With a $12000+p/a Script - I Need To Grow a Little

Hey it's looking lush in there buddy!! It'll be interesting to watch them grow up!! Happy Tuesday!! 😎✌️
Yeah they seem quite healthy, just very short and bushy which I don’t mind at all but just needed some thinning👍
Hopefully they enjoy the room and light 👌
Oh my babies look so much happier with a bit of room, more light and more air flow after last night’s trimming.


Yeah they seem quite healthy, just very short and bushy which I don’t mind at all but just needed some thinning👍
Hopefully they enjoy the room and light 👌
I grow under a veg light and then a flower light, both LED's. One of the advantages of using a veg light is that it grows short, bushy plants with strong branches and limited internodal space. I've found that plants with those characteristics are really easy to work with.

Bugbee talks up "short and bushy" but I haven't heard him go into detail as to why. I've seen the advantages, esp. the fact that short plants are a lot easy to maintain than tall plants, but this article brought up some good points, especially the issue of homogeneity.

With tall plants, there's a significant variation in potency between the buds in the lower parts of the plant and those in the canopy and it's an issue I have seen it addressed in papers on tall (6') plants.

The two plants below were topped and LST'd. The auto grew out of control and was a PITA to deal with. The photo was great - 30" across, 24" front to back, and 24" tall.


I grow under a veg light and then a flower light, both LED's. One of the advantages of using a veg light is that it grows short, bushy plants with strong branches and limited internodal space. I've found that plants with those characteristics are really easy to work with.

Bugbee talks up "short and bushy" but I haven't heard him go into detail as to why. I've seen the advantages, esp. the fact that short plants are a lot easy to maintain than tall plants, but this article brought up some good points, especially the issue of homogeneity.

With tall plants, there's a significant variation in potency between the buds in the lower parts of the plant and those in the canopy and it's an issue I have seen it addressed in papers on tall (6') plants.

The two plants below were topped and LST'd. The auto grew out of control and was a PITA to deal with. The photo was great - 30" across, 24" front to back, and 24" tall.


cool I’ll have a read. Thanks mate, you always have cool interesting things to learn.

Honestly I need my plants to be short, when I was picking strains one of my requirements was short plants, my tent is only 24 x 24 x 60inch. I’ll only be doing 1at a time after this grow.

I would have to look into buying different lights,
maybe after a few grows, as I had to convince my wife to allow me to grow at all, she only agreed because my prescription weed is so expensive, It’s still illegal over here and my wife is such a straighty 180. We are an odd couple, I am off my head 24/7 and she has to be nearly dying before she’ll have paracetamol.
cool I’ll have a read. Thanks mate, you always have cool interesting things to learn.

Honestly I need my plants to be short, when I was picking strains one of my requirements was short plants, my tent is only 24 x 24 x 60inch. I’ll only be doing 1at a time after this grow.
Oh, yeh, at 60" that doesn't leave you a lot of headroom.

Another tip - plants that get a lot of light tend to be shorter than plants that get low or moderate amounts of light. Of course is just happens to fit into my soapbox of more light is better (!) but plants that aren't getting a lot of light tend to be tall and slender with lots of internodal space. They grow tall, trying to get more light and yield suffers because they can't generate a lot of glucose 'cause there's not much light.

I would have to look into buying different lights,
maybe after a few grows, as I had to convince my wife to allow me to grow at all, she only agreed because my prescription weed is so expensive, It’s still illegal over here and my wife is such a straighty 180. We are an odd couple, I am off my head 24/7 and she has to be nearly dying before she’ll have paracetamol.
In the 2' space, the Vipar XS-1500 Pro is the cat's meow. It puts out a lot of light with a very even PPFD map and it has quite a bit of blue in it which will help keep plants short. Don't know the price in Oz but it's right at $100 Stateside.


I have the XS1500 and use it for every grow. Picture of the tent which will just happen to have three Rapid Rooters in a grow dome in it in a few hours. :)

Another tip - plants that get a lot of light tend to be shorter than plants that get low or moderate amounts of light. Of course is just happens to fit into my soapbox of more light is better (!) but plants that aren't getting a lot of light tend to be tall and slender with lots of internodal space. They grow tall, trying to get more light and yield suffers because they can't generate a lot of glucose 'cause there's not much light.
That’s the reason mine have stayed so short, I think anyway. I run a 150w light which I’m running at 80% so they aren’t missing out on much light.
Another tip - plants that get a lot of light tend to be shorter than plants that get low or moderate amounts of light. Of course is just happens to fit into my soapbox of more light is better (!) but plants that aren't getting a lot of light tend to be tall and slender with lots of internodal space. They grow tall, trying to get more light and yield suffers because they can't generate a lot of glucose 'cause there's not much light.
Also I have it set at 18/6. Do you advise changing it, I read some guys with auto's do 24/0. ????
Also I have it set at 18/6. Do you advise changing it, I read some guys with auto's do 24/0. ????
I don't see a reason to run 18/6. At times, I've gone 24/0 but after a Bugbee video in which he was asked about 24/0, his words were "they could use a little rest".

