Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

Yeah I have a four bag set from a guy in Santa Cruz. They work really well as they are made from just screen material and thread. This means they drain way faster than standard bags. This is a big plus for me with my bad back.

BTW I noticed no one had rated your journal so I just gave you five stars.
Yeah I have a four bag set from a guy in Santa Cruz. They work really well as they are made from just screen material and thread. This means they drain way faster than standard bags. This is a big plus for me with my bad back.

BTW I noticed no one had rated your journal so I just gave you five stars.

Why thank you very much for the rating! It takes folks like you and all the others to make a good thread. Santa Cruz you say, are you near there yourself? I used to live up the peninsula in San Mateo County. My darling little niece went to school at UC Santa Cruz (big time party school). Wouldn't be surprised if she is on this site!

about a week ago my buddy found his trim from last harvest. So we made some tasty OG/Trainwreck/Hindu-Kush bubble. aprox. 6 oz. of trim yielded around 5 grams of three grades of hash. The majority of it (think 3/4) was full melt.

Is there any way to make a hash making system myself. With inexpensive materials? Like what your doing, not with chemicals.
Butane Hash Oil. You take a tube of some sort (mine was a mag light), make caps at both ends, put a few holes n the ejection end and one hole to accept the tip of a butane can on the other cap. You then pack the tube with trim and/or popcorn buds, and spray butane through it into a Pyrex dish (outside only). You then heat the bottom of the Pyrex while whipping the mixture until it becomes an oil. This method strips the trichomes off of the plant matter by way of the freezing cold butane passing over and through it.

I could not stand it though because after whipping the mixture at 270 degrees farenheight (just below the flash point of THC an other cannabanoids) for four hours I could not get all of the butane out. I must add that only triple refined or 99.8% pure butane can be used and it is fairly hard to find.

I must sign off for now as it is late and I am tired.
Short and quick grow update:

Watered as needed today (dist water only). As LabRat420 suggested, I placed paper towels underneath the cups after I first let them drain. This is a great suggestion and will suck up any extra water that lingers at the bottom of the cups. I had not used sand, perlite or pebbles at the bottom as I would do with the large pots (rocks). I had also punched additional holes at the bottom of the cups in addition to the ones that I already had.

Also my #5 plant has broken ground and has thrown it's shell. I also dumped the first #5 seed that I manually cracked open and was experimenting with. It was not working.

:bong: :cool:
Hey Woodsman,
I was just smoking some NL and reading your journal and my mind started roaming. I started thinking about your Mazar grow so went back to your old Journal and I can't find a recent update on your smoke report. How is your Mazar after curing, I think it's about 3-4 weeks now?
Congrats on the 5 NL #5 plants and wish for lots of girls, we like girls.
I have done and will probably continue to do BHO. Once you strip the oil with the butane and it flows to the pyrex container I use, I set the glass in some warm water and the butane is gone in less than 1/2 hour at most. Butane "boils" at room tempature and the dunk into the warmed water ( bottom of bowl is covered but no water gets into the bowl) is just to get the last bit of butane out of the mix. You could just let it sit overnight if you are not in a hurry to achieve the same effect. No whipping required. Personally, I use it as a dip for a joint and then smoke the loaded joint.
Hey Woodsman,
I was just smoking some NL and reading your journal and my mind started roaming. I started thinking about your Mazar grow so went back to your old Journal and I can't find a recent update on your smoke report. How is your Mazar after curing, I think it's about 3-4 weeks now?
Congrats on the 5 NL #5 plants and wish for lots of girls, we like girls.

Dreamin, nice to here from ya and thanks for reminding me! Well I'd say the 'stone' is a 8 out of 10 and that's good (not the greatest) it did get much better from the first dry to now with weeks of cure. Decent smoke, I think that I'm not getting the full potential of what it (Mazar) is supposed to be. Perhaps genetics or just my lack of wattage? The taste has gotten much better through the cure and no longer has a 'green or hay like' taste or smell. More like a light hint of hash flavor and smell (earthy) I think it has a pine smell like when you crush the needles. Wife says it has a citrus smell. I'll give it now a 7.5 for taste and smell.

I have done and will probably continue to do BHO. Once you strip the oil with the butane and it flows to the pyrex container I use, I set the glass in some warm water and the butane is gone in less than 1/2 hour at most. Butane "boils" at room tempature and the dunk into the warmed water ( bottom of bowl is covered but no water gets into the bowl) is just to get the last bit of butane out of the mix. You could just let it sit overnight if you are not in a hurry to achieve the same effect. No whipping required. Personally, I use it as a dip for a joint and then smoke the loaded joint.

