband is near the top of my list for future seed purchases. Chemwreck Kush seems bound to be a good one I'd think. I'll be using mostly regular seeds next time, too, and might just do a seed run if I get an interesting male in the bunch. I'd either separate the male and selectively pollinate a few branches, or maybe just let it all get seeded for one round. I'm pretty sure there'll be at least one JillyBean in the mix. :)

Thanks for all the support my friend - hope you have a wonderful holiday season as well!
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