Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

High Woodsman!

That is weird but not unknown for some of the greatest plants to be a little "off" at the beginning.

Most of my best friends have been a little "off". lol

It looks to me that you have a nice mix of good soil and light and with a smattering of patience you'll end up with a great grow.

Every grow I've done in the last . . . Forever! has been a low budget grow. Hell, my home is decorated in early garage sale! :rofl:

I'm in for the duration so KISS and rock on! :popcorn: +Rep to get you going.


PS: That little oyster in the last pic looks like compost to me but ya never know!
are you feeding nutes yet, if not, ur looking at a supersaturated plant right there... droopy tits...similar thing happened when i checked on my plants last night(3week), over feed to fast and 2 got burned... but flushed them and by 3 hrs they were back to vigor... good luck and keep them happy...+reps:grinjoint:

Thanks for coming by Little Weaver. I don't use nutes until I re-pot them at about two weeks or so. Just watered them yesterday. Thought the cup felt 'light', but maybe it wasn't as dry as I thought. It was fine until the watering. The #3 plant also was drooping a little. Should perk up soon if it was a little over watered.
are you feeding nutes yet, if not, ur looking at a supersaturated plant right there... droopy tits...similar thing happened when i checked on my plants last night(3week), over feed to fast and 2 got burned... but flushed them and by 3 hrs they were back to vigor... good luck and keep them happy...+reps:grinjoint:

Thanks for the + Reps my friend. Experimental grow? Sounds interesting, I'll have to check it out!
High Woodsman!

That is weird but not unknown for some of the greatest plants to be a little "off" at the beginning.

Most of my best friends have been a little "off". lol

It looks to me that you have a nice mix of good soil and light and with a smattering of patience you'll end up with a great grow.

Every grow I've done in the last . . . Forever! has been a low budget grow. Hell, my home is decorated in early garage sale! :rofl:

I'm in for the duration so KISS and rock on! :popcorn: +Rep to get you going.


PS: That little oyster in the last pic looks like compost to me but ya never know!

'Early Garage Sale' LOL that's precious!

Thanks for the encouragement, it looks like underneath the 'ugly duckling front', there's good hidden reefer to be smoked !

50/50 FFOF and Happy Frog in those cups. I probably won't have enough to accommodate all the larger pots so I'll have to mix in some peat and vermiculite. Thats all I got unless I want to temp the Mrs. and buy some more Happy Frog (that's all they had left at the store). I'd be tempting fate if I were to spend more cash right now. Things have quieted down here about the grow lately. My wife is not saying anything nasty concerning my little hobby and that makes things much more tolerable around here. Oh ya, she did ask me about a certain purchase I made from Amazon. That would be the pH and soil testing thing I just ordered ( and received). I smoothed it over (I had about a week to think it over first) by telling her that it will be handy in the garden come spring (like we've gotten along fine without one all these yrs). So maybe a little peat here and a little peat there won't hurt!

LabRat thanks for stopping by and thanks for the Reps!

I have a seat pulled up! Let the good times roll!

Old friend, welcome to the grow, get your stuff out and fire it up!
Below is a comparison of plant #1 that was showing signs of over-watering from two days ago: First photo from yesterday where the leaves are drooping and the next two are from today showing improvement as plant recovers. Even someone like me that knows better than to over-water a young plant can still do it! I had checked before watering and decided that the cups felt light enough to water, while also looking dry. Apparently there was enough water sitting in the bottom of the cup that was still saturated. I will poke some additional holes in all the cups (with a pen) next time I'm in the tent.

I raised my fan off the floor today so the plants are getting a slight breeze blowing through for stem strengthening (just enough to slightly move the leaves). This should also lower my temps at leaf top level (getting up to mid 80's when the tent is closed up. I'll check later to see what kind of temperature drop I get.

Here are the three pics: first is yesterdays and the next two are from today. They look much better. Also just a mention, I don't fertilize till I transplant in about a week and a half or so. Then a light dose of Fish Emulsion (it works and it's all I got - low budget right).



I was going to post comparison pics of the little one (yesterday / today), to show the growth in just one day, but I won't bore you with that one ( we're talking millimeters). I'll wait a few more days and show the growth then.

As far as a grow plan, whether to do LST, crop, or just let it go, I really won't know definitively until I see how many females I'll have. Remember I still didn't get #5 to emerge yet. I peeked today and she has a tap root heading downward. Should be a matter of a day or two before she breaks ground.