MC great to hear from you my man! I've had hash oil before, about 30 yrs ago and what I do remember is it was some very potent stuff. The process sounds bad to me but then again, I don't understand the science of it! It sure sounds like you got it down though
Photo Update. It's a little over a week for some some of these girls. In order #1 thru #5. Also a close up of #4 the 'odd ball' the one that had only one embryonic leaf out of the seed casing and a close up of the new addition #5. #5 has been up just a couple of days, this being the first day it has opened it's wings.










I think it's like showing off your baby pics to other folk. They're telling you 'oh what a nice looking baby', but they're thinking 'boring looks just like any baby'. If it wasn't for some of you urging me to start this journal at the beginning , (you know who y'all are) I'd have started the journal after they had reached at least puberty! LOL, glad that I started when I did.. It's a lot of fun! Thanks guys!
I think it's like showing off your baby pics to other folk. They're telling you 'oh what a nice looking baby', but they're thinking 'boring looks just like any baby'. If it wasn't for some of you urging me to start this journal at the beginning , (you know who y'all are) I'd have started the journal after they had reached at least puberty! LOL, glad that I started when I did.. It's a lot of fun! Thanks guys!

LOL I've got a Seinfeld rerun goin' thru my head while I read this. "Ya gotta see the baby!" And in the episode the baby is butt ugly. That's where things stop reminding me of the episode. Your babies are gorgeous. And you do know that we all love pictures at any stage of development (of our plants not kids lol).

Keep up the good work buddy.
Your babies are gorgeous. And you do know that we all love pictures at any stage of development (of our plants not kids lol).

Keep up the good work buddy.

i cant agree more, this is the time when their growth is the most exciting to us because its on a smaller scale and we can appreciate each new set of leaves.
your little ones look great.
LOL I've got a Seinfeld rerun goin' thru my head while I read this. "Ya gotta see the baby!" And in the episode the baby is butt ugly. That's where things stop reminding me of the episode. Your babies are gorgeous. And you do know that we all love pictures at any stage of development (of our plants not kids lol).

Keep up the good work buddy.

Thanks for the good word SkooterClowns. I don't have kids of my own so I'm usually the one that is the recipient of the pics. I always say "what a beautiful baby" even if it's like you said, 'butt ugly'.LOL
Ya I have no kids either so we're at the same level of lying to people about their kids. Naturally not all of them are f-ugly (CYA in case friends with kids actually read this).

BTW - Reading about BHO in your thread here reminds me of Slappy's escapade into attempting to make BHO. He had read a bunch of stuff about how to do it on the inter-web (not here somewhere else) and decided to try to make it. He got all the materials together and went to work.

Well things went horribly wrong. Pressurized Butane is dangerous (I know it's obvious but some things need to be said LOL). I laugh every time I think about this (I wasn't there) but it exploded as he was hunched over the whole set up. He was using the base of a pretty heavy Princess House, 2 piece glass candle do-hickey and KABLAM!

The ensuing explosion sent a very large and heavy piece of glass rocketing an inch from his head on the way up from his desk to his ceiling! LOL I think I pee'd a little just now picturing him sitting there, not moving with a "wha happened?" look on his face. It's funny cuz he didn't get hurt. Couple of minor scratches on his hands I think and maybe a cut on his arm. Nothing too serious. Now his wife won't let him attempt any potentially explosive projects without anyone home to dial 911.

When I saw this on "My Name is Earl" I couldn't wait to find a reason to tell this story and post this picture. It reminds me of Slappy's BHO adventure and I laugh out loud when I see it.


This was the result of waaaay too much hairspray and the lighting of a morning cigarette! LOL kills me every time!
Beautiful update Woodsman. They are looking very healthy. Keep it up. You do some amazing things with your set up.

BHO is some very DANGEROUS stuff. Outside is your best bet, it can and WILL still catch fire. I had a buddy that had a 4"x5' sch40 PVC tube that had threaded caps. Packed full of schwag, He let loose with 16 cans of Butane in his little one bedroom apartment. It is a damn good thing that he had all the windows open. This prevented the apartment from being turned into toothpicks. He on the other hand was not so lucky. Had to have PVC surgically removed from his stomach, legs, and face. Still has no eyebrows till this day. Moral of the story is BE CAREFUL!!!!

On a lighter note, keep it up Woodsman. Whom ever lit a fire under you to get this thing going did us all a favor. Now your skill with CFL's can be around for all the world to see.:popcorn:
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