Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

Thanks for sharing your deepest thoughts with us and my condolences go out to you. People like you are what makes this a great site.

Chili Bowl,
Welcome to 420 mag, its a great place and everyone will make you feel at home. If you decide to start a journal on your grow please let me know and I will be more than happy to join in.

Hey Woodsman,
Glad to hear all the babies are doing fine, you are a good daddy to them. I know your stomach was in your throat when you opened the door and saw what happened. I must say I have thought about that many times myself. I'm also happy to hear your wife partook and the second opinion was a good one as we all knew it was good without even smoking it.
Well you all are probably all asleep now, so you won't get this till later, but get this. The wife out of the blue, asks me, "So what kind of stuff is your smoke (she's referring to the Mazar)? So I'm like shocked, but I don't flinch a muscle. Then she says, "what do you think of your stuff after it cured for awhile?". She knows that I wasn't happy about it right after the initial dry (got better after the cure). So I tell her that it has improved quite a bit. Now I know what this is about, so I ask, "Do you want to smoke some?" "OK" she says. Like she doesn't want to ask me herself.

This is great, why? Because it's a rarity and now I get someone other than myself to test it out for me! Like I'm smoking the stuff every day now and I'm not sure how good the stuff is. Very curious to know what others would think. You know like if I had any smoking buddies around (not) I'd say "so what do ya think guys?"

Anyway she smokes a bowl with me and I start with the questions: What does it smell like? "Bark" she says. What? Bark, who knew, my wife knows what bark smells like? Is that a good thing, bark? She says yes. So what does it taste like? "Nutty" she says (the kind you eat). One of you mentioned this before (MC was that you?). I also taste a nutty and very light hash flavor and the smell of nuts and pine needles. Any way she says she is ripped from about five hits off the pipe. So I'm impressed (with the smoke and the wife). You know how it is smokin the same stuff every day, You wish you could take a break for a few days (or try something different) so that you can get ripped the first time you smoke it again. Well I gotta smoke something everyday and find it hard to take a break. I never thought I'd get a second opinion until tonight. And a good review to boot.

Hey, talk with ya later folks, thanks for listening to me ramble!

Woodsman I am truly happy to hear that your wife decided to be cool and smoke with you. I hope that it is the beginning of a long and ongoing trend. There really is nothing better than seeing your wife's face light up at the sight of a beautiful plant or nug.

Hey Woodsman. Sounds like you have a very cool wife there.
A couple of months before my fiancee passed away suddenly almost two years ago, she had mentioned that she wanted to try some of our home grown. She hadn't smoked weed in a very long time. She loved how "into it" I was. She thought it was fantastic that my brother and I were so close and that we were devoted to learning how to grow to our full potential.

Anyway, I thought she was so cool when she took a puff. I made sure that she was trying our "best" stuff. Fully cured and ready to rock. She loved it. But I could tell that her true goal was to be a part of something that I loved to do.

Reading how your wife is helping you out and participating brought back that memory. Thanks!

BTW...missing her is why I don't sleep well and why I'm up at this hour most nights so it made finding your post that much more enjoyable.

SkooterClowns I am very sorry to hear of your loss. It must be remembered that part of the life cycle is it's conclusion. We all must die one day but as long as there are people to remember you, your life continues in their hearts and minds. My guess is that your fiancee would not want you to have negative experiences while remembering her but would rather that you think fondly of the times you had together while moving forward with your journey in this life.

Sorry to get preachy/sappy but I have lost many loved ones in this life and I have been told by doctors for seven years that any day my wife could die. I just try to remember that the memories that I make from day to day with her will be with me until my life cycle ends.
Thanks chili, are ya growing something right now? when ya feel like it start a journal up!

I'm considering it. I need to pick up a digital camera. Right now I don't think I'm quite ready to start it up. I'm juts vegging my mamas and focusing on preparing my cloning and veg and flower rooms. Once again, :nicethread: :peace:
Woodsman I am truly happy to hear that your wife decided to be cool and smoke with you. I hope that it is the beginning of a long and ongoing trend. There really is nothing better than seeing your wife's face light up at the sight of a beautiful plant or nug.

SkooterClowns I am very sorry to hear of your loss. It must be remembered that part of the life cycle is it's conclusion. We all must die one day but as long as there are people to remember you, your life continues in their hearts and minds. My guess is that your fiancee would not want you to have negative experiences while remembering her but would rather that you think fondly of the times you had together while moving forward with your journey in this life.

Sorry to get preachy/sappy but I have lost many loved ones in this life and I have been told by doctors for seven years that any day my wife could die. I just try to remember that the memories that I make from day to day with her will be with me until my life cycle ends.

Sorry to hear about your wife, Here To Learn! Miracles happen sometimes, I'm hoping it comes to her.

I'm considering it. I need to pick up a digital camera. Right now I don't think I'm quite ready to start it up. I'm juts vegging my mamas and focusing on preparing my cloning and veg and flower rooms. Once again, :nicethread: :peace:

Sounds like you have quite a bit going on chili bowl, good luck and even if you don't start a journal, you can keep us all updated.
Update time: About one or two weeks veg depending on which plant you ask! Major overhaul in the tent this afternoon. Transplanted plants, #1, #2, #3 and #4 to larger pots today. #5 is still just a tiny tot and will have to wait. Don't know how I'm going to squeez that one in when her time comes? I'm already busting at the seams with just four larger pots. In fact some of them are too small to go the whole way if female. Like I thought before the grow started, three females and that would be it. Question what to do in there until they get sexed?