I'll most likely have five plants vegging so that's not the issue. Flowering in my 3.5' x 1.5' x no more than 4 vertical feet of grow height and then your in the lights could be an issue, again depending on how many plants. In the remote possibility of having 4 or 5 females, I will have to ditch one of the plants and maybe two. There will be a problem of enough air for that small space and realistically no way I can spend the cash for a better ventilation system. With even four females I would have little or no floor space for the fan, so it would have to be hung from above. That will not be good as the fresh air comes in through an opening in the bottom right of the tent and I really need the fan just above that. It's passive so it needs to be pulled in by the fan. Exhaust is also passive as heated air vents out of hooded opening on the top right. I have another opening on top left that I use only when the lights are on otherwise it is shut for ''blackout'. I guess I could make a duct leading from the intake hole and fasten it to the back of the fan. Unfortunately that will take away some of the limited space needed for lights plants etc. I am weary of restricting airflow through the plants. I don't want it cramped in there (Bugs, mold - NL gets heavy thick buds).

Pretty much leads me to wish for three healthy females. Probably with a 'sea of green' look, with some pruning down below to allow good airflow. I'd have one set of my CFL's on the far left of the tent, with it's twin to the right and the HPS above the Center plant. The fan will eventually need to run in the high position just under the canopy from the right side blowing fresh air across the under-canopy. So either one cropping in another week on the babies or an LST. I'm more experienced with cropping. This will give me a bowl effect like I had with my Mazar grow. Only difference will be that I will prune the undergrowth out.The Mazar had 6 fairly even size colas all at the same height. I get more than twenty colas on one plant with some of my outdoor grows.

Below is a drawing of what I would do with three plants. It could be adjusted to less plants but not really any more.

nice good luck heres my northern lights @ 5 weeks veg 3 days into flower

Thanks for steppin over here Jbleez my friend! Welcome to the 420 mag! That NL is a beauty and I hope mine will look that good later on. I doubt mine will be that large when they go flower (not enough space).

You should make a link to your different grows/photos etc (those are the links below members posts). I used this one to learn how: How to Add Links to Signatures - 420 Magazine It is very easy to follow the instructions. Just go to your 'User CP' (upper left of any page) go to edit signature and Then follow the instructions in that tutorial. Very easy and in less than a minute you will be up and running. If you get confused (I'm an expert at that) just ask me for help right here. You definitely got to do a journal and your photos that I saw on your other thread are beautiful and need to be shared with the rest of us!
I was going to post comparison pics of the little one (yesterday / today), to show the growth in just one day, but I won't bore you with that one ( we're talking millimeters). I'll wait a few more days and show the growth then.

As far as a grow plan, whether to do LST, crop, or just let it go, I really won't know definitively until I see how many females I'll have. Remember I still didn't get #5 to emerge yet. I peeked today and she has a tap root heading downward. Should be a matter of a day or two before she breaks ground.

I'll most likely have five plants vegging so that's not the issue. Flowering in my 3.5' x 1.5' x no more than 4 vertical feet of grow height and then your in the lights could be an issue, again depending on how many plants. In the remote possibility of having 4 or 5 females, I will have to ditch one of the plants and maybe two. There will be a problem of enough air for that small space and realistically no way I can spend the cash for a better ventilation system. With even four females I would have little or no floor space for the fan, so it would have to be hung from above. That will not be good as the fresh air comes in through an opening in the bottom right of the tent and I really need the fan just above that. It's passive so it needs to be pulled in by the fan. Exhaust is also passive as heated air vents out of hooded opening on the top right. I have another opening on top left that I use only when the lights are on otherwise it is shut for ''blackout'. I guess I could make a duct leading from the intake hole and fasten it to the back of the fan. Unfortunately that will take away some of the limited space needed for lights plants etc. I am weary of restricting airflow through the plants. I don't want it cramped in there (Bugs, mold - NL gets heavy thick buds).

Pretty much leads me to wish for three healthy females. Probably with a 'sea of green' look, with some pruning down below to allow good airflow. I'd have one set of my CFL's on the far left of the tent, with it's twin to the right and the HPS above the Center plant. The fan will eventually need to run in the high position just under the canopy from the right side blowing fresh air across the under-canopy. So either one cropping in another week on the babies or an LST. I'm more experienced with cropping. This will give me a bowl effect like I had with my Mazar grow. Only difference will be that I will prune the undergrowth out.The Mazar had 6 fairly even size colas all at the same height. I get more than twenty colas on one plant with some of my outdoor grows.

Below is a drawing of what I would do with three plants. It could be adjusted to less plants but not really any more.