I've had good experience with 24/0 but one of the things about a comment like that from Bugbee is that he has such an intimate understanding of how plants, in general, and cannabis, specifically, function that I give his comments a lot of weight. With that in mind, 21/3 or 20/4 is good.

The biggest issue, hands down, is feeding them well by which I mean get them as much light as they can handle as early as they can handle it. I have hit my plants with too much light from time to time. One grow had a plant named Wilma, after the incredible US Olympian Wilma Rudolph. She was sickly when she germinated and I ended up putting too much light on her when she was in early veg. I just backed the light down (probably raised one side of the light) and everything returned to normal. Too much light just isn't a big deal as long as your attentive to your plants you can…"nip it in the bud" before it gets out of hand.

I can't remember which grows exactly, but I know that I've had my autos at 80 DLI and they just loved it.
I know my system is tiny but it seems to be quite efficient on the nutrients.
I love having a journal, I just went back through to see when I did the last water change and nutrients, 22 August it was. I fill my tank to 25lt mark and today it was down to about 8lt, not bad for 3 weeks I think.
With today’s water change I bumped up the dose 4ml per litre. What I did notice going back through my journal is that I haven’t been jogging my light increases. It’s because I usually just tweak it while I’m sitting admiring their growth 😂😂 Oh well light is at 80% now and will be staying there until they start to bloom, maybe 🤷🏻‍♂️🤪
I don't see a reason to run 18/6. At times, I've gone 24/0 but after a Bugbee video in which he was asked about 24/0, his words were "they could use a little rest".

I've had good experience with 24/0 but one of the things about a comment like that from Bugbee is that he has such an intimate understanding of how plants, in general, and cannabis, specifically, function that I give his comments a lot of weight. With that in mind, 21/3 or 20/4 is good.

The biggest issue, hands down, is feeding them well by which I mean get them as much light as they can handle as early as they can handle it. I have hit my plants with too much light from time to time. One grow had a plant named Wilma, after the incredible US Olympian Wilma Rudolph. She was sickly when she germinated and I ended up putting too much light on her when she was in early veg. I just backed the light down (probably raised one side of the light) and everything returned to normal. Too much light just isn't a big deal as long as your attentive to your plants you can…"nip it in the bud" before it gets out of hand.

I can't remember which grows exactly, but I know that I've had my autos at 80 DLI and they just loved it.
Mate, you are so helpful, thanks for noticing my journal and jumping in 🙏
I might change my light timer to 20/4 and I keep a regular check on them 😂 my grow tent is in my bong room and I have a few pipes every hour or 2😂 and I can’t help myself and I always open the zipper a few inches to have a look 👀 😂.
I've had good experience with 24/0 but one of the things about a comment like that from Bugbee is that he has such an intimate understanding of how plants, in general, and cannabis, specifically, function that I give his comments a lot of weight. With that in mind, 21/3 or 20/4 is good.
Sorry to pester you mate
At the moment I have my light on 80%
Would you take it to 100% and keep an eye on it or wait till it starts to bud?
It has taken me this long for me to realise a dilemma I may have ahead of myself 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Growing 2 different strains in a hydro setup. So if one starts to bloom before the other I can force the other by adding the bloom nutrients, I think 🧐. But the dilemma is if one finishes before the other, how do I flush the finished one???
I’m sure one of you experienced guys have either done or know of someone who has done something similar.
Where would I be without this website 😂
In the 2' space, the Vipar XS-1500 Pro is the cat's meow. It puts out a lot of light with a very even PPFD map and it has quite a bit of blue in it which will help keep plants short. Don't know the price in Oz but it's right at $100 Stateside.
I just looked up this light, bloody hell that is a great looking light. I wish I had of seen that before I bought mine, it’s $200 over here, there were some on eBay about $25 cheaper but you run the risk of fakes.
I think I will get one for my next grow though, when I compare the specs to mine, the coverage on the Vipar shits all over mine.

Thanks again for all your help mate. Too bad we aren’t neighbours, I can’t even give you a few buds in appreciation.
Thanks mate
I better look further into that, I wasn’t really sure anyway.
Yeah it’s probably not that straight forward.
Autos flip when they want, no matter what we do. It’s genetic, not at all due to outside forces.
I continue to feed mine veg nutes well into the start of flower, otherwise you may not get all the stretch you desire.
I top the plant at the first sign of pistils. It will keep growing and stretching for a while before it’s fully into bloom.
Autos flip when they want, no matter what we do. It’s genetic, not at all due to outside forces.
I continue to feed mine veg nutes well into the start of flower, otherwise you may not get all the stretch you desire.
I top the plant at the first sign of pistils. It will keep growing and stretching for a while before it’s fully into bloom.
Thanks so much again
I’m glad I found this site at the same time I started growing.
Thanks so much again
I’m glad I found this site at the same time I started growing.
I found this site I guess about a year ago when I first got back into growing and man what an amazing place it is! Full of outstanding growers of all types that are more that willing to help each other out.

I’m jumping on the 20/4 train for my next grow as well.

Also my tallest colas are at 67 DLI I think it is, or 63 I can’t remember….

Either way according to the charts they should be at 40 DLI, which a majority of the canopy is , as @Delps8 mentioned they can handle a lot so long as everything else is in line.
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