Here's one pic of the set up for now and it will change again (somehow) when #5 is old enough to go to school. They are all kind of in shock in this photo #1, #2 and #3 were pretty much root bound in their little cups and #1 and #2 were in need of a little nourishment. Actually fed all four that were transplanted with a very, very mild solution of Alaskan fish Emulsion to ween them slowly. Just distilled water for the baby.

They're going to love their new home.

Thanks for your optimism Sungod. They're looking a little droopy right now. I gave them a light foliage spray just now before the lights go out. I'm always nervous when I do a transplant and my optimism gets a bit shaky right about now!
They are looking good Woodsman. We had to sacrifice one for the sake of room ourselves. It not always a pleasant thing to have to do but know that if/when you do the ones left will reward you for giving them the room they need.

Transplanting is tough on plants but weed is just that...a weed and they can handle much more than we think. Doesn't help the anxiety much though. I get the same way even though I keep telling myself they are tough.
I'm going to have a tough time sleeping tonight that's for sure! Probably over worried about the droopy kids.. I hope I didn't jinx myself when I said that I will most likely have room for only three adults....

Sorry I didn't catch you last night but don't worry too much. I just transplanted some weeping Chinese fig clones last night and they became droopy afterward as well. Give them a few days and they will be feeling better.
They are looking good Woodsman. We had to sacrifice one for the sake of room ourselves. It not always a pleasant thing to have to do but know that if/when you do the ones left will reward you for giving them the room they need.

Transplanting is tough on plants but weed is just that...a weed and they can handle much more than we think. Doesn't help the anxiety much though. I get the same way even though I keep telling myself they are tough.

Thanks Skooter for responding, Ya I went to bed soon after the last post. Woke up this morning and nothing changed.

Sorry I didn't catch you last night but don't worry too much. I just transplanted some weeping Chinese fig clones last night and they became droopy afterward as well. Give them a few days and they will be feeling better.

Well I did a little surgery on them. I did not transplant the same way I would normally transplant a houseplant. That is I did not break up the tight and in my case here, dry root cluster(as in sucked up the water I gave it 2 days before). So I gently pulled then out one at a time and sure enough, they were still packed solid. I gently roused up the cup shaped clumps a little and placed them back into the dirt. watered 'around' the area and raised the lights up just a little and now I'll wait.
Hey woodsman must be a good week for our girls man my lady smoked some of my sour diesel crop with me yesterday and helped me trim back my mother plant a lil bit, haha glad to hear your wife has partaken with you on your crop as well and those girls are gettin bigger can't wait to see em turn from kids to teenagers haha
transplanting is stressful on any plant and it takes a few days to recover. I helped a friend transplant some of his plants into the ground last season and I broke about three inches off of the tap root of one. That plant took a little longer than the others to recover but ended up being a heavy producer. Cannabis plants are very hearty.
transplanting is stressful on any plant and it takes a few days to recover. I helped a friend transplant some of his plants into the ground last season and I broke about three inches off of the tap root of one. That plant took a little longer than the others to recover but ended up being a heavy producer. Cannabis plants are very hearty.

Ya I gently ruffed up the clump to get the roots loose . It was solid and too tight. don't believe I have done any damage to them, I think it will make it easier in this case to 'root'. I was very surprised yesterday at how root bound #'s 1,2,3 were. #1 had been droopy the last few days prior to the transplant and that may have been why.
Root bound plants often fare better when the roots are aerated a little before placement in the new container. I have seen some nurseries use utility knives to cut the root balls of some root bound plants and they do quite well after a few days. I believe it is done to force the plants to grow new roots rapidly as it effectively removes some of the roots leaving an imbalance between roots and shoots in the shoots favor.
Root bound plants often fare better when the roots are aerated a little before placement in the new container. I have seen some nurseries use utility knives to cut the root balls of some root bound plants and they do quite well after a few days. I believe it is done to force the plants to grow new roots rapidly as it effectively removes some of the roots leaving an imbalance between roots and shoots in the shoots favor.

We grow a lot of houseplants and we buy them young (cheaper) so eventually we transplant them to larger pots. We learned that you need to break up the root ball a little so that like you said they are stimulated to grow and are not 'stuck'. It was here on this site, that I read somewhere that 'you just place them strait from the cup in to the earth and cover it up. so I thought I'd just try it. when I dug them up earlier today, they were still clumped tight in the shape of the little cup. so I loosened them up. Should be OK and that's the way I should have done in the first place. If it works, do it! right.
I too bust up the root ball (small as it is) when I buy the packs of tomotoes in the spring and on big plants like trees and bushes I get out the pocket knife and score it up. If you don't it just stays right where you planted it.

I just use my hand to loosen the dirt around the sides and bottom of the ball. I just hope that the added handling -putting them in,taking them out and putting them back in again didn't shock them too much.
Transplant shock is overrated. Lots worse things that can happen to it and it still thrives. I just takes a day or two to recover. I make sure I water mine heavily when I transfer and rarely have any skock at all. I make sure It's water only on the transfer. Nutes come later after it gets settled into it's new home.
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