That's a nice little set-up and you should be fine for 4-6 plants. The fan is no use for ventilation as the way you're set up the hot air will leave through the roof and fresh air will be drawn in through the floor vent. The fan is of use to circulate the air in the grow space. I use a 12" oscillating fan set on it's lowest speed. It waves back and forth and mixes up the air just fine. It's aimed for the middle of the plants. You could hang the fan upside-down to save floor space or get a couple of smaller oscillating fans from the dollar store. For seedlings or clones a fan can be harsh so to toughen up the little ones just smack 'em around every time you see them. That's right, give them girls some hurtin'! Just don't beat them to the ground unless supper is already on the table. lol The sister-hood is gonna kick my ass for that one and rightly so. :rofl:

I mean that you should just knock them around. The slight damage that occurs is quickly repaired and like building muscle makes them stronger. If you're dealing with scrawny little sprouts, you just flick them gently to and fro. The bigger they are the bigger the smack down. Young seedlings should look beat up when you're done but not knocked over on their heads. Clones or established plants can take a real beating and will love you for it. You get stronger stalks and reduced vertical growth with tighter inter-nodes. It just dawned on me that this is the first time I've mentioned this in a post but I guess it's one of those things that you assume everyone knows. You may already know this but plenty of folks might not.

This is my DIY exhaust fan ripped out of a microwave oven before it went to the dump. Total cost about $3.99 for the 5"-4" reducer. I already had the corner brackets and other hardware so it was cheap like borscht. It's plugged into a heat/humidity controller and barely adequate with the 4" pipes.



I have plans for a bigger one but haven't found the DIY solution yet.

TIP: If you have over-watered, fold up a square of paper towel and set the pot on that. If you put that on a stack of newspapers you could suck that puppy dry!

For pots like yours I put a half inch or so of perlite in the bottom and lay a sheet of toilet paper on that, then fill with dirt. The roots will go through the TP just fine and the perlite won't be all plugged up with dirt. Holes in the bottom of the pot of course. You can even put a sheet of TP in the bottom of the pot so the perlite doesn't fall out the holes.

Gotta get this posted before I lose my dial-up again.

Terrific ideas LR. So your saying that what I'm lacking is a 'forced air evac'? The wind blowing on the little ones is very slight just enough that if you squint real hard, you can see the leaves move. Great Idea about the paper towels or tp underneath or inside. I couldn't find perlite this time around (other than what's in the FFOF and the H Frog). In the larger pots I always use rocks inside on the bottom. That's what the Glaciers were for when they came through here. They dropped all kinds of rocks in our yard!
Forced air won't likely be a concern until the plants are really rockin'. In a small space like that fresh air is needed to replenish the CO2 that larger plant will quickly use up. As you add more lights the warm air may cause enough of a draft to take care of things itself. Light a joint and hold it near the intake inside and outside and see what happens to the air flow with all the lights on and the cab warmed up. Radio Sahck sells all sorts of those brushless computer fans that run off 120V. A little 3 or 4" one could work if your not getting too warm in there.

I knew those glaciers were good for something. Rocks work fine.

Forced air won't likely be a concern until the plants are really rockin'. In a small space like that fresh air is needed to replenish the CO2 that larger plant will quickly use up. As you add more lights the warm air may cause enough of a draft to take care of things itself. Light a joint and hold it near the intake inside and outside and see what happens to the air flow with all the lights on and the cab warmed up. Radio Sahck sells all sorts of those brushless computer fans that run off 120V. A little 3 or 4" one could work if your not getting too warm in there.

I knew those glaciers were good for something. Rocks work fine.


Very interesting LR and I'll look into the Radio Shack fans. Hope they're not too expensive. I really appreciate your advise and knowledge.
Woodsman I love your set up. Slappy and I will be building 2 tents when we get going in a new location in April. AND you are growing one of my "go to" strains that I absolutely love. Great high and excellent yield. Keep up the good work. You have another subscriber!

Woodsman I love your set up. Slappy and I will be building 2 tents when we get going in a new location in April. AND you are growing one of my "go to" strains that I absolutely love. Great high and excellent yield. Keep up the good work. You have another subscriber!


Why thank you SkooterClowns glad to have ya. You mean your leaving that nice corner closet that you two worked on so hard in the, where was it, the garage? You'll have to document the new set up like the other one!
Just rigged the fan up so it is hanging from the top. Getting much better circulation. Very gentle breeze on the little ones. You can see the air intake opening just to the left of the FF bottle. Not sure if it's a good idea to have the nute bottle in the lights though? I'm using it to move back the sidewall farther away from the back of the fan.


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