With a $12000+p/a Script - I Need To Grow a Little

I found this site I guess about a year ago when I first got back into growing and man what an amazing place it is! Full of outstanding growers of all types that are more that willing to help each other out.

I’m jumping on the 20/4 train for my next grow as well.

Also my tallest colas are at 67 DLI I think it is, or 63 I can’t remember….

Either way according to the charts they should be at 40 DLI, which a majority of the canopy is , as @Delps8 mentioned they can handle a lot so long as everything else is in line.
Yeah it’s a very comfortable place to gather information, and with out it a lot of us would be growing some very sad plants, me for one ☝️

A lot of it goes over my head, I’m a simple man and I really have to put my mind to it to try to learn something’s 🤦‍♂️

I actually switched mine to 21/3 last night 👀
So the more I learn the more I’m finding is these girls like to party, well in my language😂
So I’ve learnt my light at 100% on a 21/3 should be fine with auto’s, and I just need to adjust their substance, I mean nutrients to suit.
It’s finding the balance is my goal now, as of last night I’ve changed light schedule 21/3 and just now I decided to go 100%.
C’mon Girls 🤞
Day 35

They're looking great metal!
Awesome job :woohoo:
Thanks mate
They are so different from each other, the GG I think would like to take over the tent if I let it with its massive leaves it has and so many, after this grow I’ll just do one at a time and I’ll be able to let it go a bit more. The GMK on the other hand is short, small thick leaves and has so many more limbs. I reckon I could do 2 of them easy.
Well who knows really, not me 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
Thanks mate
They are so different from each other, the GG I think would like to take over the tent if I let it with its massive leaves it has and so many, after this grow I’ll just do one at a time and I’ll be able to let it go a bit more. The GMK on the other hand is short, small thick leaves and has so many more limbs. I reckon I could do 2 of them easy.
Well who knows really, not me 🤦‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️
You're welcome brother!
Yeah I'd expect that from the GGs, they're known to be monsters haha! I can't wait to grow mine!
I'm not sure what you mean when you say do one and let it go more?
Autos are on a set time schedule, so we can't really do much to alter that.
I can't wait to see your harvest!
I'm not sure what you mean when you say do one and let it go more?
Well at the moment because I’m limited on space as the GG grows and puts out more leaves, for the last week nearly every day I have to trim the older larger ones or my other plant would get buried.
So if I grow one plant at a time I could let the GG do it’s own thing instead of thinning it out every day.
Well at the moment because I’m limited on space as the GG grows and puts out more leaves, for the last week nearly every day I have to trim the older larger ones or my other plant would get buried.
So if I grow one plant at a time I could let the GG do it’s own thing instead of thinning it out every day.
Ahh okay, now I'm with ya! Could always consider an outdoor grow, our season is just about here. Or is that simply not an option for you?
Ahh okay, now I'm with ya! Could always consider an outdoor grow, our season is just about here. Or is that simply not an option for you?
I have multiple reasons for not growing out doors but the main reason is my daughter. My son is almost 21 and I don’t keep any secrets from him but my daughter is only 16 and while she knows I smoke weed in the unused outdoor toilet that she has never been in since we moved here 3 years ago, I wouldn’t like her or her friends know I’m growing and I know my daughter would completely understand because she’s awesome but I don’t trust some of her friends.
I have multiple reasons for not growing out doors but the main reason is my daughter. My son is almost 21 and I don’t keep any secrets from him but my daughter is only 16 and while she knows I smoke weed in the unused outdoor toilet that she has never been in since we moved here 3 years ago, I wouldn’t like her or her friends know I’m growing and I know my daughter would completely understand because she’s awesome but I don’t trust some of her friends.
Yeah that's makes perfect sense, I understand completely bro!
Teenage girls love to gossip and gossip isn't good, word gets around, only takes a cop to overhear "oh such and suchs dad is growing dope now".
Maybe you could try and find a place close to you that you have no ties to, that's what I did
Yeah that's makes perfect sense, I understand completely bro!
Teenage girls love to gossip and gossip isn't good, word gets around, only takes a cop to overhear "oh such and suchs dad is growing dope now".
Maybe you could try and find a place close to you that you have no ties to, that's what I did
It’s not just that they are girls, at 16 I had been smoking weed daily for 4 years and on to heavier stuff and now it’s me being the parent I need to draw boundaries on how much I let my kids know while they are still kids. I grew up way too fast mate and I feel my kids can grow up at their own pace, but like with my son now almost 21 and we have no need for hiding things now we are both adults.
And there’s probably 1000 reasons someone else would say I’m wrong, But 🤷🏻‍♂️
Hey @TassieTurtleman this is the difference I’m finding between the two, this is today’s growth.

The GG’s new growth fighting for light among the larger leaves

This is the GMK new growth just sitting gently on top

Yeah wow mate, there really is quite a difference aye!
Question for anyone in the know
Have you guys had any experiences with the tiny dehumidifiers?
It’s getting close to bloom for my little ones and I’m constantly chasing either warmth or dryness, can’t find a balance and I don’t want humidity for this moment.
I have 2 fans and 2 windows to experiment with trying to find a balance, but it seems to be all or nothing. I can get 26c & <64%rh or 21c & >50%rh
For bloom I am aiming for 26c & >45%rh ?
Does that sound right?
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