Woodsman's Northern Light #5 Grow

nicely done. the breeze will encourage them to grow thicker stems.

Thanks bud. I was planning to hang them later on when I would have some space issues, but LabRat420 just mentioned it earlier so there you go, had to do it anyway. Its seems much better where it is now. I tested the air intake by taking my lighter and holding it down by the intake (from the outside) and the flame got sucked right into the tent. Perfect. I'll look into a tiny and light weight fan that I can attach up above for the exhaust.
Why thank you SkooterClowns glad to have ya. You mean your leaving that nice corner closet that you two worked on so hard in the, where was it, the garage? You'll have to document the new set up like the other one!

You can count on the fact that we will be documenting the new set up in our long winded style...for sure. But like they say "the devil is in the details".

Hey Woodsman,
I'm here for your grow and I've got a bowl loaded to the hilt with NL and will be smoking, reading and enjoying the progression of your grow. I'm already looking forward to your smoke report, you will love your NL.
When I started growing my NL#5 I did a search for NL here and it did not really bring up anything and it's really exciting to see all the people here growing it and loving it.
Thanx for sharing your grow with us.
:goodjob: I'm strapped aboard

Welcome aboard Mate. Glad to have ya here!

Great start woodsman. Would love to see some shots of the home made grow tent. Inside and out if you got em... +reps

Sungod Welcome to the grow and thanks to you, I get to fool around in my 'Paint' program , which I enjoy using at any chance. So I just made this simple blue print up. For photos you can look back into this grow or my other Mazar thread (or just visit my Photo Gallery link below where I've got some photos that may help. I don't have a good daylight photo of the tent though. It is located in a dark corner of our bedroom and is kind of 'in between' stuff. Hard to get to and not easy to move. In fact it would be quite impossible as it 'stands' right now.


You can count on the fact that we will be documenting the new set up in our long winded style...for sure. But like they say "the devil is in the details".


Long winded! Have you read my stuff! That's long winded. Your 'style' is excellent and very informative!

Hey Woodsman,
I'm here for your grow and I've got a bowl loaded to the hilt with NL and will be smoking, reading and enjoying the progression of your grow. I'm already looking forward to your smoke report, you will love your NL.
When I started growing my NL#5 I did a search for NL here and it did not really bring up anything and it's really exciting to see all the people here growing it and loving it.
Thanx for sharing your grow with us.

Kind words are always excepted, thanks my friend. Just pass that bowl over while your talkin! Ya, seems to be some good grows with NL going on. I'm keeping an eye on them.
Why don't you just use PVC corner elbow's and T's instead of tying it together? :smokin:

:peace: bro

Several years ago I used to use the PVC in my work. I had some tubing laying around still and had a lot of elbows and straps, but no 'T's. Just worked with what I had. But ya I guess it would be much easier to use the 'right stuff'. LOL Actually, I did buy a roll of thick plastic sheeting (from Lowes MJ Supply) but originally used lawn bags. Ended up changing it out when it looked kind of awful. I am smoking too much, I'm loosing my memory!
Welcome aboard Mate. Glad to have ya here!

Sungod Welcome to the grow and thanks to you, I get to fool around in my 'Paint' program , which I enjoy using at any chance. So I just made this simple blue print up.

You should check out google sketchup. It is free.
LOL I am an Architecture student.

Small world! What school are you attending? Dad and my oldest bro graduated from U of Ill. in Champagne and My other bro went to Pitt and Columbia. Times are rough right now for the Building Industry, but will get better. A very honorable profession.
I'm went in a different direction! Bartender/Bouncer, trucking, Construction, service industry, fishing guide, security..on and on ....and now unemployed!
I currently go to a community college in California. I am in a good position as many of my family members and family friends are architects and engineers meaning that they will toss me work when I get my license. I started my post high school career as an automotive technician but after being hurt on the job I realized I needed to go back to school and do things right.

As far as projects go I have been thinking about attempting a Cannabis/hops hybrid so as to be able to grow cannabis vines. I am not sure if it will work but I can try, I may have to go about grafting the cannabis to the hops but I have it on good authority that the two are quite similar genetically. If I get it to work I will be making a trellis/tensile structure to hang the vines from. I have danced around the subject of cannabis with many of my instructors but all of them have been squeamish about the it. That is except for my graphic design instructors who have urged me to light up in the quad as I have my medical card and the schools OFFICIAL policy is pro medicinal cannabis.
I started designing a grow room for a friend of mine a few months ago but then his landlord got all crazy paranoid and put the kibosh on the whole thing. It was going to be in the back of a garage which has 16 foot ceilings. The veg/mother/clone area was going to be at the bottom and there was going to be stairs to a hatch leading to the upstairs flower area. All accessed by a door in an inconspicuous closet inside the house. Super stealth, but paranoia is to powerful for some people.
I currently go to a community college in California. I am in a good position as many of my family members and family friends are architects and engineers meaning that they will toss me work when I get my license. I started my post high school career as an automotive technician but after being hurt on the job I realized I needed to go back to school and do things right.

As far as projects go I have been thinking about attempting a Cannabis/hops hybrid so as to be able to grow cannabis vines. I am not sure if it will work but I can try, I may have to go about grafting the cannabis to the hops but I have it on good authority that the two are quite similar genetically. If I get it to work I will be making a trellis/tensile structure to hang the vines from. I have danced around the subject of cannabis with many of my instructors but all of them have been squeamish about the it. That is except for my graphic design instructors who have urged me to light up in the quad as I have my medical card and the schools OFFICIAL policy is pro medicinal cannabis.

Good for you for deciding to go back to school. I wish you all the best in your endeavor! My life could have been much easier had I followed that path. It was the 'normal' way in my family to grow up and go to college, but when it came near my time, some very drastic events in my family occurred and that step from HS to college never happened. I had chances to better myself later as a young man, but I didn't have the drive then to do it. Sorry ever since. HTL, finish school and don't let anything stop you. There will be more opportunities for you then and though life is not easy for anyone, it could be 'easier'.

Go ahead and pursue that crossing of Cannabis/hops and who knows. But don't loose track of your main goal to finish school.

Enough lecturing! I gotta light one up now!
I started designing a grow room for a friend of mine a few months ago but then his landlord got all crazy paranoid and put the kibosh on the whole thing. It was going to be in the back of a garage which has 16 foot ceilings. The veg/mother/clone area was going to be at the bottom and there was going to be stairs to a hatch leading to the upstairs flower area. All accessed by a door in an inconspicuous closet inside the house. Super stealth, but paranoia is to powerful for some people.

It's tough to do that kind of thing in a place that you don't own. Sounded good though!
thanks for the lecture but I learned my lesson after I got hurt. You have to go to college so if something happens in your profession you can adapt easier.

I am going to go burn one too. I think I will throw some full melt bubble hash on top for good measure too. I guess I should take some pics the next time I make bubble and post them up in here.
thanks for the lecture but I learned my lesson after I got hurt. You have to go to college so if something happens in your profession you can adapt easier.

I am going to go burn one too. I think I will throw some full melt bubble hash on top for good measure too. I guess I should take some pics the next time I make bubble and post them up in here.

Do you have the kit with the different size mesh screens? Or do you make it another way.
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