With a $12000+p/a Script - I Need To Grow a Little


Well-Known Member
In February 2021 I injured my spine, I was prescribed all the opioids under the sun, got addicted and had an awful time trying to get off them. So after 3.5 years I am still on opioids but only a small percentage of what I use to be on, I just had my 3rd spinal surgery a week ago today and as I have been reducing my opioids I’ve been replacing it with 20-1 cannabis oil and 25% Topaz flower. My script for my cannabis products at the moment is just over $12000 per year, which is just criminal if you ask me.
So I’ve decided to start a little 2 plant hydro tent, I purchased most of the equipment and made what I could to keep the costs down. I couldn’t find any seeds through some local boys so I went online hahaha. It’s been nearly 30 years since I grew any stuff and I got a bit excited when I heard about autoflowers, thought wow this will be easy. So I bought 5 Gorilla Glue auto and 5 Grand Master Kush auto, they arrived a few days later and I placed 1 of each in their own jar of filtered water ph5.5 for 17 hours. They had both cracked, placed them in between 2 damp paper towels, 3 days till they both had a root then I transferred them to rock wool soaked in filtered water ph5.5 with a 150w LED light at 25% and 50cm/20in above. 7 days transferred to clay balls in hydro system with Bio Diesel Green Diamond .8ml part A&B per litre water ph5.5. Now on day 3 of being in the system.






Hey man!! Looks like I'm the first one here!! Happy Monday. It's nice to meet you!! Welcome to 420 Buddy!! Lots of great people here. Can't wait to see you grow your meds!! 😎✌️
For sure mate, you probably won’t learn from me. I have 0 experience with auto’s, so I’m learning as I go.
If you have any tips don’t be shy..👍
I'm actually in the same boat, used to grow photos, but now due to the situation I'm in, have to do autos. So we'll be able to bounce ideas off eachother.
Hey @Metalfish I'll be potting up some GG autos very soon myself, so it'll be good to watch how yours come along compared to mine, you'll be a few weeks ahead of me, I'll lag along and maybe we can help eachother 😊
For sure mate, you probably won’t learn from me. I have 0 experience with auto’s, so I’m learning as I go.
If you have any tips don’t be shy..👍
I'm actually in the same boat, used to grow photos, but now due to the situation I'm in, have to do autos. So we'll be able to bounce ideas off eachother.
Cool, if I had of read into it a little I wouldn’t have bought auto’s.
But here we are, let’s try to get some decent results 😂
In February 2021 I injured my spine, I was prescribed all the opioids under the sun, got addicted and had an awful time trying to get off them. So after 3.5 years I am still on opioids but only a small percentage of what I use to be on, I just had my 3rd spinal surgery a week ago today and as I have been reducing my opioids I’ve been replacing it with 20-1 cannabis oil and 25% Topaz flower. My script for my cannabis products at the moment is just over $12000 per year, which is just criminal if you ask me.
So I’ve decided to start a little 2 plant hydro tent, I purchased most of the equipment and made what I could to keep the costs down. I couldn’t find any seeds through some local boys so I went online hahaha. It’s been nearly 30 years since I grew any stuff and I got a bit excited when I heard about autoflowers, thought wow this will be easy. So I bought 5 Gorilla Glue auto and 5 Grand Master Kush auto, they arrived a few days later and I placed 1 of each in their own jar of filtered water ph5.5 for 17 hours. They had both cracked, placed them in between 2 damp paper towels, 3 days till they both had a root then I transferred them to rock wool soaked in filtered water ph5.5 with a 150w LED light at 25% and 50cm/20in above. 7 days transferred to clay balls in hydro system with Bio Diesel Green Diamond .8ml part A&B per litre water ph5.5. Now on day 3 of being in the system.






Good luck on your grow buddy :thumb:
I’ll tag along and help if I can.
Sorry about your injury.
I raced motorcycles and played hockey until I broke a vertebrae and went through hell at the hands of my doctors prescription pad.
Absolute hell.
I’m clean a few years now thanks to my wife Stacey and her getting me back on pot.
Literally saved my life.
Cannabis for the win.
Nice setup btw.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Great start! Howdy from USA Southern California 👋

I feel your pain with the back surgeries... I had major back surgery just over 30 years ago, I had a malignant spinal tumor that went mis-diagnosed for months with unbearable pain & nerve damage. The tumor was growing T-11 through L-3. I had a great surgeon, with a great outcome after a few years of healing. My wife found me in a opiate induced stupor one day, she flushed all of my pain meds and called all of my Dr's and told them to stop the opiates. So I went cold turkey from that point. I hope you have great success getting off the opiates. Thank god you have the cannabis to help.

Happy Growing!

I wouldn't knock them just yet, I've had some mates that got amazing results! Yes, let's grow some monsters 👻!!!
I’ve been away from the growing scene for so long, I didn’t even know you could get auto’s and it wasn’t till I got on this site that I read a few people saying they were hard to get good results.
But I have them now and I’m going to do my best.
Good luck on your grow buddy :thumb:
I’ll tag along and help if I can.
Sorry about your injury.
I raced motorcycles and played hockey until I broke a vertebrae and went through hell at the hands of my doctors prescription pad.
Absolute hell.
I’m clean a few years now thanks to my wife Stacey and her getting me back on pot.
Literally saved my life.
Cannabis for the win.
Nice setup btw.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
thanks mate, will appreciate any help. It really is a crazy world, I can take as many opioids as I want and my insurance company is happy to pay for it but they refuse to pay for any cannabis products unless my injury is terminal. Thanks mate
I feel your pain with the back surgeries... I had major back surgery just over 30 years ago, I had a malignant spinal tumor that went mis-diagnosed for months with unbearable pain & nerve damage. The tumor was growing T-11 through L-3. I had a great surgeon, with a great outcome after a few years of healing. My wife found me in a opiate induced stupor one day, she flushed all of my pain meds and called all of my Dr's and told them to stop the opiates. So I went cold turkey from that point. I hope you have great success getting off the opiates. Thank god you have the cannabis to help.

Happy Growing!

Thanks mate, the back is an amazing body part but when something goes wrong with it your whole life can be ruined. I’m glad you made it through.. I’ve been completely clean twice and I’m on my way again 🤞. Thank you
I’ve been away from the growing scene for so long, I didn’t even know you could get auto’s and it wasn’t till I got on this site that I read a few people saying they were hard to get good results.
But I have them now and I’m going to do my best.

thanks mate, will appreciate any help. It really is a crazy world, I can take as many opioids as I want and my insurance company is happy to pay for it but they refuse to pay for any cannabis products unless my injury is terminal. Thanks mate
I usually get 4 - 5 ounces of dry cured bud per plant from autos, I grow indoors in Organic living soil.
I’ve been away from the growing scene for so long, I didn’t even know you could get auto’s and it wasn’t till I got on this site that I read a few people saying they were hard to get good results.
But I have them now and I’m going to do my best.
You're right, autos were pretty controversial when they first became a thing and tbh they were terrible, but the strains and genetics have come a long way since then! Some autos these days even rival smaller photos! I'm sure you'll knock it out of the park man, here's to growing some giants together 👊
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